[kepler-dev] eclipse excludes from build system
Aaron Schultz
aschultz at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Feb 9 16:02:22 PST 2009
Thanks David, actually I didn't realize I needed to update the
ant-tasks/eclipse directory as well.
Does that mean I should update the Netbeans and Idea classpaths too? I
was under the impression that the IDE files were being dynamically
generated from a central spot in the build.
David Welker wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> I realize that you have already solved this problem, but per your
> request I am documenting it:
> Modifying Ptolemy Includes and Excludes
> ==============================
> While it is not generally recommended except for people maintaining
> the core modules of Kepler it is possible to change the set of files
> from Kepler that are included and excluded and thus available for use
> by other modules. To do so, modify the contents of the following files:
> 1. <kepler.modules>/build-area/build-settings/ptolemy-includes
> 2. <kepler.modules>/build-area/build-settings/ptolemy-excludes
> The ptolemy-includes file is processed first (that is, anything not
> listed matching a pattern in ptolemy-includes is excluded) and then
> ptolemy-excludes (which further eliminates particular files that
> survived implicit removal but match the patterns in ptolemy-excludes).
> Furthermore, keep in mind that such changes will also necessitate
> changes in files used in IDE generation, especially:
> * <kepler.modules>/build-area/ant-tasks/eclipse/PtolemyClasspath
>> Hi David,
>> Today I noticed an error in eclipse due to a class being moved in
>> ptolemy from a folder that we were excluding in kepler into a folder
>> that we were not excluding.
>> ModelAnalyzer went from ptolemy.data.properties which we exclude
>> to domains.properties.lib which we do not exclude but it had a
>> dependency on
>> a class in ptolemy.data.properties so Eclipse correctly showed it as
>> an error
>> I tried including ptolemy.data.properties and several new errors arose
>> I then tried excluding both ptolemy.data.properties and
>> ptolemy.properties.lib and all errors were fixed
>> Question is...
>> How do we change the ptolemy exclude path in the new build system?
>> Thanks,
>> Aaron
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