[kepler-dev] Kepler source + eclipse
Michal Owsiak
michalo at man.poznan.pl
Mon Mar 9 02:04:22 PDT 2009
Hello David,
Thanks, it works now!
I have gone through all the steps you have described, and this time it
worked. I am not sure what was the cause of the issue, but when I have
removed everything completely it worked.
The only difference was that I have used:
ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-1.0
instead of
ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-trunk
> 1.) First, I made sure I was starting fresh by deleting both my old
> kepler.modules folder and my workspace and running "ant clean-cache."
> 2.) First I entered the following commands at the command-line.
> First, I navigated to my home directory.
> mkdir kepler.modules
> cd kepler.modules/
> svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
> cd build-area
> ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-trunk
> ant eclipse
> 3.) I then clicked on eclipse to open it and had it open up a fresh
> workspace.
> 4.) Then I selected File --> Import... and chose General --> Existing
> Projects Into Workspace and hit selected Next.
> 5.) I ensured the Select root directory radio button was selected and
> chose browse. I then selected the kepler.modules folder and waited for
> the projects I had generated using the ant eclipse command to come up.
> All of the modules associated with kepler-trunk were visible and
> available. I then clicked on Finish.
> 6.) From the Package Explorer pane, I right-clicked on the loader folder
> and selected Run As --> Run Configurations. I then made sure that the
> Java Application item was highlighted and hit the "New launch
> configuration" button. I specified kepler-trunk as the name of the
> configuration (you can name it anything you want) and made sure that the
> Project: was specified as "loader." I entered in
> org.kepler.core.loader.Loader as the main class and selected the
> "Include inherited mains when searching for a main class" check box
> (this shouldn't be necessary in this case since
> org.kepler.core.loader.Loader in fact exists in the loader project, but
> for the sake of consistency, I just do it every time.) I then selected
> Apply and then Run.
> It worked just fine. I am not sure what is going on for you. I am using
> a Mac OS X 10.5 and running with Java 1.5 and Ant 1.7.1. I am using
> Eclipse 3.4.1 (Ganymede). I am going to upgrade to 3.4.2 to ensure that
> it still works there, but I am assuming it will.
> Please let me know when you figure it out...
> David
>> Hello David,
>>> Typically, it is not your responsibility to set _libraryDir. Looking at
>>> the "WARNING:" it looks like for some reason your $KEPLER directory is
>>> not being set correctly. The KAR repository directory should be either
>>> <kepler.modules>/common/kar (for kepler-trunk) or
>>> <kepler.modules>/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/kar (for kepler-1.0).
>> Strange thing is, that this directory is created only when I execute
>> "ant run" - it is not created when I execute "ant compile".
>> Anyway, even when directory exists, Kepler still fails to locate it when
>> I start it from Eclipse:
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules$ pwd
>> /home/michalo/kepler.modules
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules$ ls kepler-1.0-jar-tag/
>> configs kar libexpat.dll resources
>> copyright.txt kepler-1.0.jar licenses.txt src
>> createDemosLink.sh Kepler.app loaddmg.sh target
>> demos kepler-console.bat log4j.properties tests
>> hsql-license.txt kepler.exe META-INF website
>> hsqlTool.bat kepler-kernel.iml null workflows
>> installer kepler.sh plugins
>> INSTALL.txt lib README.txt
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules$
>> as you can see, "kar" directory can be found in kepler-1.0-jar-tag
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/kar$ pwd
>> /home/michalo/kepler.modules/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/kar
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/kar$ ls
>> actors directors
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/kar$ find . -name
>> "*"
>> .
>> ./actors
>> ./actors/ArrayMinimum.kar
>> ./actors/SshFileCopier.kar
>> ./actors/Expression.kar
>> ./actors/EndGAMESSInput.kar
>> ...
>> BUT
>> if I create a symbolic link:
>> shell>ln -s /home/michalo/kepler.modules/kepler-1.0-jar-tag/ null
>> Kepler is able to start correctly!
>> It looks like Kepler reads "_libraryDir" from somewhere - and this value
>> is empty.
>>> My best guess is that somehow your eclipse workspace is somehow flawed.
>>> Normally, you should be able to simply type in "ant eclipse" to
>>> regenerate all the eclipse .project and .classpath files and then
>>> refresh all the projects and that should resolve things when this
>>> happens. If that doesn't work, you might consider emptying your
>>> workspace of all your projects and reimporting...
>> I have gone once again all the steps according to
>> https://dev.kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/build-system-instructions
>> Issue remains :(
>>> Also, I would definitely do an "svn update" in the build-area directory
>>> followed by an "ant update" command to ensure that all of your modules
>>> are downloaded correctly and up-to-date.
>> Before starting from the scratch, I have also tried these. Situation was
>> the same.
>>> A tricky error that sometimes occurs is that a module you depend on is
>>> both not downloaded properly and there are no .svn files associated with
>>> it so it cannot update properly either. The build system assumes that if
>>> there is a folder with the same name as your module in <kepler.modules>
>>> that the module is already present. So, if you have an empty folder with
>>> the name of the module you need in <kepler.modules> maybe you are
>>> missing something.
>> I don't use any additional modules, yet. I base only on svn code so far.
>> I have following directories:
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules$ pwd
>> /home/michalo/kepler.modules
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules$ ls
>> build-area kepler-1.0 kepler-1.0-jar-tag loader
>> michalo at rhodiola:~/kepler.modules$
>>> Does the build work properly for you from the command-line? If not, that
>>> points to a problem with your eclipse workspace. You should consider
>>> starting fresh. If the command-line does work, that indicates you may be
>>> missing something in terms of not have retrieved all the modules you
>>> need properly.
>> It looks like everything is just fine. Anyway, in Eclipse I don't get
>> any errors related to source code. Everything seems to be fine. The only
>> issue occurs during startup.
>> If you have any further suggestions, I can check them.
>> Cheers
>> Michal
>>> David
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I have set up Kepler sources with eclipse according to documentation at
>>>> https://dev.kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/build-system-instructions
>>>> I am trying to start Kepler with all the actors that are provided with
>>>> Kepler-1.0.0.
>>>> When I start either loader or kepler-10.-jar-tag project I get
>>>> following
>>>> error:
>>>>> WARNING: you specified the directory
>>>>> /home/michalo/kepler.modules/loader/null/kar/directors as a KAR
>>>>> repository directory but it either does not exist or is not a
>>>>> directory. No KAR files have been loaded from this directory.
>>>>> Perhaps you need to run "ant buildkarlib".
>>>>> java.lang.Exception: You must provide a property called _libraryDir
>>>>> that provides the relative path to the KAR directory from $KEPLER.
>>>> How can I set _libraryDir to correct value?
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Regards
>>>> Michal
Michal Owsiak <michalo at man.poznan.pl>
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
ul. Noskowskiego 10, 61-704 Poznan, POLAND
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