[kepler-dev] [Ptolemy] Re: OrderedRecordToken change[s]
Edward A. Lee
eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Aug 22 06:14:08 PDT 2009
Actually, I think we have many
cases like this if you count records...
I couldn't figure out how to check this using the expression evaluator
because I get:
>> convert(a, b.getType())
No function found matching convert({bar = int, foo = double}, object(null))
Stephen Neuendorffer wrote:
> Hmm... This seems to suggest that they should have incomparable types,
> otherwise you run into hard to understand cases where x != y, but
> convert(x, Type(y)) == y.
> I believe there is only one case like this in the type lattice today,
> relating to string... where 4 != "4.0", but convert(4, double) == 4.0
> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ptolemy-admin at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
> [mailto:ptolemy-admin at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu] On Behalf
>> Of Edward A. Lee
>> Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 1:18 PM
>> To: ben leinfelder
>> Cc: Christopher Brooks; ptdevel; kepler-dev
>> Subject: Re: [Ptolemy] Re: OrderedRecordToken change[s]
>> Ben,
>> equality checks need to be commutative, so 3a and 3b won't work.
>> I.e., if x == y, then it must be true that y == x.
>> Also, with RecordToken, there is no meaning to "the order matches."
>> So I think that if x is a RecordToken and y is an OrderedRecordToken,
>> it needs to always be true that x != y and y != x.
>> Edward
>> ben leinfelder wrote:
>>> Christopher -
>>> I've resolved the PtParser test - actually just rearranged how I had
>>> rules defined in the .jjt file. I'm re-running the test suites to
> verify
>>> that nothing is broken. Thanks for pointing out those resources and
>>> keeping the appropriate lists involved in this discussion - a
> learning
>>> experience for me.
>>> I'm happy to add a section to the expressions chapter, but I think
> there
>>> are some questions remaining - I had a few after reading the
> chapter:
>>> 1. OrderedRecordToken.equals() should return false if the order is
>>> different but all the labels and fields still match. This is
> different
>>> from RecordToken (where the order is not taken into consideration).
> I've
>>> implemented that now.
>>> 2. In terms of expressions and equality tests, I see reference to
>>> 'equals()' and also '==' where the former takes 'type' into
>>> consideration and the latter does not. I'm guessing that the
>>> implementation of '_isEqualTo()' is used when '==' is encountered in
> the
>>> expression. Yes?
>>> 3. How should we handle RecordToken-to-OrderedRecordToken equality
>>> checks (and vice versa)? I believe this is appropriate:
>>> 3a. OrderedRecordToken.equals(RecordToken) will require the order to
> match.
>>> 3b. RecordToken.equals(OrderedRecordToken) will not care about the
> order.
>>> Related note: I've added an additional protected method
>>> _createRecordToken() that allows us to reuse RecordToken methods
> like
>>> _add() without overriding them almost verbatim in OrderedRecordToken
> class.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -ben
>>> On Aug 21, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>> [I'm cc'ing ptdevel and kepler-dev because these are good
>>>> questions about the test harness.]
>>>> To run all the tests in the directory:
>>>> cd $PTII/ptolemy/data/expr/test
>>>> make
>>>> Or
>>>> cd $PTII/ptolemy/data/export
>>>> $PTII/bin/ptjacl PtParser.tcl
>>>> On PtParser-18.6, the fix would be to change the error message
>>>> that is returned. What is happening is that you are changing the
>>>> syntax, so the list of accepted tokens changed.
>>>> See also
> http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemyII/ptIIlatest/ptII/doc/coding/te
> sting.htm
>>>> Edward correctly points out that we would need to update the
>>>> expression chapter
>>>> with this change. I'll send you the latex file separately, if you
>>>> could update
>>>> the section with text about ordered record tokens, then that would
> be
>>>> a win.
>>>> You need not worry about getting the LaTeX right, just getting the
>>>> text in
>>>> is key.
>>>> _Christopher
>>>> ben leinfelder wrote:
>>>>> Is there a way to just run a single test (say on the PtParser)?
>>>>> The entire test quite takes a long time (hour or more) for me to
>>>>> complete.
>>>>> I'm still trying to figure out what I broke and whether I can fix
> it.
>>>>> -ben
>>>>> On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Stephen Neuendorffer wrote:
>>>>>> Remember that 'lossless' isn't necessarily the goal...
>>>>>> My guess that in most cases it will be much more useful to strip
> an ORT
>>>>>> of the order to, for instance, use RecordDisassembler than to
> apply an
>>>>>> implicit order to RecordTokens...
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: ptolemy-admin at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
>>>>>> [mailto:ptolemy-admin at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu] On Behalf
>>>>>>> Of ben leinfelder
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:51 PM
>>>>>>> To: Christopher Brooks
>>>>>>> Cc: ptdevel; kepler-dev
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Ptolemy] Re: OrderedRecordToken change[s]
>>>>>>> Christopher,
>>>>>>> Great instructions. I did make a test fail after my change (and
> oddly,
>>>>>>> three tests stopped failing after my change).
>>>>>>> The one that failed was: PtParser-18.6 (Test bad expression) --
> the
>>>>>>> tcl snippet is below.
>>>>>>> I'm not entirely sure what is being tested by this let alone how
> my
>>>>>>> changes may have impacted it.
>>>>>>> Best guess: I've introduced an expression that used to be
> considered a
>>>>>>> "bad expression" but is now valid because we can parse
>>>>>>> OrderedRecordTokens that are notated with [brackets].
>>>>>>> I'm not sure where to go from here... Suggestions would be most
>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>> In terms of the type lattice: All OrderedRecordTokens are
>>>>>>> RecordTokens, but they will loose their original order if
> represented
>>>>>>> as a RecordToken only. RecordTokens can be converted to
>>>>>>> OrderedRecordTokens losslessly since they will be naturally
> ordered
>>>>>>> when creating the OrderedRecordToken and that order will be
> preserved.
>>>>>>> -ben
>>>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>>>> test PtParser-18.6 {Test bad expression.} {
>>>>>>> set p [java::new ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser]
>>>>>>> catch {$p {generateParseTree String} "\\0"} errmsg
>>>>>>> regsub -all [java::call System getProperty "line.separator"]
> \
>>>>>>> $errmsg "\n" output
>>>>>>> set lines [split $output "\n"]
>>>>>>> list $lines
>>>>>>> } {{{ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: Error parsing
>>>>>>> expression "\0"} Because: {Encountered "\\" at line 1, column
> 1.} {Was
>>>>>>> expecting one of:} { "function" ...} { "!" ...} { "~"
> ...}
>>>>>>> { <COMPLEX> ...} { <DOUBLE> ...} { "-" ...}
>>>>>>> { <INTEGER> ...} { <STRING> ...} { <BOOLEAN> ...}
>>>>>>> { "(" ...} { "[" ...} \ \ \ \ \"\{\"\ ... \ \ \ \ \"\{|\"\
> ...
>>>>>>> { <ID> ...} { <SMID> ...} { <SMIDBRACE> ...}
>>>>>>> { <SMIDPAREN> ...} { }}}
>>>>>>> On Aug 19, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>>> Steve nailed it, the thing to do is update the visitors.
>>>>>>>> One issue is that it might make sense to discuss adding
>>>>>>>> OrderedRecordTokens
>>>>>>>> to the type lattice. I'm not sure how this would work.
>>>>>>>> Can an OrderedRecordToken be lossly converted to a RecordToken?
>>>>>>>> What about the other way around?
>>>>>>>> Anyway, to try your changes, what I would do is:
>>>>>>>> 1) Check out a new ptII tree
>>>>>>>> svn co svn+ssh://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/chess/ptII ptII
>>>>>>>> You have an account on source.eecs.berkeley.edu so you should
>>>>>>>> have ssh access
>>>>>>>> 2) Build using configure
>>>>>>>> cd ptII
>>>>>>>> export PTII=`pwd`
>>>>>>>> Note that if you are on Windows, then don't use `pwd`, use
>>>>>>>> export PTII=c:/yourdirectory/ptII
>>>>>>>> ./configure
>>>>>>>> make >& make.out
>>>>>>>> Look in make.out for compilation failures
>>>>>>>> 3) Then run the tests, and save the output
>>>>>>>> make install tests >& tests.out
>>>>>>>> The install target is not strictly necessary for the tests,
>>>>>>>> but some will fail if jar files are not present.
>>>>>>>> 4) Look at the failed tests
>>>>>>>> egrep "^Failed: [1-9]" tests.out
>>>>>>>> Some tests will fail for you, no big deal, all we want
>>>>>>>> to do is see if your changes cause new failures.
>>>>>>>> 5) Then, make your changes.
>>>>>>>> Your changes should follow the Ptolemy style guide, I've
>>>>>>>> included a recent version. In particular, please follow
>>>>>>>> our naming convention for variables. The formatting can
>>>>>>>> get cleaned up automatically.
>>>>>>>> 6) Rerun:
>>>>>>>> make clean fast install >& make.out
>>>>>>>> Look in make.out for lines that have *** in them.
>>>>>>>> make tests >& tests2.out
>>>>>>>> egrep "^Failed: [1-9]" tests2.out
>>>>>>>> 7) Compare the output of step 4 (tests before your changes)
>>>>>>>> and step 5 (tests after your changes).
>>>>>>>> 8) Check in your changes
>>>>>>>> 9) Profit!
>>>>>>>> _Christopher
>>>>>>>> Stephen Neuendorffer wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Assuming that you modified the AST, probably the main thing is
> to
>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>> sure that all the AST visitors get updated.
>>>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: ptolemy-admin at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
>>>>>>>>> [mailto:ptolemy-admin at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu] On Behalf
>>>>>>>>>> Of ben leinfelder
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:38 AM
>>>>>>>>>> To: Christopher Brooks
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: ptdevel
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ptolemy] Re: OrderedRecordToken change[s]
>>>>>>>>>> Christopher -
>>>>>>>>>> JavaCC, while mysterious, is pretty amazing. After a few
>>>>>>>>>> modifications, a little compilation, and some rat spit
> (MacGyver
>>>>>>>>>> reference) I have OrderedRecordTokens being created by
> PtParser.
>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>> not sure how far I need to cascade some of these changes.
>>>>>>>>>> The bulk of the changes to support bracket-notation happens
> in:
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy/data/expr
>>>>>>>>>> but there are other references (based on how the original
>>>>>>>>>> RecordToken
>>>>>>>>>> is being parsed) in other packages:
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.c
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.cg.kernel.generic.program.procedural.java
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.codegen.c.kernel
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.codegen.java.kernel
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.codegen.vhdl.kernel
>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.verification.kernel.maude
>>>>>>>>>> Are there comprehensive tests that I should run before even
>>>>>> thinking
>>>>>>>>>> about committing this?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the pointers - got me right where I needed to be
>>>>>>>>>> -ben
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 18, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> ben leinfelder wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Christopher,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to revisit OrderedRecordToken support in the ptolemy
>>>>>> "type
>>>>>>>>>>>> lattice" (is that the correct way to say it?).
>>>>>>>>>>>> The actual class (OrderRecordToken) is working great - and
> I
>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>> that it is a subclass of RecordToken since they share so
> much.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As a refresher, the problem with OrderedRecordToken comes
> up
>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>> we represent it as a string.
>>>>>>>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>>>>>>>> OrderedRecordToken is represented as:
>>>>>>>>>>>> {b={4,5,6}, a={1,2,3}, c={7,8,9}}
>>>>>>>>>>>> but when we create a new Token object from this string we
> get:
>>>>>>>>>>>> {a={1,2,3}, b={4,5,6}, c={7,8,9}}
>>>>>>>>>>>> How might we "denote" that the given order be maintained?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could we use a square bracket:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [b={4,5,6}, a={1,2,3}, c={7,8,9}]
>>>>>>>>>>>> or prepend an "o":
>>>>>>>>>>>> o{b={4,5,6}, a={1,2,3}, c={7,8,9}}
>>>>>>>>>>>> Other suggestions?
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>>>>>> In the Ptolemy expression language:
>>>>>>>>>>> {1,2} is an array of two ints
>>>>>>>>>>> [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] is a 2x3 matrix of ints
>>>>>>>>>>> {a=1, b="foo"} is a record
>>>>>>>>>>> So, having
>>>>>>>>>>> [b="foo", a=1] be an ordered record makes a certain amount
> of
>>>>>>>>>>> sense.
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you want to try the mysteries of JavaCC and
> ptolemy/data/expr/
>>>>>>>>>>> PtParser.jj?
>>>>>>>>>>> What I would do is look at the current record code and work
> from
>>>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>>>> Note that JavaCC 4.1 and 4.2 don't currently work, you will
> need
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>> JavaCC 4.0, see
>>>>>>>>>>> https://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=286
>>>>>>>>>>> JavaCC may be found at
>>>>>>>>>>> https://javacc.dev.java.net/
>>>>>>>>>>> The way JavaCC works is that if PtParser.jjt is changed,
> then
>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>> command is run:
>>>>>>>>>>> jjtree PtParser.jjt
>>>>>>>>>>> which produces PtParser.jj. Then, this command is run:
>>>>>>>>>>> javacc PtParser.jj
>>>>>>>>>>> which produces PtParser.java.
>>>>>>>>>>> The devil is in the details here. There could be conflicts
> in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> syntax
>>>>>>>>>>> that will prevent us from using [] to denote an ordered
> record
>>>>>>>>> token.
>>>>>>>>>>> An alternative would be to add a function to the expression
>>>>>>>>>>> language
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> creates an ordered token from its argument, but this is kind
> of
>>>>>>>>> gross.
>>>>>>>>>>> Your suggestion of "o{" would mean that we need to look at
> two
>>>>>>>>>>> characters
>>>>>>>>>>> of lookahead, I'm not sure if this is such a good thing. If
>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>> "["
>>>>>>>>>>> worked, then that would be great.
>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone else have any comments?
>>>>>>>>>>> _Christopher
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> -ben
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 30, 2009, at 8:35 AM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You would need to introduce something into the type system
> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would denote that a token is an OrderedRecordToken. That
> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not be that easy, especially at this late date.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> An alternative would be to create a converter:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> RecordTokenToOrderedRecordToken.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We would need to insert a type as well though. I think
> this is
>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>>>> left until after the release.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _Christopher
>>>>>>>>>>>>> An alternative would be to create a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ben leinfelder wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay, but now I'm stuck on the PtParser code that's used
> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> turning the string representation of a RecordToken into
> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actual object. There's definitely stuff in there that is
> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> immediately obvious to me, but it seems like there won't
> be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to determine from the string alone whether it should be
> parsed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into a normal RecordToken or an OrderedRecordToken.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The constructor RecordToken(String) kicks it off - and it
>>>>>> looks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like changing those node/parser/visitor/whatnot
> constructs
>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be invasive (unless there's a hook I've missed).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is a way to include OrderedRecordTokens in the
>>>>>> PtParser
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff I'm happy to try (with hints). Otherwise I might
> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> override (gasp!) the RecordToken class in our Kepler
> 'wrp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use the ordered map implementation and call it a day
> (for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.0alpha1/South Africa demo).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your feedback,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -ben
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 29, 2009, at 3:47 PM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sure!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One issue is I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow at 4 or
> 5.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _Christopher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ben leinfelder wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Christopher,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know we're getting down to the wire with this
> 2.0alpha1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> release - but I've found a need to override
> RecordToken's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> toString() method in the subclass OrderedRecordToken
> (that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote). The current implementation sorts the labels -
> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's not what we (or anyone) want it to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I commit that change and slip it in Ptolemy even as
> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "clean"?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On a related note, I'm also using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ptolemy.actor.lib.RecordAssembler but finding that I
> (of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> course) don't get my nice OrderedRecordTokens from it.
> Can I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slip in a similar actor (OrderedRecordAssembler) that
> will
>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ordered implementation of RecordToken? I can do it
> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kepler and leave the Ptolemy tree alone, but it seems
> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be good to have the two options next to each other.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -ben
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University
> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> California
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail:
> 337
>>>>>> Cory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hall
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley,
> CA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 94720-1774
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q
>>>>>> Cory)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University
> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> California
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337
> Cory
>>>>>>>>> Hall
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 94720-1774
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q
> Cory)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of
>>>>>>>>> California
>>>>>>>>>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337
> Cory
>>>>>>>>>>> Hall
>>>>>>>>>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA
>>>>>>>>> 94720-1774
>>>>>>>>>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q
>>>>>> Cory)
>>>>>>>>>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Ptolemy maillist - Ptolemy at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
>>>>>>>>>> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemy/listinfo/ptolemy
>>>>>>>>> This email and any attachments are intended for the sole use
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>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Ptolemy maillist - Ptolemy at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
>>>>>>>>> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemy/listinfo/ptolemy
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of
>>>>>> California
>>>>>>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory
> Hall
>>>>>>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA
>>>>>> 94720-1774
>>>>>>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
>>>>>>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
>>>>>>>> <codingStyle.tex>
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Ptolemy maillist - Ptolemy at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
>>>>>>> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemy/listinfo/ptolemy
>>>>>> This email and any attachments are intended for the sole use of
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> If
>>>>>> you are not the intended recipient, do not read, copy, or forward
>>>>>> this email message or any attachments. Delete this email message
> and
>>>>>> any attachments immediately.
>>>> --
>>>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of
> California
>>>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory
> Hall
>>>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA
> 94720-1774
>>>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
>>>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Ptolemy maillist - Ptolemy at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
>>> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemy/listinfo/ptolemy
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> _______________________________________________
> Ptolemy maillist - Ptolemy at chess.eecs.berkeley.edu
> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemy/listinfo/ptolemy
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