[kepler-dev] [Ptexternal-cvs] r65117 - trunk/ptolemy/moml/filter
Jianwu Wang
jianwu at sdsc.edu
Tue Nov 27 17:01:48 PST 2012
Hi Christopher,
Dan and I updated org.kepler.KeplerConfigurationApplication and
org.kepler.Kepler classes and configurations in
$Kepler/common/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/. Now Kepler display
actors info is saved in configuration xmls and does not need to be added
in ptolemy classes. I updated RemoveGraphicalClasses based on it.
Best wishes
Sincerely yours
Jianwu Wang, Ph.D.
jianwu at sdsc.edu
Assistant Project Scientist
Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
On 11/26/12 4:49 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
> Hi Jianwu,
> Good point, that configuration file setting removes those classes always.
> Perhaps at start up of the batch file you could call
> RemoveGraphicalClasses.add()?
> There is some commented out code in
> kepler/loader/src/org/kepler/KeplerConfigurationApplication.java
>> try {
>> _configuration =
>> readConfiguration(specToURL(args[0]));
>> /*
>> List momlFilters = MoMLParser.getMoMLFilters();
>> if (momlFilters != null) {
>> Iterator filters =
>> momlFilters.iterator();
>> while (filters.hasNext()) {
>> MoMLFilter filter =
>> (MoMLFilter) filters.next();
>> if (filter instanceof
>> RemoveGraphicalClasses) {
>> RemoveGraphicalClasses rgc = (RemoveGraphicalC\
>> lasses) filter;
>> //
>> rgc.put("org.geon.BrowserDisplay",
>> //
>> "ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard");
>> break;
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> */
> I think probably the right thing to do is to add a parameter to the
> batch mode configuration file (if there is one) and then modify
> ptolemy/src/ptolemy/actor/gui/Configuration.java to read that
> parameter and add elements to the classes to be removed.
> How is batch mode invoked? Is there a configuration? Is
> kepler/common/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/ConfigNoGUIWithCache.xml
> used?
> I realize this is a little complex, but it would be good not to add
> Kepler-specific code to the Ptolemy .java files and instead have the
> configuration do it.
> _Christopher
> On 11/26/12 4:25 PM, Jianwu Wang wrote:
>> Hi Christopher,
>> Thanks for your info. I didn't know we can do it via
>> configuration.xml. I'll check it.
>> A quick question, I only want the two classes to be filtered to
>> be Discard class when kepler is run in batch mode. They are still
>> useful with GUI. Does this configuration.xml support it? It looks
>> only support general filter, not Graphical Filter.
>> Best wishes
>> Sincerely yours
>> Jianwu Wang, Ph.D.
>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>> Assistant Project Scientist
>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>> San Diego Supercomputer Center
>> University of California, San Diego
>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>> On 11/26/12 4:18 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>> Hi Jianwu,
>>> Could you add these classes instead to the Kepler configuration?
>>> kepler/common/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/configuration.xml
>>>> <property name="_classesToRemove"
>>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter"
>>>> value="{"ptolemy.codegen.kernel.StaticSchedulingCodeGenerator","\
>>>> ;ptolemy.codegen.c.kernel.CCodeGenerator"}">
>>>> <doc>An array of Strings, where each element names
>>>> a class to be
>>>> removed by the MoMLFilter.</doc>
>>>> </property>
>>> If this will work, then maybe you could update
>>> RemoveGraphicalClasses and remove
>>> the kepler-specific classes and add a comment inside that method at
>>> the bottom that
>>> says to edit the above file?
>>> _Christopher
>>> On 11/26/12 4:10 PM, jianwu at eecs.berkeley.edu wrote:
>>>> Author: jianwu
>>>> Date: 2012-11-26 16:10:01 -0800 (Mon, 26 Nov 2012)
>>>> New Revision: 65117
>>>> Modified:
>>>> trunk/ptolemy/moml/filter/RemoveGraphicalClasses.java
>>>> Log:
>>>> update RemoveGraphicalClasses to add two kepler display actor classes
>>>> Modified: trunk/ptolemy/moml/filter/RemoveGraphicalClasses.java
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> --- trunk/ptolemy/moml/filter/RemoveGraphicalClasses.java
>>>> 2012-11-26 17:24:55 UTC (rev 65116)
>>>> +++ trunk/ptolemy/moml/filter/RemoveGraphicalClasses.java
>>>> 2012-11-27 00:10:01 UTC (rev 65117)
>>>> @@ -378,6 +378,12 @@
>>>> "ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard");
>>>> _graphicalClasses.put("ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.MatrixViewer",
>>>> "ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard");
>>>> +
>>>> + //add two kepler display actors
>>>> +
>>>> _graphicalClasses.put("pl.psnc.kepler.common.actor.MultipleTabDisplay",
>>>> + "ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard");
>>>> + _graphicalClasses.put("util.ImageJActor",
>>>> + "ptolemy.actor.lib.Discard");
>>>> }
>>>> /** Read in a MoML file, remove graphical classes and
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