[kepler-dev] build issues
Chad Berkley
berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Aug 21 11:20:30 PDT 2009
Hmm, is ptolemy still not building for you? If not, can you check your
build-area/settings/excludes file to see if fuzzy is excluded in your copy?
Matt Jones wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> Yes, I first did an 'svn update' in the build-area, then the change-to
> which failed. This is one of the reasons I don't like the existing
> build -- its very difficult to debug. It would be nice to be able to
> do an 'svn update' and be positive we have the right version of
> modules in place. Here's the procedure I used, that should have
> worked I think:
> 1) cd kepler/modules/build-area
> 2) svn update
> 3) ant full-clean
> 4) ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler
> 5) ant update
> 6) ant run
> But the 4th command produced the error that I sent.
> Matt
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Chad Berkley<berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> Hmm, I'm not sure why that would happen. I did a change-to from an existing
>> checkout and it had no problems getting the new modules. Did you update
>> your build-area prior to doing the change-to? I seem to remember a similar
>> error a while back (like more than a month ago) that David fixed. David,
>> any ideas?
>> That ptolemy error shouldn't be happening if your build-area is up-to-date.
>> The fuzzy package is excluded in the most current
>> build-area/settings/ptolemy-excludes file. If it's still happening after
>> you update your build-area, let me know. I just ran a full update and a
>> full clean build and it worked for me.
>> chad
>> Matt Jones wrote:
>>> Hi Chad,
>>> I'm trying to build Kepler this morning, and got some build errors
>>> when trying to update your new modules. The change-to ant command
>>> complains about several of the new modules that you made, specifically
>>> opendap, ecogrid, authentication-gui, and authentication. Here's the
>>> error it gives for each:
>>> [change-to] opendap:
>>> [change-to] Downloading opendap...
>>> [change-to] svn co -r head null/modules/opendap
>>> /Users/jones/development/kepler/modules/opendap
>>> [change-to] svn: 'null/modules/opendap' does not appear to be a URL
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute
>>> properly and exited with an exit code of: 1
>>> I was able to get the change-to to work by manually checking our the
>>> modules and then rerunning the change-to, which then said that all of
>>> the required modules existed already. At that point ant update worked
>>> as normal. The full build log is pasted below.
>>> After everything was update, I still get a compilation error in
>>> ptolemy, using 'ant clean-all run':
>>> [compile]
>>> /Users/jones/development/kepler/modules/ptolemy/ptolemy/actor/lib/logic/fuzzy/FuzzyLogic.java:52:
>>> package fuzzy does not exist
>>> [compile] import fuzzy.FuzzyEngine;
>>> Matt
>>> Full build error output:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> jones$ ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler
>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>> change-to:
>>> [change-to] Retrieving modules....
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] The module kepler already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module apple-extensions already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module r already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module loader already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module actors already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module directors already exists.
>>> [change-to] opendap:
>>> [change-to] Downloading opendap...
>>> [change-to] svn co -r head null/modules/opendap
>>> /Users/jones/development/kepler/modules/opendap
>>> [change-to] svn: 'null/modules/opendap' does not appear to be a URL
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute
>>> properly and exited with an exit code of: 1
>>> [change-to] ecogrid:
>>> [change-to] Downloading ecogrid...
>>> [change-to] svn co -r head null/modules/ecogrid
>>> /Users/jones/development/kepler/modules/ecogrid
>>> [change-to] svn: 'null/modules/ecogrid' does not appear to be a URL
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute
>>> properly and exited with an exit code of: 1
>>> [change-to] authentication-gui:
>>> [change-to] Downloading authentication-gui...
>>> [change-to] svn co -r head null/modules/authentication-gui
>>> /Users/jones/development/kepler/modules/authentication-gui
>>> [change-to] svn: 'null/modules/authentication-gui' does not appear to be a
>>> URL
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute
>>> properly and exited with an exit code of: 1
>>> [change-to] The module gui already exists.
>>> [change-to] authentication:
>>> [change-to] Downloading authentication...
>>> [change-to] svn co -r head null/modules/authentication
>>> /Users/jones/development/kepler/modules/authentication
>>> [change-to] svn: 'null/modules/authentication' does not appear to be a URL
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] WARNING: It appears that the command did not execute
>>> properly and exited with an exit code of: 1
>>> [change-to] The module util already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module event-state already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module core already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module common already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module ptII already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module module-manager already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module ptolemy already exists.
>>> [change-to] The module ptolemy-lib already exists.
>>> [change-to]
>>> [change-to] Changing the value of modules.txt
>>> Total time: 0 seconds
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