[kepler-dev] attempting to mimic dropdown/combobox
Unknown Madhusudan
madhu at sdsc.edu
Fri Jan 23 17:29:48 PST 2009
Hi Peter,
I shall dig into the ptolemy and see how to make some headway.
In our case idea is not to have a new actor for dropdown, but an extension of parameter
that would serve as a variable for Constant/String Constant. Thank you for pointing out that I am not the only one looking for this feature.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Reutemann [mailto:fracpete at gmail.com]
Sent: Fri 1/23/2009 4:31 PM
To: Unknown Madhusudan
Cc: kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] attempting to mimic dropdown/combobox
> I am working at SDSC on CAMERA project.
> In our workflows, we need to use either a dropdown box or any other
> component
> that could mimic its functionality at design time.
Can't you do that with a simple StringParameter in your actor?
comboParam = new StringParameter(this, "please select");
comboParam.setExpression("Choice 1");
comboParam.addChoice("Choice 1");
comboParam.addChoice("Choice 2");
> Just like the ColorParameter gives users a choice to pick up a color. It
> is static and
> uses JColorChooser to display the choices. Is there anyway to mimic the
> dropdown functionality using same ColorParameter logic? ColorParameter
> (ptolemy.actor.gui.ColorAttribute) extends from Parameter and it has only
> one additional method asColor, which return java.awl.Color object. I am not
> sure from where to start asking question on the topic of dropdown box.
> 1) How is the frame added to the parameter.
> 2) How different frames are added to Parameter and ColorParameter.
> 3) Color Parameter has additional Choose button, how is it added?
> 4) Where is the code for the actionListener for this Choose button?
> ...................... many questions on similar lines.
> I would greatly appreciate your suggestions/pointers on this topic.
Some time ago last year, I hit a similar problem that I needed
parameters with a custom GUI (combobox, checkbox, string, file weren't
enough). So I hacked a bit and contributed some code to Ptolemy II to
enable custom query boxes (referenced website includes example code):
Bottom line is, in order to get a custom GUI for a parameter, one only
needs to implement a new class derived from Parameter, by implementing
the following interface:
And for displaying the parameter in the GUI, you'd need to derive your
class from the following superclass (which is basically a panel with a
few extra methods):
In the example available from the above link, you get an actor
(InputDialog) with a parameter that is displayed as edit field with an
associated button. Clicking on this button brings up a simple
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(..) to enter some text which is then
displayed in the text field of the parameter.
Cheers, Peter
Peter Reutemann, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waikato, NZ
http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~fracpete/ Ph. +64 (7) 858-5174
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