[kepler-dev] When to disable backwards type inference
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Jul 16 10:00:02 PDT 2012
The Ptolemy II nightly build is working once again.
[All: see http://sisyphus/hudson/job/ptII/]
There are a number of test case failures that have to do with the switch
to backward type inference.
I'm cc'ing the devel mailing lists because the details about this change
will be of interest.
[All: The way we disable backward type inference is to right click on
the canvas in the top level, select Configure and then click on
I see the following categories of test case failures:
1) Failures that involve the Test actor. These failures typically have
channels with different types connected to a Test actor. If backward
type inference is enabled, then the types tend to end up as String,
which is not what we want for these tests. I'm fine with disabling
backward type inference for these test cases.
2) Code Generation tests. These tests typically want to have the most
specific type information possible. Models that use jni actors like
ptolemy/actor/lib/jni/demo/Scale/Scale.xml probably want to have
backward type inference disabled. I believe the code generator disables
backward type inference. This could result in differences between code
generation and non-code generation. Other than that, there are no
problems with these tests.
3) Miscellaneous demos and tests that have type conversion issues. See
domains/csp/demo/ResourcePool/ResourcePool.xml and other failures in the
ExportModelJUnitTest category. I'd be grateful if you could look at
each one of these and decide if it is a bug that backward type inference
fails. When I've been disabling backward type inference, I've been
trying to add an annotation to the model that says something like
"Backward type inference has been disable for this model. To enable it,
right click on the background, select configure and uncheck
4) Models that take a long time with backward type inference. For
example, ptolemy/actor/ptalon/demo/EightChannelFFT/EightChannelFFT.xml
usually takes 87ms to run. With backward type inference enabled, it
took something like 160,000 ms. I checked disableBackwardTypeInference
for this model and checked it in, but I would be grateful if you had
time to look and see what the problem is.
Thanks again for the backward type inference work, it is a real boon for
the JSON and Record work. The above issues are issues that I expect to
see when we make big changes.
Christopher Brooks, PMP University of California
CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 (Office: 545Q Cory)
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