[kepler-dev] Request :: Clarrification on Kepler in integration with other application

Paul Allen pea1 at cornell.edu
Thu Apr 16 02:55:48 PDT 2009

Hi Antony,

Here is how to run Kepler from the command line: 

That page also contains how to specify values for workflow parameters, e.g.:

    kepler -runwf -nogui workflow.xml -x 4 -y "foo"

Note here that you can provide values only for formal workflow 
parameters (not actor parameters). That means that the actors in your 
workflow need to be able to run without additional configuration or user 
input in the version of the workflow that you intend to run without a 
gui. Likewise there is no difference between the output a workflow 
produces when it is running with or without the gui. You will have to 
design your workflows that you intend to run without the gui to create 
output files or figure out some other way to capture results since the 
pop-up windows that show workflow results when in gui mode won't be 
present when you run without the gui.

As for getting Kepler to run as part of a web application: It is 
possible but you will have to come up with your own mechanism to make 
workflow output be web accessible. Hydrant does this 
as does SciencePipes 
I believe that the code for Hydrant is open source. The code for 
SciencePipes isn't complete yet, but parts of it may become open source.

To get a workflow to run behind a web app I use code that looks 
something like this:

        MoMLParser parser = new ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser();
// replaces older actors with newer versions
ptolemy.moml.filter.RemoveGraphicalClasses()); // this removes any 
actors that require a gui

        // you can write your own filter to replace standard actors 
(e.g., Text Display or Monitor) with custom versions that
        // make their output web accessible. ActorReplacementFilter is 
my version of that.
        MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter(new ActorReplacementFilter());
        CompositeActor toplevel = (CompositeActor) 
        Manager _manager = new Manager(toplevel.workspace(), "MoMLRunner");

Good luck,

Antony Samy wrote:
> Dear Sir
> Greetings !
> *I am the genuine user, developer and would like to contributer to 
> kepler. Kindly do help me in this. I have been trying for the past 
> three months integrating kepler with other applications. I could not 
> get any output... Kindly help me.*
> *How can I integrate kepler with my Java application. I would like to 
> create workflow using KEPLER GUI TOOL. I do not want it to run in 
> KEPLER tool. But I need to execute it from my application and show the 
> output in my application window that is JSP file. For that which API 
> should I need to call? Is there any Jar file for it? *
> ** 
> *If there is no such libraries to integrate with other applications 
> ... Can not I use it with other applications!!!!!!!!!! Are there any 
> other ways?*
> I would like to know answers for the following questions. Kindly 
> clarrify me, Otherwise I will be wasting my time here unnecessarily
> (I compiled and run kepler using ant in command line but I did not get 
> any output of the workflow..... I do not know how to pass the input to 
> the workflow......Is it possible?......Do you provide Jar files like 
> Hibernate, Struts and EJB to integrate with other web-based java 
> applications ?
> ** 
> 1. Can we run kepler in Command line
> 2. If I am able to run kepler in command line, How shall I pass the 
> input to the workflow
> 3. If I am able to run kepler in command line, How shall receive the 
> output after workflow execution
> 4. There are plenty of modules including ptolemy in kepler, Each 
> module contains sources and libraries, We compile everything using 
> build.xml, after that binaries are created.
> In these scenario how shall I use kepler in my Java Application. 
> If possible to integrate, what are all the libraries are necessory and 
> how to do the configuration for it..... Kindly clarrify all these things
> Thanks in advance for your kind support
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If you fall, do not see the place where you fell, but see the place 
> where you slipped
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> With Regards
> Antony Samy Adaikalasamy
> **
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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