[kepler-dev] [support.nceas.ucsb.edu #9210] Kepler use

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Dec 18 10:24:14 PST 2013

Hi Michael --

Some main differences that I can see, albeit I am not a BPMN user so I have
limited experience with that.  I'll cc the kepler-users list to see if
there are additional thoughts.

1) Kepler is primarily focused on machine-executable workflows, with a rich
set of constructs for modeling the myriad different ways of handling task
execution for different processes.  Some execution approaches are
completely serial and are deterministic in terms of their ordering (e.g.,
see the Synchronous Data Flow model), whereas others are inherently
parallel and allow multiple threads of control to be executing at the same
time (e.g., see the Process Network model).  BPMN in contrast is more
concerned with human workflows, and has less expressivity and precision for
the execution model.

2) Kepler is a workflow creation and execution system that supports an
underlying model expression language (Modeling Markup Language), whereas
BPMN is a model expression language that requires a separate execution

3) Kepler ships with support for a large variety of executable components,
including many systems for mathematical, scientific, and engineering
processing.  For example, from within Kepler it is possible to do signal
processing, statistical analysis, couple models, execute a variety of
scripts (e.g., python, R, Matlab), etc.

I'm sure there are more differences, but that is a start.


On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 9:03 AM, mm at cosyninc.com via RT <
support at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Wed Dec 18 10:03:07 2013: Request 9210 was acted upon.
>        Queue: Collab
>      Subject: Kepler use
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: mm at cosyninc.com
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL: http://support.nceas.ucsb.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=9210>
> Transaction: Ticket created by mm at cosyninc.com
> You are receiving this mail because Michael McClellan
> mm at cosyninc.com
> is sending feedback about the site administered by you at
> https://kepler-project.org.
> The message sent was:
> I am a non IT person searching to learn the difference between Kepler
> WorkFlow and BPMN. Any input is appreciated.
> --
> Site Administrator
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