[kepler-dev] [Fwd: [kepler-nightly] BUILD for kepler (runid=166045) FAILED.]

Chad Berkley berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Jul 15 09:58:22 PDT 2009

Hey Aaron,

It looks like you forgot to check in a class:

[compile] Compiling 688 source files to 
cannot find symbol
   [compile] symbol  : class ActorGraphPane
   [compile] location: class org.kepler.gui.KeplerGraphFrame
   [compile] 		return new ActorGraphPane(_controller, graphModel, entity);
   [compile]                            ^

I looked, but I don't see that class checked in.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [kepler-nightly] BUILD for kepler (runid=166045) FAILED.
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:34:28 -0500
From: Kepler NMI Build <mbjones at nmi-s003.cs.wisc.edu>
To: kepler-nightly at kepler-project.org

Your Run results
runid             = 166045
gid               = mbjones_nmi-s003.cs.wisc.edu_1247652002_20189
result            = FAILED (status = 4)
description       = Kepler NMI build for the suite kepler
component         = kepler
component version = kepler-trunk
run_type          = BUILD
platforms         = x86_macos_10.4 x86_ubuntu_5.10
user              = mbjones
start             = 2009-07-15 15:00:03 gmt
finish            = 2009-07-15 15:34:21 gmt
submit host       = nmi-s003.cs.wisc.edu
directory         = 
url               = 

List of failed tasks on different platforms

Platform: x86_macos_10.4
task_id	 code	 task_name

16033355		 1	 platform_job
16033398		 1	 remote_task

Platform: x86_ubuntu_5.10
task_id	 code	 task_name

16033382		 1	 platform_job
16033393		 1	 remote_task

You can find detailed info about your run and access the log/out/err 
files by clicking the above mentioned url

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