[kepler-dev] ant run fails with NoClassDefFoundError ... ModulesTxtReader
David Welker
david.v.welker at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 12:20:28 PDT 2009
Hi All,
I think I just checked in a fix. However, I can't test it because my
version of ptolemy is not working after I did an update because of the
following error:
[compile] Compiling ptolemy...
[compile] Compiling 2 source files to
incompatible types
[compile] found : java.util.List<KPoint>
[compile] required:
[compile] List<KPoint> bendpoints =
cannot access KEdge
[compile] file KEdge.class not found
[compile] KEdge edge =
incompatible types
[compile] found : KEdge
[compile] required: de.cau.cs.kieler.core.kgraph.KEdge
[compile] KEdge edge =
[compile] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[compile] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[compile] 3 errors
Can someone with an older version of ptolemy that compile please run
again and confirm that the build system is, once again, working
correctly? Thanks!
> Hi Christopher,
> I'm getting the same thing (both for kepler-trunk and the kepler
> suite) after doing an 'svn update' in the build-area module.
> Tim
> On Apr 25, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>> Actually, a clean build on a Windows machine failed with a similar
>> message. I did a checkout and then "ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler".
>> Does the build work for anyone?
>> _Christopher
>> Christopher Brooks wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what's up with this, but "ant run"
>>> fails for me:
>>> run:
>>> [run] args:
>>> [run] Exception in thread "main"
>>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>> org/kepler/core/ant/common/ModulesTxtReader
>>> [run] at
>>> org.kepler.core.loader.ModulesManager.constructModules(ModulesManager.java:22)
>>> [run] at
>>> org.kepler.core.loader.SystemPropertyLoader.load(SystemPropertyLoader.java:18)
>>> [run] at org.kepler.core.loader.Loader.main(Loader.java:60)
>>> My suite is kepler-trunk, changing to the kepler suite is not possible
>>> as I'm connecting via dialup and "ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler"
>>> wants to do a svn co of kepler, which is huge.
>>> This is not a huge deal, I can wait until I have a faster connection.
>>> _Christopher
>> --
>> Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
>> CHESS Executive Director US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
>> Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
>> ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718 (Office: 545Q Cory)
>> home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480
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