[kepler-dev] kepler release telecon agenda update

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at ucdavis.edu
Wed Aug 26 08:12:34 PDT 2009

Seems that scheduling this has become the usual nightmare :(

Kepler 2.0 release folk, please go to


and indicate your available times. I only marked the start times, assuming a
2 hour max. telecon..

thanks, cheers


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:23 PM, Aaron Schultz <aschultz at nceas.ucsb.edu>wrote:

> Thursday or Wednesday is good for me.  I'll be out all of Friday.
> -Aaron
> On Aug 25, 2009, at 9:24 PM, Sean Riddle <swriddle at gmail.com> wrote:
>  That works for me.
>> - Sean
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 25, 2009, at 6:54 PM, Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>>  Thursday at noon would work for me too.  I think its important that
>>> Chad and Aaron are able to be there for this call as they both have
>>> bugs in the critical path for the release.  Bertram -- does this work
>>> for you and others?
>>> Matt
>>> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Chad Berkley<berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I can't make it on friday, so I'd like to propose Thursday at noon if
>>>> that
>>>> works for people.  I can also do later in the afternoon on Thursday if
>>>> necessary.
>>>> chad
>>>> Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>>>>> All:
>>>>> In today's Kepler leadership team call we decided to move the planned
>>>>> 2.0
>>>>> release telecon from tomorrow Wednesday to Friday 1pm PDT instead. This
>>>>> will
>>>>> allow us to refine the Kepler 2.0 roadmap document etc. prior to the
>>>>> telecon.
>>>>> As previously: The meeting will happen via the NCEAS Marratech
>>>>> auditorium.
>>>>> If several of the intimately involved parties cannot make that time,
>>>>> please let us know.
>>>>> (we would then shoot for the following Monday..)
>>>>> thanks, cheers
>>>>> Bertram
>>>>> --
>>>>> Bertram Ludäscher
>>>>> Professor of Computer Science
>>>>> Dept of Computer Science & Genome Center
>>>>> University of California, Davis ludaesch at ucdavis.edu
>>>>> <mailto:ludaesch at ucdavis.edu> / www.daks.ucdavis.edu
>>>>> <http://www.daks.ucdavis.edu>
>>>>> Ph: +1-530-554-1800
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
>>>>> <mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>  New agenda:
>>>>>  1) Discuss the leadership team's vision for the Kepler 2.0 release
>>>>>  and rectify that with current development efforts.  Issues are:
>>>>>   - timeline for the 2.0 release
>>>>>   - functionality to include in the 2.0 release
>>>>>   - how to change up currently in-progress development efforts to
>>>>>  meet different goals
>>>>>  2) Discuss the Kepler Release Roadmap for 2.0 and rectify it with
>>>>>  decisions made on the issue 1:
>>>>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/kepler-release-roadmap
>>>>>  3) Discuss the major bugs and the current trajectory of work being
>>>>>  done.  Possibly re-prioritize based on the outcome of issue #1.
>>>>>  These bugs include 3948 (david), 4286 (david and chad), 1750
>>>>>  (aaron), 2493 (aaron), 3898 (aaron), 4246 (chad), 4290 (chad)
>>>>>  4) Discuss the current strategy for getting Kepler 2.0 released and
>>>>>  make any necessary changes to timeline, work assignments, etc.
>>>>>  Once again, this is happening at 13:00 PDT today.  Marratech
>>>>>  auditorium.  See you there.
>>>>>  chad
>>>>>  Chad Berkley wrote:
>>>>>      Hi,
>>>>>      Just a reminder that we're planning a conference call on Kepler
>>>>>      2.0 tomorrow (8/18) at 10:00 am PDT.  The items on the agenda are:
>>>>>      * Discuss the current state of Kepler.  Ad-hoc discussion on any
>>>>>      major, unaddressed issues.
>>>>>      * Discuss the Kepler Release Roadmap:
>>>>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/kepler-release-roadmap
>>>>>      * Discuss each major bug and the current trajectory of work
>>>>>      being done.  These bugs include 3948 (david), 4286 (david and
>>>>>      chad), 1750 (aaron), 2493 (aaron), 3898 (aaron), 4246 (chad),
>>>>>      4290 (chad)
>>>>>      * Discuss the current strategy for getting Kepler 2.0 released
>>>>>      and make any necessary changes.
>>>>>      Please review the bug list and the roadmap document before the
>>>>>      meeting.   We'll use the Marratech silver room for a/v.  I'll be
>>>>>      updating the roadmap document today, so please check it later in
>>>>>      the afternoon.
>>>>>      Please let me know if you'd like to add anything else to the
>>>>> agenda.
>>>>>      Thanks,
>>>>>      chad
>>>>>      _______________________________________________
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>>>>>      Kepler-dev at kepler-project.org
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>>>>>  _______________________________________________
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>>>>>  Kepler-dev at kepler-project.org <mailto:Kepler-dev at kepler-project.org>
>>>>>  http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/kepler/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev
>>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>> Kepler-dev mailing list
>>>> Kepler-dev at kepler-project.org
>>>> http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/kepler/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev
>>> --
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Matthew B. Jones
>>> Director of Informatics Research and Development
>>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>>> UC Santa Barbara
>>> jones at nceas.ucsb.edu                       Ph: 1-907-523-1960
>>> http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinfo
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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