[kepler-dev] Question regarding distributed kepler

Derik Barseghian barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Sep 8 10:56:29 PDT 2008

Hi Yaser,

On Sep 6, 2008, at 1:23 PM, Yaser Jararweh wrote:

> Dear Derik,
> I hope my email find you doing vrey well,
> FYI, we are now using the SVN version of kepler and we are now able  
> to write our own Actors from scratch, also we connect Kepler with  
> DataTurbin by building an interface between both of them to read and  
> write the data streaming.

Interesting. I am curious to know the details of what you have  
designed and what datastreams you are dealing with.
And were you able to make use of the DataTurbine actor?

> We are now working to distribute our models over a cluster of  
> computing nodes, and we have some question regarding this issue.
> 1- Can we write and compile our own director (customise director).

Yes. Please see this thread for details, eventually following the link  
to Edward's presentations about directors:

> 2- Can we have a a director that control other directors from  
> different types.

Yes. Please see this paper:

Also, this thread discusses contained directors a bit:

> 3- we noted that u have something regard the distributed Kepler  
> using (RMI) but there is no real implementation for it, can you  
> explain for us what are you planning to do regarding that issues.

Did you see the webpage about this?

Chad Berkley has been working on this. He may be able to give more  

> Also can we have a conference call with you to talk regard this  
> issues.

Yes, maybe near the end of this week or next week (I'm leaving for the  
EIM conference tomorrow). I haven't worked on distributed computing in  
Kepler, so I will see if others who have could join a call. I will be  
working on this in the future however. We are redesigning the Kepler  
website, and it has a section for distributed computing that we hope  
will be useful to the community for communication and collaboration  
around this topic:

> -- 
> Thank You,
> Yaser


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