[kepler-dev] Copies of diva and vergil files?
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 10 15:31:02 PST 2009
Hi David,
I don't see it as a problem that there multiple copies of the jar
files, I was really more curious about it. It would be good to
detect problems with duplicates at the suite level . . .
Java dependency analysis is tricky because of reflection. Doing
a simple scan of imports will get most of the dependencies though.
I do think that every .java file that is a duplicate is a potential
bug, especially if the file is mostly duplicated. It is worth
keeping an eye on these files.
David Welker wrote:
> Hi Matt and Christopher and everyone,
> With respect to the issue of multiple copies of the same jar:
> The original idea was that each module should have a copy of all the jar
> files it uses for management purposes. The idea being that this would
> increase transparency, since we would know exactly which jars a module
> depended on. Also, that this would allow for more flexibility, in that
> you could easily remove a jar from your module without worrying that
> another module would break as a result. Finally, there was the idea that
> this would increase, somewhat, the independence of modules. The build
> system actually has not ever prevented anyone from depending on the jars
> in another module, certainly not from the command-line. However, back in
> the day, it used to be that with the IDE files that were generated, each
> module would not export its jars to other modules by default. Thus, to
> get everything to look good in your IDE, each module had to have all the
> jars it depended on. This was quite intentional.
> However, my views, at least, on this issue have shifted. I think what we
> need is better reporting abilities in order to increase transparency. In
> much the same way that the build system now has a command "ant
> report-overrides" that will show all the overrides that exist in a
> particular suite, we could build a tool that precisely traces particular
> classes that depend on jars to the jars they depend on. This would allow
> us to increase our transparency goals without duplicating jars. Also, as
> is, any change to a module might disturb another module that depends on
> the trunk of that module (as opposed to a tag of the module that is
> frozen) anyway. Given this, module developers should not worry about the
> impact of removing a jar from a module for modules that depend on them
> anymore than they worry about changing source code. In general, if you
> depend on the trunk of a module, you have to be aware that it could
> change and adapt accordingly. (In this case, if a module you depended on
> removed a jar you needed, the remedy would be to include that jar in
> your own module yourself.)
> Anyway, at this point, there is no reason from a technical perspective
> for their to be multiple instances of the same jar in the same suite.
> (Note, however, that it is completely legitimate to have the same jar in
> multiple modules that are not part of the same suite and who never share
> a common lower priority module.) Of course, this problem of multiple
> modules could be ameliorated to some degree by having a common lower
> priority module (or modules) available to many suites that stores jars.
> However, this solution has its own problems, since a suite that
> incorporates such a common module (but not common functionality) is
> going to have access to a lot of dependencies it does not need, which
> means longer download times for suites that use such a module. Of
> course, right now we already have longer download times that necessary,
> given unnecessary duplication of jars. But, I think we could do better.
> Furthermore, and I think this is also very problematic, if we have a
> tendency to store jars in a common area, such jars are likely to
> "check-in, but never check-out" of that common area since they will not
> be associated with code that uses them. One would always be very worried
> about breaking software in other modules when one is thinking of
> deleting such a jar. This is especially problematic in the context of
> upgrades. Worries that some other module, somewhere, might depend not
> only on that jar, but that particular version of the jar, in such a
> common module will make us very hesitant to upgrade.
> For these reasons, I think we should stick to the following principle.
> As a general matter, lower priority modules should only worry about
> themselves and not about higher priority modules that depend on them. If
> they want to upgrade a library, the should not worry too much about the
> impact on higher priority modules that depend on them. Instead, the
> solution if a higher priority module doesn't want to go along with the
> upgrade is to take a forever frozen snapshot of the lower priority
> module and store it in a tag. In this way, accessing the features of a
> new version of a library and better ensuring that lower priority modules
> can remain on the cutting edge (to the extent that they want to) is
> enabled.
> I think the better solution is as follows: Jars generally should be
> stored in the lowest priority module that actually utilizes the
> functionality of that jar. If the code is refactored in a module such
> that a jar is no longer needed, that jar should be deleted. Higher
> priority modules that depend on lower priority modules should not copy
> such jars, *unless* they are also used in a different context where they
> do not have access to that or another lower priority module that
> contains the jar. (This will be a common case when modules are also
> meant to be run stand-alone.) In such cases, there will be some jar
> duplication, but it will be kept to a minimum.
> We could then further develop a reporting mechanism that examines all
> the suites in the system and (1) detects when there is jar duplication
> within a particular suite so we can inquire whether it is justified and
> (2) reports any jars that are stored in modules that do not utilize any
> of the functionality of that jar so that such jars can be deleted.
> Further, we could develop a system (ideally one that outputs a picture
> in graphical form) that reports on the particular jars that a class
> depends on in the context of a particular suite. Such tools would enable
> us to minimize jar duplication on one hand, but avoid the problem of
> jars "checking in, but never checking out" (kind of like the Hotel
> California) and thereby allow for much easier jar upgrades and deletions.
> David
>> Hi Christopher,
>> In theory I think we are all on the same page here... we discussed
>> this the other day in our group and I think everyone wants there to be
>> only one copy of the ptolemy classes, with appropriate extension hooks
>> for altering behavior for Kepler in the cases where the behavior can't
>> be universally changed. That said, this kind of refactoring takes
>> time, and practically speaking we need a way to temporarily break
>> things while designing and implementing a new architecture with
>> extensions. Let's say it takes two to four weeks to redesign and
>> implement the new classes with their appropriate hooks in the case of
>> the reporting system. We need people to check in on a regular basis
>> (e.g., daily), exposing the incremental changes people are making in
>> order to have the 4 developers working on this feature to synchronize
>> their development. Thus, we have used a copy and override model
>> during the development process. Once the hooks are in place and it is
>> safe to move the code back to Ptolemy without breaking things for the
>> ptolemy team, we will do just that. Do you have a suggestion as to
>> how we can check in daily incremental changes that would break ptolemy
>> (e.g., significantly change the GUI) without making a temporary copy?
>> The way I think of the modules in Kepler now is that each of them is a
>> self contained branch where experimental development can occur, but it
>> is fundamentally important that any overrides be merged back into the
>> main classes. If they don't, then we'll end up with significant
>> incompatibilities due to bit rot and incompatible changes across
>> modules.
>> That we have a lot of copies in many modules, especially in older
>> modules, is a problem that we need to resolve. The jar copies are
>> also a problem, and I think can be solved with a good dependency
>> injection system where the jar files are managed in their own modules
>> that other modules can depend upon. I'll bring this issue up with the
>> Kepler leadership team for discussion to find a solution.
>> Matt
>> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Christopher Brooks
>> <cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Debi,
>>> I've seen "temporary" turn into "shipped" :-)
>>> Thomas Feng has a way to add dropdowns to the Toolbar.
>>> Thomas, can you write up something about this?
>>> It might help.
>>> It might make more sense to figure out how to embed the
>>> Ptolemy graph viewer inside a Pane instead of how it currently
>>> expect to use ptolemy.gui.Top, which extends JFrame.
>>> I was curious, so I took a look in the Kepler svn repository
>>> for java files in a /ptolemy/ directory and found these:
>>> ./modules/comad/src/ptolemy/domains/pn/kernel/PNDirector.java
>>> ./modules/comad/src/ptolemy/domains/pn/kernel/NPNDirector.java
>>> ./modules/runtimemonitor/src/ptolemy/actor/OrderedMerge.java
>>> ./modules/util/tests/src/test/ptolemy/util/OrderedResourceBundleTest.java
>>> ./modules/util/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorController.java
>>> ./modules/util/src/ptolemy/vergil/basic/BasicGraphFrame.java
>>> ./modules/util/src/ptolemy/vergil/basic/MenuMapper.java
>>> ./modules/util/src/ptolemy/vergil/basic/BasicGraphController.java
>>> ./modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorEditorGraphController.java
>>> ./modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/gui/Top.java
>>> ./modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/GUIUtilities.java
>>> ./modules/gaa/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorController.java
>>> ./modules/gaa/src/ptolemy/moml/MoMLParser.java
>>> ./modules/gaa/src/ptolemy/kernel/Entity.java
>>> ./modules/pn-branching/src/ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/ArrayToSequence.java
>>> ./modules/core/src/ptolemy/kernel/util/ComponentEntityConfig.java
>>> ./modules/core/src/ptolemy/kernel/util/KeplerIconLoader.java
>>> ./modules/ppod-gui/src/ptolemy/actor/gui/PtolemyFrame.java
>>> There is also the diva file you checked in:
>>> ./modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/GUIUtilities.java
>>> I'm not sure about these:
>>> /modules/reporting/src/ptolemy.vergil.tree/PtolemyTreeCellRenderer.java
>>> /modules/reporting/src/ptolemy.vergil.tree/PTree.java
>>> I was curious, so below are Java files that share the same name:
>>> 8 Main.java
>>> 6 FileReader.java
>>> 5 Test.java
>>> 5 ParseException.java
>>> 4 Token.java
>>> 4 Sequence.java
>>> 4 HelloWorld.java
>>> 4 DataToken.java
>>> 4 CorbaIllegalActionException.java
>>> 4 CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHolder.java
>>> 4 CorbaIllegalActionExceptionHelper.java
>>> 3 XMLParser.java
>>> 3 Utilities.java
>>> 3 Transformer.java
>>> 3 Top.java
>>> 3 TokenMgrError.java
>>> 3 Time.java
>>> 3 TextFileWriter.java
>>> 3 StreamWriter.java
>>> 3 StreamDiscarder.java
>>> 3 StreamBuffer.java
>>> 3 SetMetadata.java
>>> 3 Report.java
>>> 3 RecordAssembler.java
>>> 3 Queue.java
>>> 3 Project.java
>>> 3 Port.java
>>> 3 OrderedMerge.java
>>> 3 Node.java
>>> 3 Multiplexor.java
>>> 3 MoMLSimpleApplication.java
>>> 3 List.java
>>> 3 Label.java
>>> 3 Kepler.java
>>> 3 IncomingCollectionManager.java
>>> 3 Entity.java
>>> 3 Counter.java
>>> 3 CollectionTransformer.java
>>> 3 BasicGraphController.java
>>> 3 AtomicCoactor.java
>>> 3 AsyncStreamRouter.java
>>> 3 All.java
>>> 3 ActorController.java
>>> 3 AbstractCollectionManager.java
>>> ...
>>> Interestingly, there are also lots of duplicated jar files:
>>> 6 batik-all-1.6.jar
>>> 5 commons-discovery.jar
>>> 4 xalan.jar
>>> 4 wsdl4j.jar
>>> 4 jaxrpc.jar
>>> 4 jargon_v2.0.jar
>>> 4 ij.jar
>>> 4 commons-logging.jar
>>> 4 axis.jar
>>> 3 xmlsec.jar
>>> 3 xml-apis.jar
>>> 3 xercesImpl.jar
>>> 3 wss4j-1.5.4.jar
>>> 3 mail.jar
>>> 3 log4j-1.2.8.jar
>>> 3 jython.jar
>>> 3 junit.jar
>>> 3 jode.jar
>>> 3 jdom.jar
>>> 3 cryptix-asn1.jar
>>> 3 cryptix32.jar
>>> 3 concurrent.jar
>>> 3 commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
>>> 3 commons-codec-1.3.jar
>>> 3 antlr.jar
>>> 3 ant.jar
>>> 2 xmlsec-1.4.1.jar
>>> 2 xml-apis-1.3.04.jar
>>> 2 xerces-2.4.0.jar
>>> 2 xdoclet-1.2.2.jar
>>> 2 xalan-2.7.0.jar
>>> 2 woden-impl-dom-1.0M8.jar
>>> 2 woden-api-1.0M8.jar
>>> 2 wmsd.jar
>>> 2 tar.jar
>>> 2 stax-api-1.0.1.jar
>>> 2 soaplab.jar
>>> 2 servlet.jar
>>> 2 servlet-api.jar
>>> 2 saaj.jar
>>> 2 saaj-impl.jar
>>> 2 saaj-api.jar
>>> 2 rampart-trust-1.4.jar
>>> 2 rampart-policy-1.4.jar
>>> 2 rampart-core-1.4.jar
>>> 2 qaqc.jar
>>> 2 puretls.jar
>>> 2 org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.RegistryService-stub.jar
>>> 2 org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.QueryService-stub.jar
>>> 2 org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.PutService-stub.jar
>>> 2 org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.IdentifierService-stub.jar
>>> 2 org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.AuthenticationService-stub.jar
>>> 2 org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.AuthenticatedQueryService-stub.jar
>>> 2 opensaml-1.1.jar
>>> 2 neethi-2.0.4.jar
>>> 2 mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar
>>> 2 mex-1.4.jar
>>> 2 mail-1.4.jar
>>> 2 lsid-client.jar
>>> 2 log4j-1.3alpha-8.jar
>>> 2 kepler-tasks.jar
>>> 2 jts-1.4.0.jar
>>> 2 jsch-0.1.31.jar
>>> 2 jgss.jar
>>> 2 jena.jar
>>> 2 jaxrpc-spi.jar
>>> 2 jaxrpc-impl.jar
>>> 2 jaxb-impl.jar
>>> 2 jaxb-api.jar
>>> 2 jacorb.jar
>>> 2 ImageJ.jar
>>> 2 HelloWorld.jar
>>> 2 gt1.jar
>>> 2 gnu-regexp-1.0.8.jar
>>> 2 GeoVista-PCPVis.jar
>>> 2 forester.jar
>>> 2 cryptix.jar
>>> 2 commons-net-1.2.1.jar
>>> 2 commons-logging-1.1.jar
>>> 2 commons-httpclient-2.0-rc2.jar
>>> 2 cog-jglobus.jar
>>> 2 cog-axis.jar
>>> 2 CipresKeplerRegistry.jar
>>> 2 cipres_framework.jar
>>> 2 castor-0.9.5.jar
>>> 2 backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar
>>> 2 axis-wsdl4j-1.2-RC1.jar
>>> 2 axis-saaj-1.4.jar
>>> 2 axis-jaxrpc-1.2-RC1.jar
>>> 2 axis2-kernel-1.4.jar
>>> 2 axis2-adb-1.4.jar
>>> 2 axis-1.4.jar
>>> 2 axiom-impl-1.2.7.jar
>>> 2 axiom-api-1.2.7.jar
>>> 2 antelope.jar
>>> 2 alltools.jar
>>> 2 alltools2.jar
>>> 2 activation.jar
>>> 2 activation-1.1.jar
>>> _Christopher
>>> debi staggs wrote:
>>>> Hi Christopher,
>>>> I checked in copies of those particular files because for the reporting
>>>> module we want to have a drop down box that is in the toolbar, that
>>>> allows
>>>> users to change between three different views. One view is of the
>>>> workflow,
>>>> another is for the report designer, etc. Using the copies of these
>>>> files is
>>>> very temporary and for testing purposes only. We are working on a more
>>>> flexible and comprehensive way to adapt the GUI from extension
>>>> points, but
>>>> just needed to over-ride those classes temporarily.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Debi
>>>> Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>>> Hi Debi,
>>>>> Why are you checking in a copies of these file?
>>>>> Can we add extension points to the original versions?
>>>>> _Christopher
>>>>> staggs at ecoinformatics.org wrote:
>>>>>> Author: staggs
>>>>>> Date: 2009-02-09 15:32:28 -0800 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009)
>>>>>> New Revision: 16583
>>>>>> Added:
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/GUIUtilities.java
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorEditorGraphController.java
>>>>>> Log:
>>>>>> Added combo box to frame for use in navigating between views.
>>>>>> Added: trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/GUIUtilities.java
>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>> --- trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/GUIUtilities.java
>>>>>> (rev 0)
>>>>>> +++ trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/diva/gui/GUIUtilities.java
>>>>>> 2009-02-09 23:32:28 UTC (rev 16583)
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
>>>>>> +/*
>>>>>> + Copyright (c) 1998-2006 The Regents of the University of California
>>>>>> + All rights reserved.
>>>>>> + Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
>>>>>> + license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
>>>>>> + software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
>>>>>> above
>>>>>> + copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all
>>>>>> copies
>>>>>> + of this software.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> PARTY
>>>>>> EVEN IF
>>>>>> + SUCH DAMAGE.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> UPDATES,
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> +package ptolemy.diva.gui;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +import java.awt.Component;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.Dimension;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.Event;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.Insets;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
>>>>>> +import java.io.File;
>>>>>> +import java.io.PrintWriter;
>>>>>> +import java.io.StringWriter;
>>>>>> +import java.net.URL;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.Action;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.Icon;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JButton;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JComboBox;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JComponent;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JList;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JMenu;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JTextArea;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JToolBar;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +/**
>>>>>> + * A collection of utilities for the GUI.
>>>>>> + *
>>>>>> + * @author John Reekie
>>>>>> + * @author Steve Neuendorffer
>>>>>> + * @version $Id: GUIUtilities.java 47513 2007-12-07 06:32:21Z cxh $
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> +public class GUIUtilities {
>>>>>> + /** JDK1.2 doesn't have this string defined in
>>>>>> javax.swing.Action.
>>>>>> + * This is the value that JDK1.3 uses.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static final String ACCELERATOR_KEY = "AcceleratorKey";
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** JDK1.2 doesn't have this string defined in
>>>>>> javax.swing.Action.
>>>>>> + * This is the value that JDK1.3 uses.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static final String MNEMONIC_KEY = "MnemonicKey";
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** This key is used in an action to specify an icon used in
>>>>>> toolbars.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static final String LARGE_ICON = "LargeIcon";
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** This key is used in an action to specify a rollover icon
>>>>>> + * used in toolbars.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static final String ROLLOVER_ICON = "rolloverIcon";
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** This key is used in an action to specify a rollover selected
>>>>>> icon
>>>>>> + * used in toolbars.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static final String ROLLOVER_SELECTED_ICON =
>>>>>> "rolloverSelectedIcon";
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** This key is used in an action to specify a selected icon
>>>>>> + * used in toolbars.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static final String SELECTED_ICON = "selectedIcon";
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add a quick keystroke on the given pane for the given
>>>>>> action.
>>>>>> + * The keystroke that is added is given in the ACCELERATOR_KEY
>>>>>> + * property that has been set in the action. If the
>>>>>> + * property has not been set, then do not add a hotkey.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static void addHotKey(JComponent pane, Action action) {
>>>>>> + addHotKey(pane, action, null);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add a quick keystroke on the given pane for the given
>>>>>> action.
>>>>>> + * If the given keystroke is null, then use the ACCELERATOR_KEY
>>>>>> + * property that has been set in the action. If the given
>>>>>> keystroke
>>>>>> + * is null, Otherwise, set the
>>>>>> + * ACCELERATOR_KEY property to the given key stroke.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static void addHotKey(JComponent pane, Action action,
>>>>>> KeyStroke key) {
>>>>>> + String name = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (key == null) {
>>>>>> + key = (KeyStroke) action.getValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY);
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + action.putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, key);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (key != null) {
>>>>>> + pane.registerKeyboardAction(action, name, key,
>>>>>> + JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add icons to an action. This method is used to associate
>>>>>> + * icons with the different states: unselected, rollover,
>>>>>> + * rollover selected, selected etc.
>>>>>> + *
>>>>>> + * @param action The action to which the icons are added.
>>>>>> + * @param iconRoles A matrix of Strings, where each element
>>>>>> + * consists of two Strings, the absolute URL of the icon
>>>>>> + * and the key that represents the role of the icon. The keys
>>>>>> + * are usually static fields from this class, such as
>>>>>> + * {@link #LARGE_ICON}, {@link #ROLLOVER_ICON},
>>>>>> + * {@link #ROLLOVER_SELECTED_ICON} or {@link #SELECTED_ICON}.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static void addIcons(Action action, String[][]
>>>>>> iconRoles) {
>>>>>> + for (int i = 0; i < iconRoles.length; i++) {
>>>>>> + URL img =
>>>>>> action.getClass().getResource(iconRoles[i][0]);
>>>>>> + if (img != null) {
>>>>>> + ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(img);
>>>>>> + action.putValue(iconRoles[i][1], icon);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to a menu and return the menu item
>>>>>> created. If
>>>>>> + * the tool tip is null, use the "tooltip" property already
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> + * action, otherwise add the property to the action. (The
>>>>>> mnemonic
>>>>>> + * isn't added.) The new menu item is added to the action as
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> + * "menuItem" property. The menu item's text is set using the
>>>>>> + * action's name, concatenated with a description of a keyboard
>>>>>> + * accelerator, if one has been set previously on the action.
>>>>>> + * The item will be enabled by default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JMenuItem addMenuItem(JMenu menu, Action action) {
>>>>>> + String label = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME);
>>>>>> + int mnemonic = 0;
>>>>>> + Integer i = (Integer) action.getValue(MNEMONIC_KEY);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (i != null) {
>>>>>> + mnemonic = i.intValue();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + return addMenuItem(menu, label, action, mnemonic, null,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to a menu and return the menu item
>>>>>> created. If
>>>>>> + * the tool tip is null, use the "tooltip" property already
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> + * action, otherwise add the property to the action. (The
>>>>>> mnemonic
>>>>>> + * isn't added.) The new menu item is added to the action as
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> + * "menuItem" property. The menu item's text is set using the
>>>>>> + * action's name, concatenated with a description of a keyboard
>>>>>> + * accelerator, if one has been set previously on the action.
>>>>>> + * The item will be enabled by default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JMenuItem addMenuItem(JMenu menu, Action action,
>>>>>> + int mnemonic, String tooltip) {
>>>>>> + String label = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME);
>>>>>> + return addMenuItem(menu, label, action, mnemonic, tooltip,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to a menu and return the menu item
>>>>>> created. If
>>>>>> + * the tool tip is null, use the "tooltip" property already
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> + * action, otherwise add the property to the action. (The
>>>>>> mnemonic
>>>>>> + * isn't added.) The new menu item is added to the action as
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> + * "menuItem" property. The menu item's text is set to be
>>>>>> "label",
>>>>>> + * and is disabled or enabled according to "isEnabled."
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JMenuItem addMenuItem(JMenu menu, String label,
>>>>>> + Action action, int mnemonic, String tooltip, boolean
>>>>>> isEnabled) {
>>>>>> + if (tooltip == null) {
>>>>>> + tooltip = (String) action.getValue("tooltip");
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + action.putValue("tooltip", tooltip);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + action.putValue("tooltip", tooltip);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + JMenuItem item = menu.add(action);
>>>>>> + item.setText(label);
>>>>>> + item.setEnabled(isEnabled);
>>>>>> + item.setMnemonic(mnemonic);
>>>>>> + item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + KeyStroke key = (KeyStroke)
>>>>>> action.getValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY);
>>>>>> + item.setAccelerator(key);
>>>>>> + action.putValue("menuItem", item);
>>>>>> + return item;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add the action to the given toolbar.
>>>>>> + * If the LARGE_ICON property is specified in the Action,
>>>>>> then use
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> + * for the button. We use this instead of SMALL_ICON, because
>>>>>> + * SMALL_ICON shows up when the action is added to a menu,
>>>>>> and in
>>>>>> + * most cases we don't actually want an icon there.
>>>>>> + * If no icon is specified, then the button will just
>>>>>> + * have the name of the action. If the "tooltip" property is
>>>>>> specified
>>>>>> + * in the action, then create a tooltip for the button with the
>>>>>> string.
>>>>>> + * The new button is added to the action as the "toolButton"
>>>>>> property.
>>>>>> + * The button is enabled by default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + + + + + + public static JButton
>>>>>> addToolBarButton(JToolBar toolbar, Action action) {
>>>>>> + Icon icon = (Icon) action.getValue(LARGE_ICON);
>>>>>> + String label = null;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (icon == null) {
>>>>>> + label = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + return addToolBarButton(toolbar, action, null, icon, label,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to the toolbar. If the tool tip is null, use
>>>>>> + * the "tooltip" property already in the action, otherwise
>>>>>> add the
>>>>>> + * property to the action. The new button is added to the action
>>>>>> + * as the "toolButton" property. The button represented by
>>>>>> an icon
>>>>>> + * (no text) and is enabled by default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JButton addToolBarButton(JToolBar toolbar, Action
>>>>>> action,
>>>>>> + String tooltip, Icon icon) {
>>>>>> + return addToolBarButton(toolbar, action, tooltip, icon,
>>>>>> null,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to the toolbar. If the tool tip is null, use
>>>>>> + * the "tooltip" property already in the action, otherwise
>>>>>> add the
>>>>>> + * property to the action. The new button is added to the action
>>>>>> + * as the "toolButton" property. The button represented by
>>>>>> an icon
>>>>>> + * (no text) and is enabled by default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JButton addToolBarButton(JToolBar toolbar, Action
>>>>>> action,
>>>>>> + String tooltip, Icon icon, boolean isEnabled) {
>>>>>> + return addToolBarButton(toolbar, action, tooltip, icon,
>>>>>> null,
>>>>>> isEnabled);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to the toolbar. If the tool tip is null, use
>>>>>> + * the "tooltip" property already in the action, otherwise
>>>>>> add the
>>>>>> + * property to the action. The new button is added to the action
>>>>>> + * as the "toolButton" property. The button represented by text
>>>>>> + * (no icon) and is enabled by default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JButton addToolBarButton(JToolBar toolbar, Action
>>>>>> action,
>>>>>> + String tooltip, String lbl) {
>>>>>> + return addToolBarButton(toolbar, action, tooltip, null, lbl,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to the toolbar. If either an icon or a text
>>>>>> string
>>>>>> + * are specified (non-null), they are added. The button is
>>>>>> enabled
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> + * default.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JButton addToolBarButton(JToolBar toolbar, Action
>>>>>> action,
>>>>>> + String tooltip, Icon icon, String lbl) {
>>>>>> + return addToolBarButton(toolbar, action, tooltip, icon, lbl,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + + /**Add a ComboBox drop down to the toolbar. */
>>>>>> + + +
>>>>>> + public static JComboBox addComboBoxViewChanger(JToolBar toolbar,
>>>>>> Action action, String tooltip, + Icon icon, String lbl,
>>>>>> boolean
>>>>>> isEnabled) {
>>>>>> + + if (tooltip == null) {
>>>>>> + tooltip = (String) action.getValue("tooltip");
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + action.putValue("tooltip", tooltip);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + + String[] viewsList = {"Edit", "Report", "View"};
>>>>>> + JComboBox comboViewList = new JComboBox(viewsList);
>>>>>> + //comboViewList.setSelectedIndex(2);
>>>>>> + comboViewList.addActionListener(comboViewList);
>>>>>> + comboViewList.setSize(new Dimension(1, 1));
>>>>>> + comboViewList.setPreferredSize(new
>>>>>> Dimension(comboViewList.getPreferredSize().width,comboViewList.getPreferredSize().height));
>>>>>> + System.out.println(comboViewList.getSize()); +
>>>>>> toolbar.add(comboViewList); + return comboViewList;
>>>>>> + + }
>>>>>> + +
>>>>>> + + // public static JComboBox
>>>>>> createComboBoxViewChanger(JToolBar
>>>>>> toolbar){ + // String[] viewNames = {"Edit Workflow",
>>>>>> "Design
>>>>>> Report", "View Report" };
>>>>>> + // JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(viewNames);
>>>>>> + // return combo;
>>>>>> + // }
>>>>>> + + + + //public static JComboBox addViewsList(JToolBar
>>>>>> toolbar, Action action) {
>>>>>> + //return addViewsList(toolbar, action);
>>>>>> + //}
>>>>>> + +
>>>>>> + /** Add an action to the toolbar. If the tool tip is null, use
>>>>>> + * the "tooltip" property already in the action, otherwise
>>>>>> add the
>>>>>> + * property to the action. The new button is added to the
>>>>>> action
>>>>>> + * as the "toolButton" property. If either an icon or a text
>>>>>> string
>>>>>> + * are specified (non-null), they are added.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static JButton addToolBarButton(JToolBar toolbar, Action
>>>>>> action,
>>>>>> + String tooltip, Icon icon, String lbl, boolean
>>>>>> isEnabled) {
>>>>>> + if (tooltip == null) {
>>>>>> + tooltip = (String) action.getValue("tooltip");
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + action.putValue("tooltip", tooltip);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + JButton button = toolbar.add(action);
>>>>>> + button.setToolTipText(tooltip);
>>>>>> + button.setText(null);
>>>>>> + button.setRequestFocusEnabled(false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (icon != null) {
>>>>>> + button.setIcon(icon);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (lbl != null) {
>>>>>> + button.setText(lbl);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + Icon rolloverIcon = (Icon) action.getValue(ROLLOVER_ICON);
>>>>>> + if (rolloverIcon != null) {
>>>>>> + button.setRolloverIcon(rolloverIcon);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + Icon rolloverSelectedIcon = (Icon) action
>>>>>> + .getValue(ROLLOVER_SELECTED_ICON);
>>>>>> + if (rolloverSelectedIcon != null) {
>>>>>> + button.setRolloverSelectedIcon(rolloverSelectedIcon);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + Icon selectedIcon = (Icon) action.getValue(SELECTED_ICON);
>>>>>> + if (selectedIcon != null) {
>>>>>> + button.setSelectedIcon(selectedIcon);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + button.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // button.setBorderPainted(false);
>>>>>> + button.setBorderPainted(true);
>>>>>> + button.setEnabled(isEnabled);
>>>>>> + action.putValue("toolBarButton", button);
>>>>>> + return button;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /**
>>>>>> + * Return a string that contains the original string, limited to
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> + * given number of characters. If the string is truncated,
>>>>>> ellipses
>>>>>> + * will be appended to the end of the string
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static String ellipsis(String string, int length) {
>>>>>> + if (string.length() > length) {
>>>>>> + return string.substring(0, length - 3) + "...";
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + return string;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Get the extension of a file. Return a null string is there
>>>>>> + * is no extension.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static String getFileExtension(File file) {
>>>>>> + String str = file.getName();
>>>>>> + int i = str.lastIndexOf('.');
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (i > 0) {
>>>>>> + return str.substring(i + 1);
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + return "";
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Return a good string representation of the given keystroke,
>>>>>> since
>>>>>> + * the toString method returns more garbage than we want to
>>>>>> see in
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> + * user interface.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static String keyStrokeToString(KeyStroke key) {
>>>>>> + int modifiers = key.getModifiers();
>>>>>> + StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if ((modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) == Event.SHIFT_MASK) {
>>>>>> + buffer.append("(Shift-");
>>>>>> + buffer.append(KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()));
>>>>>> + buffer.append(")");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if ((modifiers & Event.CTRL_MASK) == Event.CTRL_MASK) {
>>>>>> + buffer.append("(Ctrl-");
>>>>>> + buffer.append(KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()));
>>>>>> + buffer.append(")");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if ((modifiers & Event.META_MASK) == Event.META_MASK) {
>>>>>> + buffer.append("(Meta-");
>>>>>> + buffer.append(KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()));
>>>>>> + buffer.append(")");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if ((modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) == Event.ALT_MASK) {
>>>>>> + buffer.append("(Alt-");
>>>>>> + buffer.append(KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()));
>>>>>> + buffer.append(")");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (modifiers == 0) {
>>>>>> + buffer.append("(");
>>>>>> + buffer.append(KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()));
>>>>>> + buffer.append(")");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + return buffer.toString();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Display an exception in a nice user-oriented way.
>>>>>> Instead of
>>>>>> + * displaying the whole stack trace, just display the exception
>>>>>> message
>>>>>> + * and a button for displaying the whole stack trace.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static void showException(Component parent, Exception e,
>>>>>> String info) {
>>>>>> + Object[] message = new Object[1];
>>>>>> + String string;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (info != null) {
>>>>>> + string = info + "\n" + e.getMessage();
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + string = e.getMessage();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + message[0] = ellipsis(string, 400);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + Object[] options = { "Dismiss", "Display Stack Trace" };
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Show the MODAL dialog
>>>>>> + int selected = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, message,
>>>>>> + "Exception Caught", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
>>>>>> + JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options,
>>>>>> options[0]);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (selected == 1) {
>>>>>> + showStackTrace(parent, e, info);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Display a stack trace dialog. Eventually, the dialog should
>>>>>> + * be able to email us a bug report.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static void showStackTrace(Component parent, Exception
>>>>>> e) {
>>>>>> + showStackTrace(parent, e, null);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Display a stack trace dialog. Eventually, the dialog should
>>>>>> + * be able to email us a bug report. The "info" argument is a
>>>>>> + * string printed at the top of the dialog instead of the
>>>>>> Exception
>>>>>> + * message.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public static void showStackTrace(Component parent, Exception e,
>>>>>> String info) {
>>>>>> + // Show the stack trace in a scrollable text area.
>>>>>> + StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
>>>>>> + PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
>>>>>> + e.printStackTrace(pw);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + JTextArea text = new JTextArea(sw.toString(), 60, 80);
>>>>>> + JScrollPane stext = new JScrollPane(text);
>>>>>> + stext.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200));
>>>>>> + text.setCaretPosition(0);
>>>>>> + text.setEditable(false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // We want to stack the text area with another message
>>>>>> + Object[] message = new Object[2];
>>>>>> + String string;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (info != null) {
>>>>>> + string = info + "\n" + e.getMessage();
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + string = e.getMessage();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + message[0] = ellipsis(string, 400);
>>>>>> + message[1] = stext;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Show the MODAL dialog
>>>>>> + JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, message, "Exception
>>>>>> Caught",
>>>>>> + JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + public static void addComboBoxViewChanger(JToolBar toolbar,
>>>>>> + Action viewAction) {
>>>>>> + String[] ViewsList = {"Workflow Editor", "Report Designer",
>>>>>> "Report Viewer" };
>>>>>> + JComboBox viewsCombo = new JComboBox(ViewsList);
>>>>>> + toolbar.add(viewsCombo);
>>>>>> + + }
>>>>>> +}
>>>>>> Added:
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorEditorGraphController.java
>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorEditorGraphController.java
>>>>>> (rev 0)
>>>>>> +++
>>>>>> trunk/modules/reporting/src/ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorEditorGraphController.java
>>>>>> 2009-02-09 23:32:28 UTC (rev 16583)
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
>>>>>> +/* The graph controller for vergil.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + Copyright (c) 1998-2008 The Regents of the University of
>>>>>> California.
>>>>>> + All rights reserved.
>>>>>> + Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
>>>>>> + license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
>>>>>> + software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
>>>>>> above
>>>>>> + copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all
>>>>>> copies
>>>>>> + of this software.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> PARTY
>>>>>> EVEN IF
>>>>>> + SUCH DAMAGE.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> UPDATES,
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> +package ptolemy.vergil.actor;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +import java.awt.Dimension;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.Toolkit;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
>>>>>> +import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
>>>>>> +import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
>>>>>> +import java.util.Iterator;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.Action;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JComboBox;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JMenu;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
>>>>>> +import javax.swing.JToolBar;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.actor.gui.Configuration;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.util.MessageHandler;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.basic.BasicGraphFrame;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjController;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.AttributeController;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.Link;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.PortDialogAction;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.RelationController;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.FigureAction;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.MenuItemFactory;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.toolbox.SnapConstraint;
>>>>>> +import ptolemy.vergil.unit.ConfigureUnitsAction;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.CanvasComponent;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.CanvasUtilities;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.Figure;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.FigureLayer;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.Site;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.connector.Connector;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.event.LayerEvent;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.interactor.GrabHandle;
>>>>>> +import diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor;
>>>>>> +import diva.graph.GraphPane;
>>>>>> +import diva.graph.JGraph;
>>>>>> +import diva.graph.NodeRenderer;
>>>>>> +import diva.gui.GUIUtilities;
>>>>>> +import diva.gui.toolbox.FigureIcon;
>>>>>> +import diva.gui.toolbox.JContextMenu;
>>>>>> +import diva.util.UserObjectContainer;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> +//// ActorEditorGraphController
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +/**
>>>>>> + A Graph Controller for the Ptolemy II schematic editor. In
>>>>>> addition
>>>>>> to the
>>>>>> + interaction allowed in the viewer, this controller allows nodes
>>>>>> to be
>>>>>> + dragged and dropped onto its graph. Relations can be created by
>>>>>> + control-clicking on the background. Links can be created by
>>>>>> control-clicking
>>>>>> + and dragging on a port or a relation. In addition links can be
>>>>>> created by
>>>>>> + clicking and dragging on the ports that are inside an entity.
>>>>>> + Anything can be deleted by selecting it and pressing
>>>>>> + the delete key on the keyboard.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + @author Steve Neuendorffer, Contributor: Edward A. Lee, Bert
>>>>>> Rodiers
>>>>>> + @version $Id: ActorEditorGraphController.java 52222 2009-01-28
>>>>>> 01:55:29Z rodiers $
>>>>>> + @since Ptolemy II 2.0
>>>>>> + @Pt.ProposedRating Red (eal)
>>>>>> + @Pt.AcceptedRating Red (johnr)
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> +public class ActorEditorGraphController extends
>>>>>> ActorViewerGraphController {
>>>>>> + /** Create a new basic controller with default
>>>>>> + * terminal and edge interactors.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public ActorEditorGraphController() {
>>>>>> + super();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// public
>>>>>> methods ////
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add commands to the specified menu and toolbar, as
>>>>>> appropriate
>>>>>> + * for this controller. In this class, commands are added to
>>>>>> create
>>>>>> + * ports and relations.
>>>>>> + * @param menu The menu to add to, or null if none.
>>>>>> + * @param toolbar The toolbar to add to, or null if none.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public void addToMenuAndToolbar(JMenu menu, JToolBar toolbar) {
>>>>>> + super.addToMenuAndToolbar(menu, toolbar);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu,
>>>>>> _newInputPortAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> _newInputPortAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu,
>>>>>> _newOutputPortAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> _newOutputPortAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu,
>>>>>> _newInoutPortAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> _newInoutPortAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu,
>>>>>> _newInputMultiportAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> + _newInputMultiportAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu,
>>>>>> _newOutputMultiportAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> + _newOutputMultiportAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu,
>>>>>> _newInoutMultiportAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> + _newInoutMultiportAction);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + menu.addSeparator();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Add an item that adds new relations.
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addMenuItem(menu, _newRelationAction);
>>>>>> + diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addToolBarButton(toolbar,
>>>>>> _newRelationAction);
>>>>>> + //diva.gui.GUIUtilities.addComboBoxViewChanger(toolbar,
>>>>>> _changeViewAction);
>>>>>> + + String[] ViewsList = {"Workflow Editor", "Report
>>>>>> Designer", "Report Viewer" };
>>>>>> + JComboBox viewsCombo = new JComboBox(ViewsList);
>>>>>> + viewsCombo.setSelectedIndex(0);
>>>>>> + Object selectedIndex =
>>>>>> viewsCombo.getModel().getSelectedItem();
>>>>>> + String selectedView = viewsCombo.getName();
>>>>>> + +
>>>>>> viewsCombo.addActionListener(_changeViewAction(selectedView));
>>>>>> + //TODO add ActionEvents for each Name +
>>>>>> toolbar.add(viewsCombo);
>>>>>> + + }
>>>>>> + +
>>>>>> + /** Set the configuration. The configuration is used when
>>>>>> + * opening documentation files.
>>>>>> + * @param configuration The configuration.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
>>>>>> + super.setConfiguration(configuration);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (_portDialogAction != null) {
>>>>>> + _portDialogAction.setConfiguration(configuration);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (_configureUnitsAction != null) {
>>>>>> + _configureUnitsAction.setConfiguration(configuration);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (_listenToActorFactory != null) {
>>>>>> + _listenToActorFactory.setConfiguration(configuration);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// protected
>>>>>> methods ////
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// NewRelationAction
>>>>>> + /** An action to create a new relation. */
>>>>>> + public class NewRelationAction extends FigureAction {
>>>>>> + /** Create an action that creates a new relation.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public NewRelationAction() {
>>>>>> + this(null);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Create an action that creates a new relation.
>>>>>> + * @param iconRoles A matrix of Strings, where each element
>>>>>> + * consists of two Strings, the absolute URL of the icon
>>>>>> + * and the key that represents the role of the icon.
>>>>>> The keys
>>>>>> + * are usually static fields from this class, such as
>>>>>> + * {@link diva.gui.GUIUtilities#LARGE_ICON},
>>>>>> + * {@link diva.gui.GUIUtilities#ROLLOVER_ICON},
>>>>>> + * {@link diva.gui.GUIUtilities#ROLLOVER_SELECTED_ICON} or
>>>>>> + * {@link diva.gui.GUIUtilities#SELECTED_ICON}.
>>>>>> + * If this parameter is null, then the icon comes from
>>>>>> + * the calling getNodeRenderer() on the {@link
>>>>>> #_portController}.
>>>>>> + * @see diva.gui.GUIUtilities#addIcons(Action, String[][])
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public NewRelationAction(String[][] iconRoles) {
>>>>>> + super("New Relation");
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (iconRoles != null) {
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.addIcons(this, iconRoles);
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + // Standard toolbar icons are 25x25 pixels.
>>>>>> + NodeRenderer renderer =
>>>>>> _relationController.getNodeRenderer();
>>>>>> + Figure figure = renderer.render(null);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + FigureIcon icon = new FigureIcon(figure, 25, 25, 1,
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + putValue(diva.gui.GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON, icon);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + putValue("tooltip", "Control-click to create a new
>>>>>> relation");
>>>>>> + putValue(diva.gui.GUIUtilities.MNEMONIC_KEY, Integer
>>>>>> + .valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_R));
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
>>>>>> + super.actionPerformed(e);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + double x;
>>>>>> + double y;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // If you add a vertex on top of an existing link the
>>>>>> vertex will
>>>>>> + // be added to the link. If the link exists, link
>>>>>> will be
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> + // from null.
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + Link link = null;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if ((getSourceType() == TOOLBAR_TYPE)
>>>>>> + || (getSourceType() == MENUBAR_TYPE)) {
>>>>>> + // No location in the action, so put it in the
>>>>>> middle.
>>>>>> + BasicGraphFrame frame =
>>>>>> ActorEditorGraphController.this
>>>>>> + .getFrame();
>>>>>> + Point2D center;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (frame != null) {
>>>>>> + // Put in the middle of the visible part.
>>>>>> + center = frame.getCenter();
>>>>>> + x = center.getX();
>>>>>> + y = center.getY();
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + // Put in the middle of the pane.
>>>>>> + GraphPane pane = getGraphPane();
>>>>>> + center = pane.getSize();
>>>>>> + x = center.getX() / 2;
>>>>>> + y = center.getY() / 2;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + // Transform
>>>>>> + AffineTransform current =
>>>>>> getGraphPane().getTransformContext()
>>>>>> + .getTransform();
>>>>>> + AffineTransform inverse;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + try {
>>>>>> + inverse = current.createInverse();
>>>>>> + } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
>>>>>> + throw new RuntimeException(ex.toString());
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + inverse.transform(point, point);
>>>>>> + x = point.getX();
>>>>>> + y = point.getY(); + +
>>>>>> // If you add a vertex on top of an existing link the
>>>>>> vertex will
>>>>>> + // be added to the link. In this code fragment we
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> find
>>>>>> + // out whether the vertex is on top of a link.
>>>>>> + {
>>>>>> + GraphPane pane = getGraphPane();
>>>>>> + FigureLayer foregroundLayer =
>>>>>> pane.getForegroundLayer();
>>>>>> + + double halo =
>>>>>> foregroundLayer.getPickHalo();
>>>>>> + double width = halo * 2;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // The rectangle in which we search for a
>>>>>> Figure.
>>>>>> + Rectangle2D region = new Rectangle2D.Double(
>>>>>> + x - halo, y - halo, width, width);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Iterate through figures within the region.
>>>>>> + Iterator<?> foregroundFigures =
>>>>>> foregroundLayer.getFigures().getIntersectedFigures(region).figuresFromFront();
>>>>>> + Iterator<?> pickFigures =
>>>>>> CanvasUtilities.pickIter(foregroundFigures,
>>>>>> + region);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + while(link == null && pickFigures.hasNext()) {
>>>>>> + CanvasComponent possibleFigure =
>>>>>> (CanvasComponent)pickFigures.next();
>>>>>> + if (possibleFigure == null) {
>>>>>> + // Nothing to see here, move along -
>>>>>> there
>>>>>> is no Figure.
>>>>>> + } else if (possibleFigure instanceof
>>>>>> UserObjectContainer) {
>>>>>> + // Work our way up the CanvasComponent
>>>>>> parent tree
>>>>>> + // See EditorDropTarget for similar
>>>>>> code.
>>>>>> + if (possibleFigure instanceof
>>>>>> UserObjectContainer) { +
>>>>>> Object userObject = ((UserObjectContainer)
>>>>>> possibleFigure).getUserObject();
>>>>>> + if (userObject instanceof Link) {
>>>>>> + link = (Link) userObject;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + } + }
>>>>>> + + ActorGraphModel graphModel = (ActorGraphModel)
>>>>>> getGraphModel();
>>>>>> + double[] point =
>>>>>> _offsetVertex(SnapConstraint.constrainPoint(x, y));
>>>>>> + final NamedObj toplevel = graphModel.getPtolemyModel();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (!(toplevel instanceof CompositeEntity)) {
>>>>>> + throw new InternalErrorException(
>>>>>> + "Cannot invoke NewRelationAction on an
>>>>>> object "
>>>>>> + + "that is not a CompositeEntity.");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + final String relationName =
>>>>>> toplevel.uniqueName("relation"); +
>>>>>> + StringBuffer moml = new StringBuffer();
>>>>>> + if (link != null) {
>>>>>> + // Add the vertex to an existing link.
>>>>>> + moml.append("<group>\n");
>>>>>> + StringBuffer failmoml = new StringBuffer();
>>>>>> + graphModel.getLinkModel().addNewVertexToLink(moml,
>>>>>> + failmoml, (CompositeEntity) toplevel, link,
>>>>>> relationName, x, y);
>>>>>> + moml.append("</group>\n");
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + final String vertexName = "vertex1";
>>>>>> + + // Create the relation.
>>>>>> + moml.append("<relation name=\"" +
>>>>>> relationName +
>>>>>> "\">\n");
>>>>>> + moml.append("<vertex name=\"" + vertexName + "\"
>>>>>> value=\"{");
>>>>>> + moml.append(point[0] + ", " + point[1]);
>>>>>> + moml.append("}\"/>\n");
>>>>>> + moml.append("</relation>");
>>>>>> + } + MoMLChangeRequest request = new
>>>>>> MoMLChangeRequest(this, toplevel,
>>>>>> + moml.toString());
>>>>>> + request.setUndoable(true);
>>>>>> + toplevel.requestChange(request);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Offset a figure if another figure is already at that
>>>>>> location.
>>>>>> + * @param point An array of two doubles (x and y)
>>>>>> + * @return An array of two doubles (x and y) that
>>>>>> represents
>>>>>> + * either the original location or an offset location that
>>>>>> + * does not obscure an object of class <i>figure</i>.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected double[] _offsetVertex(double[] point) {
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + GraphPane pane = getGraphPane();
>>>>>> + FigureLayer foregroundLayer = pane.getForegroundLayer();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + Rectangle2D visibleRectangle;
>>>>>> + BasicGraphFrame frame =
>>>>>> ActorEditorGraphController.this.getFrame();
>>>>>> + if (frame != null) {
>>>>>> + visibleRectangle = frame.getVisibleRectangle();
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + visibleRectangle =
>>>>>> pane.getCanvas().getVisibleSize();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + return _offsetFigure(point[0], point[1], _PASTE_OFFSET,
>>>>>> + _PASTE_OFFSET, ptolemy.moml.Vertex.class,
>>>>>> foregroundLayer,
>>>>>> + visibleRectangle);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Add hot keys to the actions in the given JGraph.
>>>>>> + *
>>>>>> + * @param jgraph The JGraph to which hot keys are to be added.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected void _addHotKeys(JGraph jgraph) {
>>>>>> + super._addHotKeys(jgraph);
>>>>>> + +
>>>>>> _classDefinitionController.addHotKeys(getFrame().getJGraph());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Create the controllers for nodes in this graph.
>>>>>> + * In this class, controllers with FULL access are created.
>>>>>> + * This is called by the constructor, so derived classes that
>>>>>> + * override this must be careful not to reference local
>>>>>> variables
>>>>>> + * defined in the derived classes, because the derived classes
>>>>>> + * will not have been fully constructed by the time this is
>>>>>> called.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected void _createControllers() {
>>>>>> + Configuration _config =
>>>>>> (Configuration)Configuration.configurations().iterator().next();
>>>>>> + String _alternateActorInstanceClassName = null;
>>>>>> + _attributeController = new AttributeController(this,
>>>>>> + AttributeController.FULL);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + _classDefinitionController = new
>>>>>> ClassDefinitionController(this);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if(_config != null) {
>>>>>> + /*
>>>>>> + * If _alternateActorInstanceController is set in the
>>>>>> config,
>>>>>> use that
>>>>>> + * class as the _entityController instead of the default +
>>>>>> * ActorInstanceController
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + StringAttribute _alternateActorInstanceAttribute =
>>>>>> (StringAttribute)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> _config.getAttribute("_alternateActorInstanceController");
>>>>>> + if(_alternateActorInstanceAttribute != null) {
>>>>>> + _alternateActorInstanceClassName = +
>>>>>> _alternateActorInstanceAttribute.getExpression();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + + if(_alternateActorInstanceClassName == null) {
>>>>>> + //System.out.println("Using standard
>>>>>> ActorInstanceController");
>>>>>> + + //default to the normal ActorInstanceController
>>>>>> + _entityController = new ActorInstanceController(this);
>>>>>> + } else {
>>>>>> + try {
>>>>>> + //try to load the alternate class
>>>>>> + + //System.out.println("Using
>>>>>> _alternateActorInstanceController: " + + //
>>>>>> _alternateActorInstanceClassName);
>>>>>> + Class _alternateActorInstanceClass =
>>>>>> Class.forName(_alternateActorInstanceClassName);
>>>>>> + Class[] argsClass = new Class[]
>>>>>> {diva.graph.GraphController.class};
>>>>>> + Object[] args = new Object[] {this};
>>>>>> + Constructor alternateActorInstanceConstructor =
>>>>>> _alternateActorInstanceClass.getConstructor(argsClass);
>>>>>> + _entityController = (ActorController)
>>>>>> alternateActorInstanceConstructor.newInstance(args);
>>>>>> + } catch(Exception e) {
>>>>>> + System.out.println("The configuration has " +
>>>>>> + "_alternateActorInstanceController set, but the
>>>>>> class " +
>>>>>> + _alternateActorInstanceClassName + " is not found.
>>>>>> Defaulting " +
>>>>>> + " to ActorInstanceController: " + e.getMessage());
>>>>>> + e.printStackTrace();
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + _entityPortController = new IOPortController(this,
>>>>>> + AttributeController.FULL);
>>>>>> + _portController = new ExternalIOPortController(this,
>>>>>> + AttributeController.FULL);
>>>>>> + _relationController = new RelationController(this);
>>>>>> + _linkController = new LinkController(this);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Initialize interactions for the specified controller. This
>>>>>> + * method is called when a new controller is constructed. In
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> + * class, this method attaches a link creator to the controller
>>>>>> + * if the controller is an instance of
>>>>>> ExternalIOPortController,
>>>>>> + * IOPortController, or RelationController.
>>>>>> + * @param controller The controller for which to initialize
>>>>>> interaction.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected void _initializeInteraction(NamedObjController
>>>>>> controller) {
>>>>>> + super._initializeInteraction(controller);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (controller instanceof ExternalIOPortController
>>>>>> + || controller instanceof IOPortController
>>>>>> + || controller instanceof RelationController) {
>>>>>> + Interactor interactor = controller.getNodeInteractor();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (interactor instanceof CompositeInteractor) {
>>>>>> + ((CompositeInteractor)
>>>>>> interactor).addInteractor(_linkCreator);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// protected
>>>>>> methods ////
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Initialize all interaction on the graph pane. This method
>>>>>> + * is called by the setGraphPane() method of the superclass.
>>>>>> + * This initialization cannot be done in the constructor
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> + * the controller does not yet have a reference to its pane
>>>>>> + * at that time.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected void initializeInteraction() {
>>>>>> + super.initializeInteraction();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + GraphPane pane = getGraphPane();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Add a menu command to configure the ports.
>>>>>> + _portDialogAction = new PortDialogAction("Ports");
>>>>>> + _portDialogAction.setConfiguration(getConfiguration());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + _configureMenuFactory.addAction(_portDialogAction,
>>>>>> "Customize");
>>>>>> + _configureUnitsAction = new ConfigureUnitsAction("Units
>>>>>> Constraints");
>>>>>> + _configureMenuFactory.addAction(_configureUnitsAction,
>>>>>> "Customize");
>>>>>> + _configureUnitsAction.setConfiguration(getConfiguration());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Add a menu command to list to the actor.
>>>>>> + _listenToActorFactory = new ListenToActorFactory();
>>>>>> + _menuFactory.addMenuItemFactory(_listenToActorFactory);
>>>>>> + _listenToActorFactory.setConfiguration(getConfiguration());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Create listeners that creates new relations.
>>>>>> + _relationCreator = new RelationCreator();
>>>>>> + _relationCreator.setMouseFilter(_shortcutFilter);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> pane.getBackgroundEventLayer().addInteractor(_relationCreator);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Note that shift-click is already bound to the
>>>>>> dragSelection
>>>>>> + // interactor when adding things to a selection.
>>>>>> + // Create the interactor that drags new edges.
>>>>>> + _linkCreator = new LinkCreator();
>>>>>> + _linkCreator.setMouseFilter(_shortcutFilter);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // NOTE: Do not use _initializeInteraction() because we are
>>>>>> + // still in the constructor, and that method is
>>>>>> overloaded in
>>>>>> + // derived classes.
>>>>>> + ((CompositeInteractor) _portController.getNodeInteractor())
>>>>>> + .addInteractor(_linkCreator);
>>>>>> + ((CompositeInteractor)
>>>>>> _entityPortController.getNodeInteractor())
>>>>>> + .addInteractor(_linkCreator);
>>>>>> + ((CompositeInteractor)
>>>>>> _relationController.getNodeInteractor())
>>>>>> + .addInteractor(_linkCreator);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + LinkCreator linkCreator2 = new LinkCreator();
>>>>>> + linkCreator2
>>>>>> + .setMouseFilter(new
>>>>>> MouseFilter(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK, 0));
>>>>>> + ((CompositeInteractor)
>>>>>> _entityPortController.getNodeInteractor())
>>>>>> + .addInteractor(linkCreator2);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + + + /** Action for creating a new relation. */
>>>>>> + protected Action _newRelationAction = new NewRelationAction(
>>>>>> + new String[][] {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/relation.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/relation_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/relation_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/relation_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // private LinkCreator _linkCreator2; // For shift-click
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** This class is an interactor that interactively drags
>>>>>> edges from
>>>>>> + * one terminal to another, creating a link to connect them.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected class LinkCreator extends AbstractInteractor {
>>>>>> + /** Create a new edge when the mouse is pressed. */
>>>>>> + public void mousePressed(LayerEvent event) {
>>>>>> + Figure source = event.getFigureSource();
>>>>>> + NamedObj sourceObject = (NamedObj)
>>>>>> source.getUserObject();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Create the new edge.
>>>>>> + Link link = new Link();
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Set the tail, going through the model so the link is
>>>>>> added
>>>>>> + // to the list of links.
>>>>>> + ActorGraphModel model = (ActorGraphModel)
>>>>>> getGraphModel();
>>>>>> + model.getLinkModel().setTail(link, sourceObject);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + try {
>>>>>> + // add it to the foreground layer.
>>>>>> + FigureLayer layer =
>>>>>> getGraphPane().getForegroundLayer();
>>>>>> + Site headSite;
>>>>>> + Site tailSite;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Temporary sites. One of these will get blown
>>>>>> away
>>>>>> later.
>>>>>> + headSite = new AutonomousSite(layer,
>>>>>> event.getLayerX(),
>>>>>> event
>>>>>> + .getLayerY());
>>>>>> + tailSite = new AutonomousSite(layer,
>>>>>> event.getLayerX(),
>>>>>> event
>>>>>> + .getLayerY());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Render the edge.
>>>>>> + Connector c = getEdgeController(link).render(link,
>>>>>> layer,
>>>>>> + tailSite, headSite);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // get the actual attach site.
>>>>>> + tailSite =
>>>>>> getEdgeController(link).getConnectorTarget()
>>>>>> + .getTailSite(c, source, event.getLayerX(),
>>>>>> + event.getLayerY());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (tailSite == null) {
>>>>>> + throw new RuntimeException("Invalid connector
>>>>>> target: "
>>>>>> + + "no valid site found for tail of new
>>>>>> connector.");
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // And reattach the connector.
>>>>>> + c.setTailSite(tailSite);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + // Add it to the selection so it gets a manipulator,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> + // make events go to the grab-handle under the mouse
>>>>>> + getSelectionModel().addSelection(c);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + ConnectorManipulator cm = (ConnectorManipulator)
>>>>>> c.getParent();
>>>>>> + GrabHandle gh = cm.getHeadHandle();
>>>>>> + layer.grabPointer(event, gh);
>>>>>> + } catch (Exception ex) {
>>>>>> + MessageHandler.error("Drag connection failed:", ex);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** An interactor for creating relations upon control clicking.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + protected class RelationCreator extends ActionInteractor {
>>>>>> + public RelationCreator() {
>>>>>> + super();
>>>>>> + setAction(_newRelationAction);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// private
>>>>>> variables ////
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + private ConfigureUnitsAction _configureUnitsAction;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** The interactors that interactively creates edges. */
>>>>>> + private LinkCreator _linkCreator; // For control-click
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Factory for listen to actor menu item. */
>>>>>> + private ListenToActorFactory _listenToActorFactory;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Action for creating a new inout multiport. */
>>>>>> + private Action _newInoutMultiportAction = new NewPortAction(
>>>>>> + ExternalIOPortController._GENERIC_INOUT_MULTIPORT,
>>>>>> + "New input/output multiport", KeyEvent.VK_T, new
>>>>>> String[][]
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_inout.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_inout_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + {
>>>>>> "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_inout_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + {
>>>>>> "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_inout_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Action for creating a new input/output port. */
>>>>>> + private Action _newInoutPortAction = new NewPortAction(
>>>>>> + ExternalIOPortController._GENERIC_INOUT, "New
>>>>>> input/output
>>>>>> port",
>>>>>> + KeyEvent.VK_P, new String[][] {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_inout.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + {
>>>>>> "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_inout_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + {
>>>>>> "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_inout_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + {
>>>>>> "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_inout_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Action for creating a new input multiport. */
>>>>>> + private Action _newInputMultiportAction = new NewPortAction(
>>>>>> + ExternalIOPortController._GENERIC_INPUT_MULTIPORT,
>>>>>> + "New input multiport", KeyEvent.VK_N, new String[][] {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_in.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_in_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_in_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_in_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Action for creating a new input port. */
>>>>>> + private Action _newInputPortAction = new NewPortAction(
>>>>>> + ExternalIOPortController._GENERIC_INPUT, "New input
>>>>>> port",
>>>>>> + KeyEvent.VK_I, new String[][] {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_in.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_in_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_in_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_in_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Action for creating a new output multiport. */
>>>>>> + private Action _newOutputMultiportAction = new NewPortAction(
>>>>>> + ExternalIOPortController._GENERIC_OUTPUT_MULTIPORT,
>>>>>> + "New output multiport", KeyEvent.VK_U, new String[][] {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_out.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_out_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_out_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/multi_out_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + + + /** Action for creating a new output port. */
>>>>>> + private Action _newOutputPortAction = new NewPortAction(
>>>>>> + ExternalIOPortController._GENERIC_OUTPUT, "New output
>>>>>> port",
>>>>>> + KeyEvent.VK_O, new String[][] {
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_out.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.LARGE_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_out_o.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.ROLLOVER_ICON },
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_out_ov.gif",
>>>>>> + { "/ptolemy/vergil/actor/img/single_out_on.gif",
>>>>>> + GUIUtilities.SELECTED_ICON } });
>>>>>> + + /** Action for changing the view. */
>>>>>> + private Action _changeViewAction(String strView) {
>>>>>> + String view = strView;
>>>>>> + System.out.println("The View is:" + view);
>>>>>> + return null;
>>>>>> + } {
>>>>>> + + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// inner
>>>>>> classes ////
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// LinkCreator
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** The port dialog factory. */
>>>>>> + private PortDialogAction _portDialogAction;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** The interactor for creating new relations. */
>>>>>> + private RelationCreator _relationCreator;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** The filter for shortcut operations. This is used for
>>>>>> creation
>>>>>> + * of relations and creation of links from relations. Under PC,
>>>>>> + * this is a control-1 click. Under Mac OS X, the control
>>>>>> key is
>>>>>> + * used for context menus and this corresponds to the command-1
>>>>>> + * click. For details, see the Apple java archive
>>>>>> + * http://lists.apple.com/archives/java-dev User: archives,
>>>>>> + * passwd: archives
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + private MouseFilter _shortcutFilter = new MouseFilter(
>>>>>> + InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
>>>>>> + .getMenuShortcutKeyMask(),
>>>>>> Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
>>>>>> + .getMenuShortcutKeyMask());
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// RelationCreator
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> + //// ListenToActorFactory
>>>>>> + private class ListenToActorFactory implements MenuItemFactory {
>>>>>> + /** Add an item to the given context menu that will open a
>>>>>> listen
>>>>>> + * to actor window.
>>>>>> + * @param menu The context menu.
>>>>>> + * @param object The object whose ports are being
>>>>>> manipulated.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public JMenuItem create(final JContextMenu menu, NamedObj
>>>>>> object) {
>>>>>> + String name = "Listen to Actor";
>>>>>> + final NamedObj target = object;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + _action = new
>>>>>> ActorController.ListenToActorAction(target,
>>>>>> + ActorEditorGraphController.this);
>>>>>> + _action.setConfiguration(_configuration);
>>>>>> + return menu.add(_action, name);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /** Set the configuration for use by the help screen.
>>>>>> + * @param configuration The configuration.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
>>>>>> + _configuration = configuration;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + if (_action != null) {
>>>>>> + _action.setConfiguration(_configuration);
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + private ActorController.ListenToActorAction _action;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + private Configuration _configuration;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +}
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Kepler-cvs mailing list
>>>>>> Kepler-cvs at kepler-project.org
>>>>>> http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/kepler/mailman/listinfo/kepler-cvs
>>> --
>>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Kepler-dev mailing list
>>> Kepler-dev at kepler-project.org
>>> http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/k
Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
More information about the Kepler-dev
mailing list