[kepler-dev] Passing arguments to Kepler
Michal Owsiak
michalo at man.poznan.pl
Thu Jul 23 23:55:42 PDT 2009
Hello Jianwu,
> From your exception, I think you are using Kepler 1.0, right?
Exactly. I am using Kepler 1.0
>Did you get exception when using 'kepler.sh -runwf -gui -cache -property1 value1
> workflow.xml'?
No. I am getting this exception when calling:
java -Xmx512m -Xss5m -DKEPLER="$KEP" -DKEPLER_DOCS="$KEP"
-Djava.library.path=./lib org.kepler.loader.Kepler $*
Which is a line that starts Kepler 1.0 from kepler.sh
> About your additional questions:
> 1. If I pass something into JVM as a Property, is there a default way
> for accessing these values from the Kepler?
> You should be able to get the value in Kepler by System.getProperty().
OK. Accessing properties using System.getProperty is fine with me -
that's what I am doing now within fire() method. What I was thinking of
is a some sort of already existing actor that wraps this functionality
(e.g. Expression actor). This way I can make property to be accessible
at the workflow level. If there is no such an actor it is not a big
issue - I will write one. But I don't want to double the functionality
of the actors.
> 2. If I pass arguments into Kepler (as application arguments) - can I
> access the by simply using "$parameter1"?
> I don't get it. what are application arguments? You want to access
> them in Kepler programatically?
Let's say I am starting kepler like this:
java -jar kepler.jar arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
arg1, arg2, ... are the application arguments that I am thinking of.
I can see (in the code) that ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication puts all
unrecognized arguments into some sort of table and passes them further
into the model. Question is: can I access them inside workflow somehow?
> 3. Is there a default mechanism in Kepler for accessing environment
> variables?
> In version of Kepler trunk, you can get environment variables by using
> expression like getenv("JAVA_HOME"). You can either put it in Expression
That's exactly what I wanted to now! I was looking for an actor that is
able to read environment variables. I will check that in Kepler 1.0.
> actor or parameter values. I didn't test it in Kepler 1.0 since I don't
> have 1.0 installed in my notebook.
Michal Owsiak <michalo at man.poznan.pl>
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
ul. Noskowskiego 10, 61-704 Poznan, POLAND
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