[kepler-dev] odd recent change to BasicZList
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Feb 29 07:26:56 PST 2008
Hi Ian,
I was the one who introduced this bug, and Mankit fixed it on 1/22.
From where did you get the tarball? Maybe there is an old tarball
ian.brown at hsbcib.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just synching my local source to the latest ptolemy souce
> tarball.
> I noticed that BasicZList.java has been changed.
> I don't like the change made to BasicZList$GSet.figuresFromFront (approx
> line 251).
> Previously it was:
> public Iterator figuresFromFront() {
> return new Iterator() {
> int cursor = _currentFigures.size();
> public boolean hasNext() {
> return cursor > 0;
> }
> public Object next() {
> cursor--;
> return _currentFigures.get(cursor);
> }
> public void remove() {
> throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
> "Cannot delete figure from geometric set");
> }
> };
> }
> and it has been changed to:
> public Iterator figuresFromFront() {
> return new Iterator() {
> int cursor = _currentFigures.size();
> public boolean hasNext() throws NoSuchElementException {
> return cursor > 0;
> }
> public Object next() {
> if (cursor <= 0) {
> throw new NoSuchElementException("Can't get " +
> cursor
> + "'th element from BasicZList of size "
> + _currentFigures.size());
> }
> cursor--;
> return _currentFigures.get(cursor);
> }
> public void remove() {
> throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
> "Cannot delete figure from geometric set");
> }
> };
> }
> It looks as though the throws designator has been added to the wrong
> member. I think it should have been added to next() and not hasNext().
> Ian
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