[kepler-dev] Kepler Remote Execution Engine
Paul Allen
pea1 at cornell.edu
Thu Jun 19 05:53:07 PDT 2008
I second the notion that getting Tristan's start into a wiki that we can
all edit is critical. I recall Matt saying that we all should be able to
edit the Kepler-Project.org pages, but I don't recall the details. I've
tried logging in with my CVS username password, but that doesn't seem
to get me very far (logged in but not authorized --
I'm going to hold back on comments until we can collaborate via wiki.
Christopher Brooks wrote:
> Hi Tristan,
> This looks pretty interesting. Various Ptolemy sponsors have an
> interest in an execution engine as well.
> One issue is that it seems like this sort of thing has come up
> before. I have no experience with grid computing, but it
> seems like an analysis should include comparisons with grid
> computing and differentiate what a Kepler Remote Execution Engine
> (KREE) would need.
> Also, things like BOINC (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/) have
> always seem of interest. I'd love to see an interface to BOINC
> A project needs a name and I like:
> Kepler Remote Execution Engine (KREE)
> or
> Ptolemy Remote Execution Engine (PREE)
> As a joke:
> Kepler Remote Execution Engine for Ptolemy (KREEP)
> I'm fine with KREE.
> For the record, I've included a copy of your page. Getting this
> on a more accessible wiki somewhere would be good.
> _Christopher
> One of the high priority things I want for Hydrant is to separate out the
> execution of workflows from hydrant itself. This has a number of advantages:
> * Web site performance doesn't suffer if any computation heavy workflows are
> executed.
> * An execution server could be used by other applications.
> * Each institution could deploy it's own execution server, allowing users to run
> workflows on their own institutions servers even if starting the job from
> Hydrant
> Below is a list of requirements for the different concepts I see in such a
> system, followed by a list of work already done.
> * Frontend sends a URI for the workflow it wants to run, Backend returns the ID
> of the newly created job, or throws an error if there is a problem.
> * Frontend can poll the server to get various information.
> * Job status
> * Results
> * Messages (any miscellaneous info)
> * Frontend can implement an interface that will allow it to be sent updates
> from the server as apposed to polling for them.
> * Frontends can tell the server to delete a job. This should be done once the
> frontend has retreived all the results.
> * Backend only allows trusted frontends to connect.
> * Uses certificates.
> ? How to handle file inputs?
> ? dictionary of inputs and URIs to access those files.
> * Each job is linked to the frontend which started it.
> * Only the frontend which started the job can access it.
> * Job lifecycle:
> * Starts off in the 'NEW' state.
> * frontend then posts a number of variables to change for the job.
> * key:'.workflow.path.to.actor.property', value:'value for property'
> * File inputs need to be passed in as URIs to a remote resource that the
> backend can access.
> * Goes to 'QUEUED' when the frontend tells it to.
> * When it can be started, goes into 'RUNNING' state.
> * If it requires user input, goes into 'WAITING' state.
> * If an error occures during execution, goes into 'FAILED' state.
> * When complete, goes into 'FINISHED' state.
> * A list of messages is kept for miscellaneous notifications.
> * Job status and results are stored in a database.
> * Jobs can be stopped and deleted at the client's request.
> * Backend stores a list of restricted Actors, and removes/replaces them from a
> workflow before it's run.
> * Changes like this should be listed in the Job's messages.
> * Backend stores a list of the third party software that it supports (i.e. R,
> Matlab).
> * Workflows are kept on the backend. If the same URI is passed to the backend
> the backend will use the protocols equivalent to http's If-Modified-Since
> header to detect if the workflow has changed since it was last downloaded and
> if not just use the last downloaded version. If the protocol doesn't support
> such a function, it will always download a new copy of the workflow.
> * Easier way to manage output from Actors.
> Christopher Tuot's group has built the beginings of a Backend which loads a MoML
> passed to it in a POST. It supports multiple 'Frontends' which poll the server
> to get results. Jobs and Workflows are currently only stored in memory and are
> lost when the server restarts.
> Jianwu Wang has written a Backend which can load a workflow from a URL.
> * Is it worth exploring an OSGI architecture?
> ============== WHITEBOARD ==============
> ** Social Networking **
> Current:
> Hydrant
> MyExperiment
> Features:
> * Visualisation of Workflows
> - Simple view, no flash or other requirements other than a javascript enabled
> web browser.
> * Sharing Workflows
> * Start Jobs
> - hooks to Execution server
> * Edit Workflows
> - hooks to building server
> * Discussion of Workflows/Jobs
> * Tags/Ratings on Workflow/Jobs
> Requirements:
> ...
> Possible Technologies:
> * google friend connect
> * some form of CMS ?
> * Building
> Current:
> KFlex
> * Execution
> Current:
> Hydrant
> Description: A Frontend/Backend modeled server for executing workflows.
> Features:
> * Multiple frontends.
> * Administration page
> - Handle loading of jars
> - Handle setup of frontends
> Requirements:
> * A standardised API for the backend.
> * Frontends must implement a frontend API
> * Frontend-Backend Security
> - Backend should only accept requests from known frontends.
> Possible solutions: IP security (not ideal)
> Certificate based security.
> (SecurityPlugin)
> * User segregation...
> - If a user starts a job only that user should be able to see/control it.
> Possible solution: only allow servers with trusted certificates to
> access the execution engine, and let them handle
> user access control.
> * Execution Plugin
> - An interface that handles execution of workflows. This should be built
> so that a simple one server execution model can be used to start with
> but a distributed execution model could be easily implemented later on.
> Possible Technologies:
> * Google Web Toolkit for Admin page
> Backend Communication <--a--> Frontend Communication
> ^
> |
> b
> |
> v
> Backend Engine --c--> Database
> --d--> Kepler
> == Database ==
> Job:
> auto id;
> string workflow_file;
> string status;
> MonitorRegister:
> auto id;
> job job;
> string host;
> == Technical Use cases ==
> Queue new Job:
> backend/communication/Backend.java:queueNewJob("http://www.workflowrepo.org/workflow.xml")
> backend/communication/Backend.java:queueNewJob("http://www.workflowrepo.org/workflow.xml", false)
> backend/engine/Engine.java:queueNewJob("http://www.workflowrepo.org/workflow.xml", false)
> --end--
> --------
> Hi all,
> I've been pondering over the requirements for removing the execution side o
> f
> things from the rest of hydrant. I was thinking of putting this on the
> kepler-project wiki, but I couldn't create any new pages (i logged in with
> my username i use for the cvs and unaffiliated institution). Can anyone hel
> p
> me out here? For now i've just put it in my git repository, which can be
> accessed here:
> http://www.hpc.jcu.edu.au/git/?p=jc124742/documents.git;a=blob_plain;f=hydrant-requirements.txt;hb=da7c5bd888faa4591e84509c53ade2291df11db5
> I know there is a lot of other people wanting similar things to this, so
> lets start a discussion and get something that we can put into the Kepler
> Core. If you have any ideas, amendments, criticisms or anything that we can
> discuss, fire away!
> Cheers,
> -Tristan
> --
> Tristan King
> Research Officer,
> eResearch Centre
> James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811
> Australia
> Phone: +61747816902
> E-mail: tristan.king at jcu.edu.au www: http://eresearch.jcu.edu.au
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