[kepler-dev] CFP - 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Warsaw, Poland, 7 - 10 September, 2014
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS)
k.wasielewska at fedcsis.org
Thu Jan 30 14:32:21 PST 2014
2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Warsaw, Poland, 7 - 10 September, 2014
(FedCSIS on www.ieee.org: http://tinyurl.com/FedCSISonIEEE)
We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to the FedCSIS 2014 - a yearly international multi-conference organized
by the Polish Information Processing Society (PTI) in technical
cooperation with the IEEE Region 8, IEEE Poland Section Computer Society
Chapter, IEEE Poland (Gdansk) Section Computer Society Chapter, ACM
Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, International Federation
for Information Processing, European Alliance for Innovation,
Informatics Europe, IEEE-CIS Poland Section Chapter, Asociación de
Técnicos de Informática, Committee of Computer Science of the Polish
Academy of Sciences, Polish Society for Business Informatics, Polish
Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Polish Chamber
of Commerce for High Technology and Eastern Cluster ICT Poland.
Please also forward the announcement to your colleagues and associates
who could be interested in it.
The FedCSIS Multiconference consists of Events (conferences, symposia,
workshops, special sessions). Each Event may run over any span of time
within the conference dates (from half-day to three days). The FedCSIS
Events provide a platform for bringing together researchers,
practitioners, and academia to present and discuss ideas, challenges and
potential solutions on established or emerging topics related to
research and practice in computer science and information systems. Since
2012, Proceedings of the FedCSIS conference are indexed in the Thomson
Reuters Web of Science.
The FedCSIS multi-conference consists of EVENTS (conferences, workshops,
consortia, tutorials, etc.), grouped into seven conference areas.
AAIA'14 - 9th International Symposium Advances in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications
---- AIMA'14 - 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Medical Applications
---- ASIR'14 - 4th International Workshop on Advances in Semantic
Information Retrieval
---- CEIM'14 - 1st Complex Events and Information Modelling
---- TAIE'14 - 1st Workshop on Trends and Applications in Intelligent
---- WCO'14 - 7th Workshop on Computational Optimization
CSS - Computer Science & Systems
---- CANA'14 - 7th Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
---- MMAP'14 - 7th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications
and Processing
---- SCoDiS-LaSCoG'14 - 3nd Workshop on Scalable Computing in
Distributed Systems and 8th Workshop on Large Scale Computations on Grids
ECRM - Education, Curricula & Research Methods
---- DS-RAIT'14 - 2nd Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in
Information Technology
---- ISEC'14 - 3rd Information Systems Education & Curricula Workshop
iNetSApp - Innovative Network Systems and Applications
---- EAIS'14 - 1st Workshop on Emerging Aspects in Information Security
---- SoFAST-WS'14 - 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Network
Applications, Network Systems and Web Services
---- SDN'14 - 1st Workshop on Software Defined Networking
---- TAMOCO'14 - 3rd Techniques and Applications for Mobile
Communications & Commerce
---- WSN'14 - 3rd International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
IT4MBS - Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
---- ABICT'14 - 5th International Workshop on Advances in Business ICT
---- AITM'14 - 12th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for
---- ISM'14 - 9th Conference on Information Systems Management
---- IT4L'14 - 3rd Workshop on Information Technologies for Logistics
---- KAM'14 - 20th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management
---- SS4SI'14 - 1st International Symposium on Service Systems for
Social Innovation
JAWS - 4th Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy
---- ABC:MI-Agent Day'14 - 10th Workshop on Agent Based Computing: from
Model to Implementation and 8th AgentDay
---- MAS&M'14 - 1st International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and
---- SEN-MAS'14 - 3rd International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks &
Multi-Agent Systems
SSD&A - Software Systems Development & Applications
---- ATSE'14 - 5th International Workshop Automating Test Case Design,
Selection and Evaluation
---- MDASD'14 - 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System
---- PBDA'14 - 2nd Workshop on Performance of Business Database Applications
---- SOAD-MT'14 - 1st International Workshop on Service-Oriented
Applications Development: Methodologies and Tools
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (to be extended)
- Marco Aiello, University of Groningen: EmPowering the Power Grid
through ICT
- Irvin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, title to be announced
- Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St Gallen, Switzerland and Kassel
University, Germany: Designing Innovative Service Systems
- Michael Luck, King's College London: Toward Electronic Order
Papers should be submitted by April 11, 2014. Preprints will be
published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS participants.
Only papers presented during the conference will be submitted to the
IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library. Furthermore,
proceedings, published in a volume with ISBN and ISSN numbers will
posted at the conference WWW site. Moreover, most Events' organizers
arrange quality journals, edited volumes, etc. and may invite selected
extended and revised papers for post-conference publications
(information can be found at the websites of individual events).
- Paper submission: April 11, 2014
- Position paper submission: May 12, 2014
- Acceptance decision: May 19, 2014
- Final version of paper submission: June 17, 2014
- Final deadline for discounted fee: July 31, 2014
- Conference dates: September 7-10, 2014
Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki
CONTACT FedCSIS AT: secretariat at fedcsis.org
FedCSIS on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/FedCSISFacebook
FedCSIS on LinkedIN: http://tinyurl.com/FedCSISLinkedIN
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