[kepler-dev] Different runModelInThread() Result Between Windows and Linux

ZhangJie zhangjiewanwansui at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 16:46:06 PST 2014

Hi All,

I use the code of org/kepler/ExecutionEngine.java to run my Xml Kepler
Workflows. I executed lots of Workflows use the function of
runModelInThread() . I can get correct result in every thread of executions
when I run on windows machine. However I only get single correct result to
do this on Linux machine. In fact it couldn't run other workflow Threads. I
add sleep() between these parallel threads, I can get all the correct
executions again! Why? How can I run lots workflows without any wait? Is
there any advise from any one. More details about the runtime codes and
result are as follows:

Any help will be grately appriciated.

with regards,

Jie Zhang


import org.kepler.ExecutionEngine;

import ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor;

import Workflow.Kepler.KeplerL2OrderWorkFlowGenerator;


public class test extends Thread {

         public String Id ;

         private ExecutionEngine engine;


         public test(String Id)  {




         public void run() {

                   // 1.Generate Moml Kepler Workflow by my class

                   KeplerL2OrderWorkFlowGenerator kL2WFG = new


                   String Moml=kL2WFG.KeplerWorkflow();


                   //2.Run Moml by Kepler ExecutionEngine

                   System.out.println("Begin to execute!")

                   engine = ExecutionEngine.getInstance();

                   try {



                   } catch (Exception e) {

                            System.out.println("Error running model or
finding output file: "

                                               + e.getMessage());




         public static void main(String[] args) {

                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                   for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

                            test tempTest=new test("WorkFlow"+i);



                            //In Linux Mmachine,I have to add sleep() 






Result in Windows

Begin to execute!

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040015KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040004KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040013KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040012KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040008KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040001KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040017KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040007KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040011KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040003KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040005KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040002KeplerWF

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040018KeplerWF

. . . . 

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040014KeplerWF

21737 ms. Memory: 418304K Free: 295512K (71%)

Execution finished successfully.

. . . . 

23436 ms. Memory: 418304K Free: 294916K (71%)

Execution finished successfully.



Result in Linux without wait, only have one result

Begin to execute!

Running model in new thread: L2CP201412040014KeplerWF

21737 ms. Memory: 418304K Free: 295512K (71%)

Execution finished successfully.


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