[kepler-dev] Problems with a new tree: ant change-to fails: svn: 'null/modules/kepler' does not appear to be a URL
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Jul 16 07:50:09 PDT 2009
Hi Ken,
I've been reporting this problem for a couple of days.
If you look at the "ant change-to -Dsuite=wrp" output, then
you'll probably see that ptolemy fails to download.
When I did "ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler" under Linux and Windows Server 2003,
I got:
[change-to] ptolemy:
[change-to] Downloading ptolemy...
[change-to] Using ptolemy branch: ${ptolemyBranch}
[change-to] svn co ${ptolemyBranch} /tmp/kepler/ptolemy
[change-to] svn: '${ptolemyBranch}' does not appear to be a URL
[change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute properly and exited\
with an exit code of: 1
The reason you are getting the error message below is because
../ptolemy/ptolemy/actor/gui/TableauFrame.java does not exist.
Try running "ant update" and see what you get. You will probably see that
there is a problem updating the ptolemy directory.
Kenneth Jones wrote:
> Chad,
> I could still use a bit more help. I got the email indicating that the
> nightly build succeeded, but, as you said, the wrp suite is not yet tested
> by NMI. So I deleted everything I had checked out previously and wiped out
> the kepler cache to get a clean start. Then I ran the following command on
> my Vista machine:
> cd C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler
> run: svn co
> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
> cd build-area
> ant change-to -Dsuite=wrp
> ant run
> Everything was fine until I tried to execute ant run. This is what I got:
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\build-area>ant run
> Buildfile: build.xml
> compile:
> [compile] Compiling module-manager...
> [compile] Compiling 6 source files to
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\target\classes
> [compile]
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\src\org\kepler\modulemanager\ModuleManagerAction.java:31:
> packa
> ge ptolemy.actor.gui does not exist
> [compile] import ptolemy.actor.gui.TableauFrame;
> [compile] ^
> [compile]
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\src\org\kepler\modulemanager\ModuleManagerAction.java:32:
> packa
> ge ptolemy.vergil.toolbox does not exist
> [compile] import ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction;
> [compile] ^
> [compile]
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\src\org\kepler\modulemanager\ModuleManagerAction.java:40:
> canno
> t find symbol
> [compile] symbol: class FigureAction
> [compile] public class ModuleManagerAction extends FigureAction
> [compile] ^
> [compile]
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\src\org\kepler\modulemanager\ModuleManagerAction.java:42:
> canno
> t find symbol
> [compile] symbol : class TableauFrame
> [compile] location: class org.kepler.modulemanager.ModuleManagerAction
> [compile] public ModuleManagerAction(TableauFrame parent)
> [compile] ^
> [compile]
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\src\org\kepler\modulemanager\ModuleManagerAction.java:56:
> canno
> t find symbol
> [compile] symbol : class TableauFrame
> [compile] location: class org.kepler.modulemanager.ModuleManagerAction
> [compile] private TableauFrame parent;
> [compile] ^
> [compile]
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\module-manager\src\org\kepler\modulemanager\ModuleManagerAction.java:50:
> canno
> t find symbol
> [compile] symbol : variable super
> [compile] location: class org.kepler.modulemanager.ModuleManagerAction
> [compile] super.actionPerformed(e);
> [compile] ^
> [compile] 6 errors
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\build-area\build.xml:31: Compile failed; see
> the compiler error output for details.
> Total time: 4 seconds
> C:\Users\Ken\Resources\Kepler\build-area>
> Am I doing something wrong or is the wrp suite broken? BTW, what does the
> acronym wrp stand for?
> Thanks again,
> -- Ken
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> Yep. Tagging isn't in the kepler suite though, so you'll want to use a
>> suite that uses it. "wrp" uses it I think, so you can do 'ant change-to
>> -Dsuite=wrp' and you should get the tagging module and it's dependencies.
>> Right now the nightly build just tests the kepler suite, but it's on my
>> list of things to do to add other suites to it. Hopefully get to that soon.
>> In fact, thanks for reminding me...I'll add a bug right now so I don't
>> forget. Just let me know if you need any other help.
>> chad
>> Kenneth Jones wrote:
>>> Oh, I didn't realize that. Sorry to be so dense, but I want to make sure
>>> I am working with the very latest code because I want to use the new tagging
>>> capabilities. So, to get the very latest code (including anything checked
>>> into the repository earlier the same day I do an update), I should simple
>>> run "ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler", right? And this is the code that is
>>> tested by the nightly build, which runs twice a day, Right? Thanks for
>>> helping me get everything set up!
>>> -- Ken
>>> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu<mailto:
>>> berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
>>> I don't use eclipse, but I think that's how it works. Note that we
>>> won't be updating the pre-alpha1 release too much. It was kind of a
>>> custom release for one project so most of the development will still
>>> be happening on the head moving toward the 2.0 release that we hope
>>> to have done sometime this year.
>>> chad
>>> Kenneth Jones wrote:
>>> Great! I followed your instructions and download the source
>>> from svn. It compiles and run. Next, I will import it into
>>> eclipse and create a suite for the customized version of Kepler
>>> I want to create. One more question. After importing into
>>> eclipse, do I just "update from HEAD" in order to get the very
>>> latest code?
>>> -- Ken
>>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Chad Berkley
>>> <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu <mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>
>>> <mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu <mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ken,
>>> The nightly build results can be viewed here:
>>> http://nmi-web.cs.wisc.edu/nmi/index.php?page=results%2Foverview&rows=20&opt_user=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_type=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_project=kepler&opt_result=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_component=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_month=0&opt_day=0&opt_year=0&opt_platform=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_build_id=&opt_submit=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_keyword=&searchSubmit=Search
>>> <
>>> http://nmi-web.cs.wisc.edu/nmi/index.php?page=results%2Foverview&rows=20&opt_user=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_type=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_project=kepler&opt_result=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_component=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_month=0&opt_day=0&opt_year=0&opt_platform=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_build_id=&opt_submit=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_keyword=&searchSubmit=Search
>>> <
>>> http://nmi-web.cs.wisc.edu/nmi/index.php?page=results%2Foverview&rows=20&opt_user=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_type=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_project=kepler&opt_result=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_component=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_month=0&opt_day=0&opt_year=0&opt_platform=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_build_id=&opt_submit=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_keyword=&searchSubmit=Search
>>> <
>>> http://nmi-web.cs.wisc.edu/nmi/index.php?page=results%2Foverview&rows=20&opt_user=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_type=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_project=kepler&opt_result=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_component=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_month=0&opt_day=0&opt_year=0&opt_platform=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_build_id=&opt_submit=OPTION_SHOW_ALL&opt_keyword=&searchSubmit=Search
>>> The installers and full dump of the nightly build can be
>>> found here:
>>> http://dist.kepler-project.org/dist/nightly/
>>> You can also join the kepler-nightly email list if you want
>>> to get
>>> emailed when the nightly build runs. It actually runs twice
>>> per day
>>> so you'll get two emails/day. You can sign up here:
>>> http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/kepler/mailman/listinfo/kepler-nightly
>>> If you want to get the source code for the pre-alpha1 version of
>>> kepler, follow the instructions in comment #2 here:
>>> http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4159
>>> If you just want the installer, it can be downloaded from
>>> http://kepler-project.org/dist/pre
>>> The change-to error you got was because
>>> release-2.0.0-pre-alpha1-branch is not a suite. It's a
>>> branch. The
>>> suite is either 'kepler' or 'wrp' depending on the
>>> functionality you
>>> want. Let me know if you need more help getting it going.
>>> thanks,
>>> chad
>>> Kenneth Jones wrote:
>>> I got the " Error: kepler is either not a suite or wasn't
>>> downloaded correctly." error messages last night when I
>>> ran "ant
>>> change-to -Dsuite=release-2.0.0-pre-alpha1-branch" on
>>> Windows Vista.
>>> BTW, is this the command I should run to get the latest 2.0
>>> pre-alpha version of Kepler? (By latest version, I mean
>>> everything checked into that branch of the repository
>>> prior to
>>> the moment I run the command.)
>>> Are you currently doing nightly builds? If so, where can
>>> I look
>>> to see where or not the most recent build succeeded or
>>> failed?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- Ken
>>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Christopher Brooks
>>> <cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu>
>>> <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu>>
>>> <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
>>> <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu> <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
>>> <mailto:cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu>>>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> This problem is still occurring for me under Windows
>>> Server 2003,
>>> Mac OS X and Linux.
>>> mkdir kepler
>>> cd kepler
>>> svn co
>>> https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
>>> ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler
>>> _Christopher
>>> Chad Berkley wrote:
>>> Hmm, weird. David?
>>> Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>> Under Windows Server 2003 in a brand new
>>> checked out
>>> tree, I
>>> get:
>>> $ ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler
>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>> change-to:
>>> [change-to] Retrieving modules....
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] kepler:
>>> [change-to] Downloading kepler...
>>> [change-to] svn co -r head null/modules/kepler
>>> c:\tmp\cxh\src\kepler\kepler
>>> [change-to] svn: 'null/modules/kepler' does not
>>> appear to be
>>> a URL
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] WARNING: It appears that the
>>> command did not
>>> execute properly and ex
>>> ited with an exit code of: 1
>>> [change-to] Error: kepler is either not a
>>> suite or wasn't
>>> downloaded correctly.
>>> [change-to] Error: kepler is either not a
>>> suite or wasn't
>>> downloaded correctly.
>>> Total time: 0 seconds
>>> cxh at newton ~/src/kepler/build-area
>>> _Christopher
>>> -- Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu)
>>> University of California
>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail:
>>> 337
>>> Cory Hall
>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley,
>>> CA
>>> 94720-1774
>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office:
>>> 545Q Cory)
>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
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Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
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