[kepler-dev] Hidden Parameter/Field

Unknown Madhusudan madhu at sdsc.edu
Fri Jan 9 13:42:21 PST 2009

Hi there,

I am working with Ilkay Altintas at San Diego Supercomputer Center on CAMERA project.
In the scheme of CAMERA project, kepler workflows are executed through the web interface using web services.  When the workflow is converted to web interface, Parameters become the text fields and file parameters are transformed to  file chooser etc. However, users of the CAMERA project do not want to convert all the parameters to be converted to  the text fields. They want to have a discretion over it. Hence there is need for a new parameter, which has the functionality  of a parameter but need not be displayed on the web interface. So i have two questions in this regards
  1) Is there any existing Parameter variant I can use?
  2) should I create a new Parameter variant that extends from Parameters and meets needs of CAMERA project?

You suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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