[kepler-dev] using svn:externals for linking repositories

Matthew Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Jun 12 02:35:56 PDT 2008


I wanted to mention one of the advantages that we might utilize to make 
it easier for people to build Kepler along with its ptolemy 
dependencies.  In SVN, one can use the svn:externals property to define 
external dependencies that should be retrieved in a given directory when 
checking out a repository.  This means we can define an external 
dependency within the Kepler directory on the ptolemy svn tree, and it 
will be automatically updated when one updates Kepler.  For more 
information on svn:externals, see the SVN Book:

Here's an example of how its done:

$ pwd
$ svn propset svn:externals "ptII/docs/uml 
svn://source.eecs.berkeley.edu/chess/ptII/trunk/doc/uml" .
property 'svn:externals' set on '.'
$ svn propget svn:externals .ptII/docs/uml 

$ svn update

Fetching external item into 'ptII/docs/uml'
External at revision 49784.

At revision 7309.

In the previous example, I created an external dependency on the 
ptII/trunk/doc/uml directory, and told svn to retrieve its contents and 
place them in the relative directory "ptII/docs/uml".  Then I displayed 
the property using the propget command, and then I updated showing the 
external checkout.  Something analogous could be done for the whole 
ptolemy tree, and then the kepler build.xml file could be modified to be 
aware of the presence of the ptII tree inside the kepler checkout.

If we were to include such an external dependency, then nobody would 
have to check out ptolemy separately from kepler, which would of course 
make the default build simpler.  It would also simplify the current 
setup in Eclipse (which currently requires creating a link to ptolemy in 
a separate checkout), because the ptolemy directory would be a 
subdirectory of kepler.  Thus, the default .classpath and .project files 
could be shipped to work immediately after the kepler checkout in Eclipse.

There are some disadvantages to consider:

1) Because ptolemy is using a different URL for anonymous access (svn) 
and write access (svn+ssh), the svn:externals link will not work for 
people who want to write into the ptolemy tree if we default to the 
anonymous access.  Probably not a big deal (the few people with write 
access can have a separate checkout for ptII for writing), but also 
easily solved if ptolemy used a single access url for its repository 
(the kepler SVN url can be checked out anonymously, but also can be used 
for writing, in which case a valid username and password are solicited 
required over an SSL connection).

2) It becomes somewhat more difficult to build against multiple 
different versions of ptolemy, as 1) we'd no longer use the PTII 
environment variable (which we've been trying to eliminate for a long 
time anyway), and 2) the svn:externals is always either linked to the 
HEAD of the directory or to a specific version, so its hard for a user 
to dynamically choose a different revision. Presumably we could modify 
the build to use the PTII environment variable if it is defined, and if 
not use the svn:external link, which might give us the best of both worlds.

3) There's no way to selectively exclude the svn:externals link, so 
everyone who checks out kepler will get a copy of ptolemy, even if they 
already have one elsewhere on disk.  We'd be trading some storage 
redundancy for people who might already have ptII against ease of use 
for newcomers to the project who need to know less to get started building.

That's about it.  I'll be contemplating these build changes some more 
and then making a concrete proposal -- this is just a heads up for 
background. Comments appreciated.

Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu                       Ph: 1-907-523-1960

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