[kepler-dev] build kepler-trunk
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Mar 14 11:22:12 PDT 2009
Hi David,
For what it is worth, I can't write to the ptII svn repository
if it is checked out with svn://
bash-3.2$ svn co svn://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/chess/ptII/trunk ptII
svn co svn://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/chess/ptII/trunk ptII
A ptII/thales
A ptII/thales/actor
A ptII/thales/actor/gui
A ptII/thales/actor/gui/SingleWindowHTMLViewer.java
C-c C-c
svn: Caught signal
bash-3.2$ bash-3.2$ cd ptII
cd ptII
bash-3.2$ svn update README.txt
svn update README.txt
Updated to revision 52677.
bash-3.2$ echo "This is a test" >> README.txt
bash-3.2$ svn commit -m "Commit test" README.txt
svn commit -m "Commit test" README.txt
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Authorization failed
So, in the near term, could you change the command to check out
the ptII tree to use https instead of svn?
I'll take it as an action item to look into the authentication
issues with the ptII svn repository.
Also, it would be good if the docs had a section about how
to deal with proxies. This text should probably be in
the developer reference section. I'm finding the build
instructions document to be a little long, maybe it can be
split up into short platform-specific or IDE specific how-tos
and then some reference pages? At least a TOC at the top
would help.
Christopher Brooks wrote:
> Hi David,
> Yes, there is a https link to the ptII svn tree and
> if https is used, then most people can't write to the tree.
> It is possible to have read authentication set up via https,
> but our current user database is not set up to provide
> authentication and we have no specific timeline for setting
> this up.
> So, it is a bit of a quandry. Edward and I prefer to be able
> to edit the ptII tree that is downloaded by the Kepler build
> system. However, we also need to be able to support
> people who are behind a firewall and want read only access
> via https. Can the build system be configured to
> allow a choice?
> _Christopher
Chris Weed wrote:
> Yea,
> I see your point.
> At the least you might want to mention this issue on the web page.
> Chris
> David Welker wrote:
>> I didn't know that Ptolemy had an https link to the trunk.
>> However, one disadvantage of using that through the build is that it
>> apparently support read-only access. This inconvenient for those who
>> want to write to the Ptolemy tree from the Kepler build. On the other
>> hand, as your case illustrates, it appears that if port 22 on your
>> firewall is not open, you get the problem you got here.
>> I am not sure which disadvantage is worse. You are the first person I
>> know of who has run into this problem.
>> -David
>>> OK, I see the problem now:
>>> [change-to] ptolemy:
>>> [change-to] Downloading ptolemy...
>>> [change-to] svn co svn://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/chess/ptII/trunk
>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/ptolemy
>>> [change-to] svn: Unknown hostname 'source.eecs.berkeley.edu'
>>> I am behind a proxy, so this command should be
>>> svn co https://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/svn/chess/ptII/trunk
>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/ptolemy
>>> as described here:
>>> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptexternal/
>>> You guys should probably update the script to use the https address.
>>> Chris
>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:20 PM, David Welker
>>> <david.v.welker at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> It looks like ptolemy did not download correctly and you must not
>>>> have a
>>>> .svn directory inside of the ptolemy folder. (Thus, "ant update"
>>>> does not
>>>> work.)
>>>> Try the following:
>>>> (1) Delete the ptolemy directory.
>>>> Then type the following commands again:
>>>> ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-trunk
>>>> ant run
>>>> David
>>>>> I ran ant update, and got the following output
>>>>> this line is curious:
>>>>> [update-modules] Skipped '/home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/ptolemy'
>>>>> Do I need to run a "change-to" command for ptolemy?
>>>>> I really don't know anything about ant, so I am a little baffled by
>>>>> this.
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> bash-3.2$ ant update
>>>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>>>> update:
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating loader...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/loader
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating util...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/util
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating core...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating actors...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/actors
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating directors...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update
>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/directors
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating common...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/common
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating ptolemy...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/ptolemy
>>>>> [update-modules] Skipped '/home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/ptolemy'
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> [update-modules] Updating ptolemy-lib...
>>>>> [update-modules] svn update
>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/ptolemy-lib
>>>>> [update-modules] At revision 16964.
>>>>> [update-modules]
>>>>> Total time: 1 minute 10 seconds
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> It appears the ptolemy module did not get fully checked out from the
>>>>>> svn repository. Maybe the change-to didn't get complete properly?
>>>>>> Try running 'ant update' and see if any files are updated in the
>>>>>> various modules. Then, do 'ant run' again.
>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Chris Weed <chrisweed at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I am going through the instructions to build kepler-trunk found
>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/build-system-instructions
>>>>>>> I have run the following:
>>>>>>> mkdir kepler-build
>>>>>>> cd kepler-build
>>>>>>> svn co
>>>>>>> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
>>>>>>> cd build-area
>>>>>>> ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-trunk
>>>>>>> ant run
>>>>>>> After this last command I get a bunch of errors as follows:
>>>>>>> bash-3.2$ ant run
>>>>>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>>>>>> compile:
>>>>>>> [compile] Compiling common...
>>>>>>> [compile] Compiling directors...
>>>>>>> [compile] Compiling actors...
>>>>>>> [compile] Compiling core...
>>>>>>> [compile] Compiling 95 source files to
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/target/classes
>>>>>>> [compile]
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/src/org/kepler/kar/KARBuilder.java:55:
>>>>>>> package ptolemy.actor does not exist
>>>>>>> [compile] import ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor;
>>>>>>> [compile] ^
>>>>>>> [compile]
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/src/org/kepler/kar/KARBuilder.java:56:
>>>>>>> package ptolemy.actor does not exist
>>>>>>> [compile] import ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor;
>>>>>>> [compile] ^
>>>>>>> [compile]
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/src/org/kepler/kar/KARBuilder.java:57:
>>>>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>>>>> [compile] symbol : class CompositeEntity
>>>>>>> [compile] location: package ptolemy.kernel
>>>>>>> [compile] import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity;
>>>>>>> [compile] ^
>>>>>>> [compile]
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/src/org/kepler/kar/KARBuilder.java:58:
>>>>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>>>>> [compile] symbol : class Entity
>>>>>>> [compile] location: package ptolemy.kernel
>>>>>>> [compile] import ptolemy.kernel.Entity;
>>>>>>> [compile] ^
>>>>>>> [compile]
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/src/org/kepler/kar/KARBuilder.java:59:
>>>>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>>>>> [compile] symbol : class IllegalActionException
>>>>>>> [compile] location: package ptolemy.kernel.util
>>>>>>> [compile] import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
>>>>>>> [compile] ^
>>>>>>> [compile]
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/core/src/org/kepler/kar/KARBuilder.java:60:
>>>>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>>>>> [compile] symbol : class NamedObj
>>>>>>> [compile] location: package ptolemy.kernel.util
>>>>>>> [compile] import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj;
>>>>>>> [compile] ^
>>>>>>> [... snipped more errors ... ]
>>>>>>> [compile] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
>>>>>>> [compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>> [compile] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe
>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>> [compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>> [compile] 100 errors
>>>>>>> /home/deer/cweed/code/kepler-build/build-area/build.xml:31: Compile
>>>>>>> failed; see the compiler error output for details.
>>>>>>> Total time: 8 seconds
>>>>>>> It looks like ptolemy is either missing or it can't find it.
>>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>>>> Chris
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>>> Matthew B. Jones
>>>>>> Director of Informatics Research and Development
>>>>>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>>>>>> UC Santa Barbara
>>>>>> jones at nceas.ucsb.edu Ph: 1-907-523-1960
>>>>>> http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinfo
>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
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