[kepler-dev] Issues in loading a new actor module

AMARNATH, Balachandar BALACHANDAR.AMARNATH at airbus.com
Thu May 13 00:39:41 PDT 2010



From: AMARNATH, Balachandar 
Sent: 13 May 2010 12:27
To: 'David Welker'
Subject: RE: Issues in loading a new actor module

Thanks for the hint david welker,
 Few points, i would like to share at this point about my work around.
First i have installed kepler 2.0 using exe installer and hence i dont
find the module 'multiple class loaders'. I could checkout from 
-loaders/ but could not compile ( i dont have build.xml in build-area
Then i tried to install kepler using  build system, 
I ran the following commands,
1. svn co
ild-area-2.0/ build-area
2. cd build-area
3. ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-2.0
At the third command, i got an error due to ptolemy and i downloaded it
separately from 
4. svn co 
>  src
5 Rerun   (3)
6 ant run
However, the 'ant run' failed due to the following error. The complete
error trace is attached in the file. 
I thought., the error was due to one of the module named
apple-extensions-2.0 and hence i replaced this modue with the one coming
with installer (.exe, that contains classes not the sources)
With this way, i could successfully run 'ant run' and see the kepler
Now, i went on to create a new module named 'FileProcess' using the
following commands
'ant make-module-suite -Dname=FileProcess'
and loaded with source code of the actor, and 
'ant change-to -Dsuite=FileProcess' followed by
'ant run'. This is failed due to the error and attached the error file
as well
Can you give me a hint on this, 
with thanks and regards


	From: David Welker [mailto:david.v.welker at gmail.com] 
	Sent: 12 May 2010 20:58
	To: AMARNATH, Balachandar
	Cc: Kepler-Dev Developers
	Subject: Re: Issues in loading a new actor module
	Hi Balachandar,

	It sounds as though you need to use a separate class loader for
your module, at least for now. If it was not so close to the time for
the release, I would look into discussing with the appropriate
maintainers of those modules the possibility of upgrading the jars to
the versions you need.

	First, lets look at what you did and understand why it didn't
work. When your module is in the HIGHER PRIORITY position (above the
other modules in modules.txt) your jars are used for EVERYTHING at run
time. If the jars are compatible, this doesn't matter. But in this case,
the jars are not compatible, and you are breaking existing
functionality. When you put your module in the LOWER PRIORITY position
(below the other modules in modules.txt), then the jars provided by the
system are used for EVERYTHING at run time. Which means you do not get
the additional functionality you expect from the new jars you have

	So, here is the solution. You need to use a separate class
loader, and explained in the build system instructions. In this email to
me, you say that you put the actor name in classloaders.txt. But you
need to put the MODULE name, not the actor name in that file. You also
have to put the module "multiple-class-loaders" in the highest priority
position in the suite you are developing. This is described in the build
system instruction here:


	So, can you try this? If it doesn't work, let me know and we
will look more deeply into this.


	On May 12, 2010, at 5:01 AM, AMARNATH, Balachandar wrote:

		Dear David Welker 

		My issue is straight forward that is it possible to have
separate set of jar files to be loaded for my module ? Can I get some
example solution ?

		I have wrote a new actor using kepler 2.0 that uses the
following jar file 'castor-1.0.jar and jsch-0.1.37.jar'. However, when i
run the actor from the workflow canvas, it is not functioning as i
exepected and i found that is due to the conflicts of similar jars
'castor-0.95.jar' and jsch-0.1.31' present in the module 'actors-2.0 and
ssh-2.0' respectively. 

		I tried to load my actor module ahead of 'actors-2.0'
and 'ssh-2.0' by editing modules.txt in build-area folder. This fixed
the issue but right clicking over the actor is not functioning ..!!!. 

		I have also tried to create a text file callled
'environment.txt' in module-info folder of my actor which i specified
the CLASSPATH and its values, didnt work 

		I also created a text filed classloaders.txt in
build-area specifying my actor name in it so that kepler understands
this actor requires a separate class loader. Didnt work. 

		Can you help me out to come of this issue, I have also
posted this to forum :) 

		with thanks and regards 

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