[kepler-dev] Fwd: MDQCS10
Ilkay Altintas
altintas at sdsc.edu
Thu Feb 11 12:33:08 PST 2010
Deputy Coordinator for Research, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
Lab Director, Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT @ SDSC)
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, MC: 0505 La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
Phone: (858) 210-5877 Fax: (858) 534-8303
Web: http://users.sdsc.edu/~altintas
Skype: ilkay.altintas
Begin forwarded message:
> From: MDQCS10 <mdqcs10 at easychair.org>
> Date: February 10, 2010 3:22:13 PM PST
> To: Ilkay Altintas <altintas at sdsc.edu>
> Subject: MDQCS10
> Dear Ilkay,
> Could you distribute MDQCS CFP to your mailing list?
> =================================================
> Call for Papers
> High Performance Distributed Computing Conference
> Managing Data Quality in Collaborative Science Workshop
> June 21st, 2010 , Chicago, Illinois, USA
> Website: http://hercules.infotech.monash.edu.au/mdqcs/Home.html
> Advances in grid computing have encouraged the proliferation of
> automated and semi-automated data driven scientific applications.
> These applications in turn result in a vast array of data products.
> These data products are often disseminated to other scientific
> projects or domains consumers who rely upon this as a vital resource
> in their experimental process. Consumers of data products often face
> difficult decision in selecting appropriate data sets for a given
> experiment that fit within the quality control measures established
> by the researcher. In many cases, there is no information
> pertaining to quality available to consumers to make the selection.
> We cordially invite authors to submit their work on data quality
> management for scientific applications. We are interested in
> creating a workshop program that covers issues of data quality for
> scientific workflow systems, curated database systems, data
> streaming systems and hybrid systems. Submission from both providers
> of grid infrastructure (computer scientists) and consumers of grid
> infrastructure (domain scientists) are encouraged. The workshop
> will provide a venue for producers and consumers to discuss
> challenges in data quality management and determine future direction
> of research in this relatively new area of grid computing.
> Topics of interest to the workshop include:
> * Use cases of data quality from different application domains
> * Data quality model for scientific application
> * Data integration and data cleansing
> * Cleansing and aggregation of streaming data
> * Tracking workflow execution state
> * Fault tolerance in scientific workflow
> * Data quality in curated database
> Please contact workshop chairs for further information on other
> possible topics of interest.
> Important Dates
> ===============
> Deadline: March 1, 2010
> Author Notification: March 30, 2010
> Final Manuscript: April 23, 2010
> Submission Guidelines
> =====================
> Submit a full paper in English. Short papers representing leading
> edge advancements in data quality will be limited to 6 pages, more
> mature applications of data quality will be limited to 12 pages.
> Paper should be prepared following the ACM publication guideline, http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates
> . All papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Submission
> of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, if the paper is
> accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the
> conference. Accepted papers will be published in an ACM publication.
> Paper submission should be done at: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mdqcs10
> Todd Halter
> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
> todd[dot]halter[at]pnl[dot]gov
> Maria Indrawan.
> Monash University, Australia
> maria[dot]indrawan[at]infotech[dot]monash[dot]edu[dot]au
> Eric Stephan
> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
> eric[dot]stephan[at]pnl[dot]gov
> The list of program committee is available on the workshop's website.
> Best regards.
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