[kepler-dev] question about kepler

dejw dejw at man.poznan.pl
Thu Jul 17 01:46:02 PDT 2008

Hi Jianwu ,

thanks for very fast replay :)

Jianwu Wang wrote:
> Hi Dawid,
>     Thanks for your interest. Please see my part response below.
> dejw wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am quite new user as regard kepler, we are taking part in some very 
>> interesting project which wants to incorporate kepler workflow engine 
>> into portal environment.
>> I have some questions about it, but I'm sure there will be more later:
>> 1. Is it possible to create some simple workflow (or even more 
>> complicated one) and use it later as an actor to build another workflow?
>> Is there some 'abstract' actor which takes workflow xml definition as 
>> parameter and enables to use it as a brick to build another workflow?
>      Yes. With Composite actor, you can encapsulate a workflow as a 
> sub-flow and construct another workflow with this composite actor. You 
> can find some example workflows from the demos directory, (e.g.: 
> getting-started\06-WebServicesAndDataTransformation.xml). Usually, the 
> xml content of  the subflow  need  to be put  in the new workflow xml 
> file. I'm not sure whether a kepler workflow can be imported into 
> another workflow with its URL.
OK we will look at tthis
>> 2. Kepler is a standalone application, do you have maybe some tips 
>> how to use it in portal environment? We want to enable running all 
>> workflows generated in kepler without restrictions.
>> So as I understand we should do some actor replacements (like for 
>> Display for example) and we want add also our actors as we want to 
>> use different grid services which are not covered currently in the 
>> default set of actors.
>     Hydrant project (http://www.hpc.jcu.edu.au/hydrant/) has 
> implemented a very good portal environment of Kepler to run workflows 
> in kepler. Actors for display are replaced in Hydrant before execution.
>     You are welcome to add new actors into Kepler actor repository. If 
> they do not related with display, they should can be executed in Hydrant.
We saw it, it looks very promising, we want to use java for this instead 
of python so we will try to do some kind if it of our own. 

>> 3. Actor repository - I understand that it is possible to have one 
>> common actor repository for some organization? Kepler uses LDAP for 
>> it? Are there some access rights for actors or something like this? 
>> Is it possible to grant some roles to users when LDAP authentication 
>> is used? Is it possible to require login while starting Kepler?
>      You can find the current actor repository at 
> http://library.kepler-project.org/kepler/. Yet it is not widely used 
> currently. We are trying implement more comprehensive actor repository 
> mechanism.
I lookad at this but it rather doesn't work properly ? I have erors, 
nulls and so on while looking at the list of components:

	null 	null 	Download 

	null ... [View Documentation 

and error while downloading:

*type* Exception report


*description* _The server encountered an internal error () that 
prevented it from fulfilling this request._


javax.servlet.ServletException: malformed lsid

*root cause*

com.ibm.lsid.MalformedLSIDException: 200 : LSID must be of the form: urn:lsid:<AuthorityID>:<NamespaceID>:<ObjectID>:[RevisionID], got: urn:lsid: not found: [] Root Cause: java.util.NoSuchElementException null


*note* _The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the 
Apache Tomcat/5.0.28 logs._

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