[kepler-dev] Code Freeze Today
David Welker
david.v.welker at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 14:11:59 PST 2010
Actually, you should interpret me declining to vote because I think
developers voting on an issue that management has already decided is
illegitimate as declining to vote. So, if I say I decline to vote, I
would prefer that my vote not be added to either side of a vote that I
think is illegitimate. If management instructs us to vote on this
issue, THEN I will make my decision on that issue and vote.
As far as imports, I simply think that issue is outside of scope of
the management decisions that have already been taken on this,
therefore, I think it would be permissible to handle those.
On Feb 2, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Aaron Schultz wrote:
> Thanks David, Until we hear something from management, I'll
> interpret that as
> -- Tally --
> Reformat: 2 for, 3 against
> Imports: 4 for, 1 against
> The imports are important for dependency analysis programs such as
> STAN4J and jdepend.
> The formatting only matters for readability and general team
> solidity. As an example it drives me crazy whenever I see a few two
> space indented lines in my nicely tab indented files. My first
> thought is; "Darn that Chad guy and his archaic two space
> indentations!" Whereas if we were using similar formatting I
> wouldn't have these negative thoughts so often but would just get
> used to doing it one way or the other... :)
> Aaron
> David Welker wrote:
>> Actually, this has already been decided by management. We don't get
>> to vote on it. And management has decided that code shall be
>> formatted according to the preferences of individual developers, on
>> the theory that the individuals who actually work with and modify
>> code are more productive when they get to format it according to
>> their own preferences instead of conforming to a one-size fits all
>> philosophy.
>> As far as the issue of optimizing imports, I don't think that is
>> important one way or another, since this will not affect developer
>> productivity. If there is a technical reason to organize imports
>> (for example, it helps tools analyze the code) it probably should
>> be done.
>> As for code formatting, I decline to vote, on the grounds that
>> management has already made a decision and it is up to management,
>> not developers, to change that decision.
>> -David
>> On Feb 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Sean Riddle wrote:
>>> I don't care for some of the auto-reformatted code I've seen, so
>>> I'm all for having some guidelines, but I think we need to figure
>>> out what they are first; I have to vote against an automatic
>>> reformatting. Imports, though, organize the heck out of those.
>>> - Sean
>>> --Tally--
>>> Reformat: 2 for, 2 against
>>> Imports: 3 for, 1 against
>>> On Feb 2, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Aaron Schultz wrote:
>>>> Hi Chad,
>>>> I thought we had agreed over a year ago that the solution to this
>>>> problem was to allow everyone to use any format they wanted with
>>>> periodic formatting of the code base. I enjoy working in this
>>>> kind of freelance environment as much as everyone else but I do
>>>> think we should have some standards around here. I remember
>>>> learning from my CSC professors back in school that I should be
>>>> prepared to adapt to writing code in whatever format that the
>>>> company had decided on. I specifically remember one professor
>>>> saying "Don't get too attached to any code formatting style
>>>> because every company does it differently. But be assured that
>>>> you will have to write code in a format different than the style
>>>> you are used to because it makes it easier for a team to work
>>>> together and every company has code formatting standards."
>>>> Something to that effect. The fact that our management hasn't
>>>> taken a stand on this leaves it up to us to decide.
>>>> So far there are 2 votes for and 1 vote against. Anyone else
>>>> want to chime in? Any managers that have an opinion?
>>>> Lets break the vote into 2 parts too
>>>> formatting the code -2 for -1against
>>>> organizing imports -2 for -1 against
>>>> I'll wait until 6pm tomorrow (Wed) to tally the votes and perform
>>>> the actions.
>>>> Aaron
>>>> Chad Berkley wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> See my comments below.
>>>>> Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Aaron,
>>>>>> I agree, I'd like to see the Kepler code formatted before the
>>>>>> release.
>>>>>> However, I'm not so sure everyone agrees with this. My latest
>>>>>> understanding
>>>>>> was that reformatting was ok on a per-file basis. I don't have
>>>>>> a suggestion
>>>>>> for how to reach consensus on this.
>>>>> Yeah, unless there's a real reason to reformat all of the code,
>>>>> I'd prefer if you just format the files you "own" or have a
>>>>> vested interest in. If a file is a huge mess or something,
>>>>> that's fine, but I don't think we should be reformatting entire
>>>>> modules. We've never come to a decision on standard style and I
>>>>> doubt we will, so I prefer to stick with the status quo for now.
>>>>>> At a minimum, it would be good to at least fix the imports.
>>>>>> One issue is that
>>>>>> if any of the files are copyright 2009, then modifying them
>>>>>> would mean changing
>>>>>> the copyright. However, I think most files will have a 2010
>>>>>> copyright.
>>>>> I updated all of the copyrights on all of the source in the
>>>>> kepler suite last week. They should now be all XXXX-2010 or
>>>>> just 2010 if the file was created this year or did not have a
>>>>> previous copyright. FYI, there's now a task to do this in the
>>>>> build 'ant update-copyright' which is documented in the build
>>>>> documentation.
>>>>> chad
>>>>>> I have notes about how I clean the ptII tree at
>>>>>> kepler/ptolemy/src/doc/coding/releasemgt.htm
>>>>>> _Christopher
>>>>>> On 2/1/10 7:42 PM, Aaron Schultz wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Chad,
>>>>>>> I'd like to do a default eclipse reformat and organize imports
>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>> freezing the core module code. I can do it tomorrow night
>>>>>>> around 6pm if
>>>>>>> that's ok, giving folks a chance to check in their code before
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> happens.
>>>>>>> Or if you could do it before the branch that'd be good too.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Aaron
>>>>>>> Chad Berkley wrote:
>>>>>>>> Just the Kepler suite modules I think.
>>>>>>>> On Feb 1, 2010, at 9:38, Timothy McPhillips <tmcphillips at mac.com
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Chad,
>>>>>>>>> What would the SVN branch be over? Everything in kepler/
>>>>>>>>> trunk/,
>>>>>>>>> including all modules?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 1, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Chad Berkley wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm just checking in one last time to see if there is any
>>>>>>>>>> objection
>>>>>>>>>> to doing the code freeze today. The bug list is looking
>>>>>>>>>> pretty good
>>>>>>>>>> and I think we got all of the features in that we meant to.
>>>>>>>>>> If there
>>>>>>>>>> is anything outstanding that you think warrants pushing the
>>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>> freeze, please let me know ASAP.
>>>>>>>>>> Because of our module system, there are two different ways
>>>>>>>>>> we can do
>>>>>>>>>> the release branch. We can do an old fashioned SVN branch,
>>>>>>>>>> or we can
>>>>>>>>>> just create a kepler-2.0.0 release suite with versioned sub-
>>>>>>>>>> modules.
>>>>>>>>>> What does everyone think is the best route to go? I would
>>>>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>>>>> lean toward an SVN branch, myself, but I think there are
>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>> opinions out there.
>>>>>>>>>> chad
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