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Issue #6481 has been updated by Christopher Brooks.
<p>The MultipleTabDisplay actor is not a part of the Ptolemy core, so I don't have much to add.</p>
<p>I suggest looking at how Kepler handles running graphical actors in a non-graphical context. The way that Ptolemy would do this is that we would use a filter in ptolemy.moml.filter to remove the graphical actors. I'm not sure how Kepler does it.</p>
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<h1><a href="https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6481#change-21587">Bug #6481: strange issue with MultipleTabDisplay actor and with Display like actors in general (missing output port in non-gui mode)</a></h1>
<li>Author: Owsiak Michal</li>
<li>Status: New</li>
<li>Priority: Normal</li>
<li>Assignee: </li>
<li>Category: </li>
<li>Target version: </li>
<li>Bugzilla-Id: </li>
<p>Hi there,</p>
<p>I will paste here description that already went to Jianwu via e-mail, but I think it describes the issue in details:</p>
<p>Some time ago we have published our patches to MultipleTabDisplay actor so it is consistent with new way of redirecting output.</p>
<p>The issue here is, that we have problem with running Kepler workflows in non-gui mode.</p>
<p>The issue lays in missing "output" port inside Multiple Tab Display actor.</p>
<p>The problem is that in GUI mode, everything works just fine (see the screen shoot).</p>
<p>In non-gui mode, we are getting an exception (see the attachment - exception.txt).</p>
<p>Command line used for starting workflow is:</p>
<p>./kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache ~/Desktop/testMTD.xml</p>
<p>Problematic workflow was reduced, and now, we have smallest case that triggers exception.</p>
<p>The workflow is inside: testMTD.xml.</p>
<p>The problem occurs in case Multiple Tab Display actor is inside Composite actor. If the MTD is placed on main workflow, everything is just fine.</p>
<p>If we start testMTD workflow in GUI mode - everything is OK.<br />If we start it following way:</p>
<p>./kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache testMTD.xml</p>
<p>We are getting exception.</p>
<p>I have done some initial debugging, and it looks like issue lies in reading output port from the actor. It is not reported in the code.</p>
<p>Entity.java class has method: getPort. In this method, if I take a look at the code, I can see that variable "_portList" doesn't contain "output" port.</p>
<p>This is what I can see while running Kepler in Eclipse (non-gui mode of Kepler)</p>
<p>[<br /> ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
{.testMTD.CompositeActor.MultipleTabDisplay.input},<br /> ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort
{.testMTD.CompositeActor.MultipleTabDisplay.trigger}<br />]</p>
<p>This is the code, that should return "output" port.</p>
<pre><code>public Port getPort(String name) {<br /> try {<br /> _workspace.getReadAccess();<br /> return (Port) _portList.get(name);<br /> } finally {<br /> _workspace.doneReading();<br /> }<br /> }</code></pre>
<p>"_portList" doesn't contain output port, even though, this port is visible in GUI mode, and - in fact - works fine (take a look at screen shot).</p>
<p>The question here is. Where should we look for the bug? Do you have any suggestions?</p>
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