[kepler-dev] [Fwd: FW: How to run Junit test cases with new Kepler build]
David Welker
david.v.welker at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 16:08:23 PST 2009
Hi Chandrika,
If you want to be able to only run one test at a time, I can add such a
> Thanks David,
> I am able to run the tests now.
> Sad that I can't run just a single test any more :( That would be a time
> saver, especially when the number of test files gets huge.
> Thanks
> Chandrika
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kepler-dev-bounces at kepler-project.org
> [mailto:kepler-dev-bounces at kepler-project.org] On Behalf Of David Welker
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 3:49 AM
> To: Matt Jones
> Cc: Kepler-Dev; Sivaramakrishnan, Chandrika
> Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] [Fwd: FW: How to run Junit test cases with new
> Kepler build]
> Hi Dan and Chandrika,
> The problem here is the changes that Chad made to try to get testing
> working with NMI. For now, I have reverted back to an older version and
> it should work now. Also, I have added documentation about testing to
> the build system documentation here:
> (https://dev.kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/bui
> ld-system-instructions/
> A copy of that documentation is included in the remainder of this email.
> Let me know if there are any additional problems or questions about
> testing!
> -David
> Testing
> =====
> Assumption:
> You have ANT_HOME defined so that junit-4.5.jar can be copied to your
> ANT_HOME/lib directory if it does not already exist there.
> All Junit tests should be stored in the the tests/src folder of the
> module for which the tests are designed. All test workflows should be
> stored in test/workflows for the module. An example of a module that
> follows these conventions is comad.
> There are three commands that you can use for testing:
> ant test
> This command runs all the junit tests defined in the modules in
> modules.txt. Note that it is no longer possible to run a single JUnit
> test by itself.
> ant test-workflows
> This command runs all the test workflows for all the modules defined in
> modules.txt
> ant test-workflow -Dname=<workflow.name>
> A brief discussion of the last command is necessary. If you specify the
> name of a workflow test, the system will find that workflow in the
> highest priority module for which it is defined. However, very rarely,
> you may have a workflow test of the same name in a lower priority module
> that you want to execute instead. In that case, you can specify the name
> of the lower priority module.
> ant test-workflow -Dname=<workflow.name>
> -Dmodule=<lower.priority.module>
>> Hi Dan and Chandrika,
>> I don't knwo about the test command, but the mailing list did not
>> accept her post because she is not subscribed to the list. We have
>> the list configured to only accept posts from list members because it
>> massively cuts down on the spam volumes that are attempted to be sent
>> through the list. She can post by susbscribing at the list web site:
>> https://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/kepler/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev
>> Matt
>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Daniel Crawl <crawl at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi kepler-dev,
>>> How do we run JUnit tests with the new build system?
>>> I'm forwarding an email from Chandrika, who is getting an error
>>> running 'ant test'.
>>> By the way, can someone please look into why she cannot post to
>>> kepler-dev?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --dan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: kepler-dev-bounces at kepler-project.org
>>> [mailto:kepler-dev-bounces at kepler-project.org] On Behalf Of
>>> kepler-dev-owner at kepler-project.org
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 11:41 AM
>>> To: Sivaramakrishnan, Chandrika
>>> Subject: How to run Junit test cases with new Kepler build
>>> This list only accepts posts from subscribed memebers. To post to
>>> this list you must subscribe. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
>>> Subject:
>>> How to run Junit test cases with new Kepler build
>>> From:
>>> "Sivaramakrishnan, Chandrika" <chandrika at pnl.gov>
>>> Date:
>>> Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:40:52 -0800
>>> To:
>>> <kepler-dev at kepler-project.org>
>>> Hi,
>>> How do I run my Junit test cases/test suites with the new Kepler
>>> build system. With the old version, I used the ant target
>>> 'runonetest' and invoked a single test suite. I don't see a similar
>>> ant target with the new build script. I see a 'test' target but I am
>>> not sure how to use it. I tried to run it just to see what is the
>>> default directory its pointing to/what test cases it ran, but I get
>>> the error '...build.xml:36: The <classpath> for <junit> must include
>>> junit.jar if not in Ant's own classpath'. I do see junit.jar in the
>>> classpath that gets printed just above this error. Am I missing some
>>> other configuration? Could some one point me in the right direction
>>> Thanks Chandrika
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