[kepler-dev] a few new eclipse build problems

Derik Barseghian barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Dec 9 13:42:57 PST 2010

Hey Christopher and David,

Christopher, I've moved kepler trunk to ptolemy r59948, and a minor issue in eclipse:
have import errors in eclipse because we're excluding ptolemy.domains.wireless. Do you have a preference on how to fix this?

David, there's a new build problem in eclipse to do with the build path having duplicate entries. E.g. when using sensor-view suite, 
sensor-view's .classpath has this line:
  <classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/sensor-view"/>
and _kepler.build's .classpath has a duplicate of that line.
Removing the line from sensor-view/.classpath, and the duplicate from _kepler.build/.classpath fixes the problem.


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