[kepler-dev] Build current version of Kepler

Anatoly Loy anatoly.loy at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 01:34:22 PDT 2009

Please, tell me if I have correcly build of Kepler:

D:\kepler\OriginalProject\develop\kepler\build-area>ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler
Buildfile: build.xml
Trying to override old definition of task patch

[change-to] Retrieving modules....
[change-to] The module kepler already exists.
[change-to] The module apple-extensions already exists.
[change-to] The module r already exists.
[change-to] The module loader already exists.
[change-to] The module ptII already exists.
[change-to] The module module-manager already exists.
[change-to] ptolemy:
[change-to] Downloading ptolemy...
[change-to] svn co -r 55665
[change-to] svn: Can't connect to host 'source.eecs.berkeley.edu':
(Then I have a message in Russian, since the Windows in Russian:
something like
"The attempt to connect was unsuccessful, because of another computer
within the required time is not being fully met, or had already
established connection aborted due to an incorrect response is already
connected computer.")
[change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute
properly and exited with an exit code of: 1
[change-to] The module ptolemy-lib already exists.
[change-to] Changing the value of modules.txt

Total time: 21 seconds
Sincerely yours, Anatoly Loy

Anatoly.Loy at gmail.com

Laboratory Information Research
Institute of Software Systems
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine

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