[kepler-dev] External Execution Actor: Pls suggest

subhav mital mital.subhav at gmail.com
Mon May 4 14:17:13 PDT 2009

I am trying to launch a program using the command line in the Windows
Command Prompt. Eg: My application name is: xyz.app which I want Kepler to
launch using the external execution actor

If I type cmd in windows, the command prompt opens up. Then, if I enter
xyz.app, the application launches. However, if I used the external execution
actor and give the appropriate commands { --Variation: 1) xyz.app written in
a string constant actor and connected to the command input port; --Variation
2) "cmd xyz.app"  }, it does not launch.

It gives no error but the application does not launch.
On the other hand, if I type "excel" and connect this to the command input
port of the external execution actor, MS Excel launches.

Any idea what is going wrong?
Can someone please help ?

Thank you
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