[kepler-dev] fix for ptolemy matlab actor

ian.brown at hsbcib.com ian.brown at hsbcib.com
Wed Jan 16 05:46:20 PST 2008

I've just started using the ptolemy matlab expression actor 
(ptolemy.matlab.Expression) and I was finding the problem that multiple 
runs would cause a crash.
You could always run a model once but if you invoked it a second time 
without restarting ptolemy (i.e. press run, stop, run, stop) it would 
crash when stopping the second run.
I tracked down the issue to ptmatlab.cc in the routine 
Java_ptolemy_matlab_Engine_ptmatlabEngClose. It was deleting the output 
buffer before closing the matlab engine and without letting the matlab 
engine know not to use it. A solution would be to either call 
engOutputBuffer(ep, NULL, 0) before destroying the memory, or to simply 
delay destroying the memory until after the matlab engine instance is 
closed. I chose the latter and now I can run it fine without any crashes.

I have attached my version of ptmatlab.cc. It has this change plus a few 
fflush(stdout) statements after the logging printfs. This is important as 
without them the java and the C log will use different buffers and you 
cannot verify the correct calling order.


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