[kepler-dev] Kepler-dev Digest, Vol 117, Issue 3
Scott Zimmer
szimmer at optensity.com
Thu Nov 6 06:15:37 PST 2014
You can use a File Parameter and a Constant actor to accomplish your
goal. Type the name of the File Parameter in the Constant actor and
connect it to the fileToWrite port on the Text File Writer Actor. Sorry,
I can't easily create and attach and example, but detailed steps follow.
1. Drag a FileParameter onto the canvas
2. Double click on FileParameter and specify the path to the file you
want to write
3. Right click the FileParameter and select Customize Name
4. Type MyFileParamter in for the name field and click Commit
5. Drag a Constant Actor on the canvas
6. Double click the Constant actor and type MyFileParameter on the line
next to "value:"
7. Connect the Constant actor to the fileToWrite Port on the Text File
On 11/6/2014 6:53 AM, kepler-dev-request at kepler-project.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Text File Writer? (DONGHOON KIM)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 06:53:38 -0500
> From: DONGHOON KIM <dhkim717 at gmail.com>
> To: kepler-dev at kepler-project.org
> Subject: [kepler-dev] Text File Writer?
> Message-ID:
> <CAHwMc7X6oOp-VcHn=iTe0WyBo8Ob25-CUPLaFPnSxzwxT3Dd3w at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear Kepler folks!
> I am trying to use Text File Writer actor. I have a question about input in
> Tex File Writer.
> I use String Constant as an input. The other input should be "file name and
> path" as the input. I am trying to use a FileParameter actor.
> but I am not sure how to connect FileParameter with Text File Writer. (see
> the attached picture).
> Please, let me know if you know how to use Text File Writer. A simple
> example would be very helpful.
> Thank you
> -Donghoon
Scott Zimmer
szimmer at optensity.com
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