[kepler-dev] Pre release 1.0.0 installers

Chad Berkley berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu May 8 15:34:39 PDT 2008

Hi Kepler Developers,

We've been working for the last two weeks to get the Kepler 1.0 release 
out the door.  We've created a set of installers for Linux, Windows and 
OSX that we'd like everyone to have a chance to test.  The installers 
are currently uploading to the web server.  Please give them until 
around 5:00 pm PDT to finish uploading.  Once they are ready, you can 
download them here:  http://kepler-project.org/dist/pre-1-installers/

Please note that this is not yet the release, these are pre-release 
installers for testing purposes.  Please download one or more of them. 
If you find any problems, please report them at 
http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org.  Please list bug 3245 as a blocker 
for the bug you are entering so it is easier to track the release bugs. 
   You can view bug 3245 to see the release bugs we have fixed so far.

Please search the bug database before entering a new bug.  If you find 
one that matches your problem that is marked as "Fixed", please reopen it.

If you could, check out the new documentation that Kirsten and others 
have worked hard on.  The documents include a Getting Started Guide, 
User Guide, Actor Reference and Guide to Ecological Niche Modeling. 
It's linked to the help dialog accessible through Help/Documentation. 
Let us know if you see any typos or inaccuracies.

Notes on the installers themselves:  Right now, we have three 
installers.  The Windows and OSX installers include R.  The Linux 
installer does not.  When we announce the official release, there will 
also be Windows and OSX installers without R.  These are jar files and 
they require that you have Java 1.5 installed before running the 
installer.  On Windows and OSX, you can double click the jar file to 
execute the installer.  On linux, run the command 'java -jar 

Thanks in advance for helping us make sure the release comes out as bug 
free as possible.  The sooner we identify any problems, the sooner we 
can get the release out.


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