[kepler-dev] jlirc-unix-soc.jar - Another nuked GPL jar

David Welker david.v.welker at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 16:05:56 PDT 2010

Hi All,

I found another GPL jar in a Kepler/CORE module. After confirming the  
compilation still worked without this jar, I went ahead and deleted it  
from the ssh module.

Please note that no GPL dependencies are allowed with the Kepler/CORE  
modules (i.e. those modules referenced by the kepler suite), as we  
release under a BSD license. If you must use a GPL dependency, you  
will need to make a separate module outside of Kepler/CORE that you  
then will need to license as a GPL module. I believe Daniel Crawl  
asked about this yesterday. The answer is that this stuff can go in a  
modules outside of Kepler/CORE.

Please be careful to check the license terms of any dependencies that  
you use in a Kepler/CORE module and ensure that it is compatible with  
BSD. If you have any questions about whether a license is compatible,  
please feel free to forward the license to me.



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