[kepler-dev] Checkout Kepler 2.3 through a https proxy

Hogan, D. (GE Energy) D.Hogan at ge.com
Tue Feb 28 08:11:57 PST 2012

In case anyone else needs to checkout Kepler through a https proxy, here
are the steps I used for Kepler 2.3.

Note: these instructions differ from the website.  Wouldn't it be better
to edit kepler-2.3/module-info/modules.txt rather than checking out
Ptolemy manually?  It would be consistent that way.  The website
mentions checking out r62419 manually, but
ptolemy-kepler-2.3/module-info/revision.txt points to r62909.  With a
manual checkout, running 'ant update' doesn't pick up the mismatch
between the Ptolemy checkout and revision.txt.  In fact, both the manual
checkout and updated modules.txt will ignore changes to revision.txt.  I
think this is caused by the old problem where the build-area required
the directory name "ptolemy".  Wasn't that fixed in the trunk a while
back?  After I rename ptolemy-kepler-2.3 to ptolemy and update
{kepler-2.3/module-info,build-area}/modules.txt, both methods pick up
changes to revision.txt.

1) Edit your svn client settings so it uses a proxy.  This will be in
~/.subversion/servers or %APPDATA%/Subversion/servers

### svn config changes begin
kepler = code.kepler-project.org, source.eecs.berkeley.edu

# http-proxy-exceptions = ... # as needed
http-proxy-host = your-proxy-host
http-proxy-port = 80
# The next two may be optional depending on your proxy configuration.
# Some allow https traffic without authentication
http-proxy-username = foo
http-proxy-password = bar
### svn config changes end

2) Download the build area for Kepler 2.3
mkdir kepler-2.3
cd kepler-2.3
svn co
ild-area-2.3 build-area
cd build-area

3) Edit the repository location so it uses https.
Index: src/org/kepler/build/project/RepositoryLocations.java
--- src/org/kepler/build/project/RepositoryLocations.java
(revision 29462)
+++ src/org/kepler/build/project/RepositoryLocations.java	(working
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 public class RepositoryLocations
     //Repository Locations
-    public static String REPO =
+    public static String REPO =
     public static String BRANCHES = REPO +
     public static String RELEASED = REPO + "/releases/released";
     public static String TEST_RELEASES = REPO +

4) Rebuild target/kepler-tasks.jar to pick up the repository change
ant -f kepler-tasks.xml

5) Start downloading everything
ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-2.3

6) It will fail when it tries to download Ptolemy over svn://.  Edit
Index: module-info/modules.txt
--- module-info/modules.txt	(revision 29462)
+++ module-info/modules.txt	(working copy)
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@

7) You have to remove the old directory or else it will assume
everything downloaded.
rm -rf ../ptolemy-kepler-2.3

8) Restart the Ptolemy download
ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-2.3

9) Compile and run it
ant run

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