[kepler-dev] build a custom actor
Chad Berkley
berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Aug 21 10:15:38 PDT 2008
Hi Dawid,
We're in the process of re-developing the web site with very specific
documentation about what is going to be done. We'll send out an email
to kepler-dev when everything gets finalized.
dejw wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> thanks for your replays, everything is clear now
> So I can see that a lot of thing gonna be changed in kepler - do you
> have maybe some ROADMAP, set of goals with some deadlines or some date
> of release of next version ?
> Dawid
> Chad Berkley wrote:
>> Like I said in a previous email, the repository and the client are not
>> fully developed. It should act in the way you describe, but it
>> doesn't. Right now, the only kinds of actors that can download
>> cleanly from the repository are moml only actors or actors where all
>> of the classes are already in the kepler distro. Sorry for the
>> confusion. I'm hoping that getting this working will be a major
>> priority for Kepler-CORE.
>> chad
>> dejw wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I did some test with ImageJ actor. I had a normal kepler installation
>>> on my laptop.
>>> In components search panel I can search for an actor in local cache
>>> but also after checking the "Search repository" in the remote
>>> repository.
>>> So I can see that ImageJ is included in normal standard kepler
>>> installation - but I wanted to make test of retrieving some actor
>>> from the remote repository.
>>> So I removed totally everything connected with ImageJ from my local
>>> kepler installation. Later if I do a local search I got nothing.
>>> But If I wanted to make a search in the remote repository - I got
>>> error in the console where my kepler is ran:
>>> [java] The class name you entered was either not found in
>>> classpath or coul
>>> d not be instantiated:
>>> [java] util.ImageJActor
>>> [java] Note that this class must be in the classpath from which
>>> you launche
>>> d this program.
>>> [java] util.ImageJActor
>>> [java] could not load result:
>>> org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.queryservice.resul
>>> tset.ResultsetTypeRecord at 945cc54d error: Error getting actor
>>> metadata for resul
>>> tset document: Could not clone 'ImageJ' from the 'util.ImageJActor'
>>> class; the o
>>> bject is null, possibly meaning it was not found. Perhaps there is a
>>> classpath p
>>> roblem and/or the karlib needs to be flushed?
>>> [java] The class name you entered was either not found in
>>> classpath or coul
>>> d not be instantiated:
>>> [java] util.ImageJActor
>>> [java] Note that this class must be in the classpath from which
>>> you launche
>>> d this program.
>>> [java] util.ImageJActor
>>> [java] could not load result:
>>> org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.queryservice.resul
>>> tset.ResultsetTypeRecord at 5ea90b1c error: Error getting actor
>>> metadata for resul
>>> tset document: Could not clone 'ImageJ' from the 'util.ImageJActor'
>>> class; the o
>>> bject is null, possibly meaning it was not found. Perhaps there is a
>>> classpath p
>>> roblem and/or the karlib needs to be flushed?
>>> I don't know then if it is possible at all to get some completely new
>>> actor from the remote repository?
>>> After removing the ImageJ actor I can't even search for it in the
>>> remote repository. It looks like the locally installed kepler have to
>>> have knowledge about all potential actors anyway.
>>> So what for is the remote repository then? Maybe I did some mistake
>>> or don't understand something properly.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dawid
>>> dejw wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have now other question - the LSID number.
>>>> How do I know what number should I use if I want to develop a new
>>>> actor?
>>>> I saw the tutorial on kepler web page:
>>>> "Open the README file in src/actors to look at the last LSID used. Your
>>>> actor will use the next available LSID (say 450). "
>>>> But in fact I never know what set of actors could be in the target
>>>> kepler installation. Maybe someone wrote a bunch of its own ones and
>>>> the
>>>> LSID I will choose won't be free in fact??
>>>> Other thing is the ImageJ example. In manifest I can see:
>>>> Manifest-Version: 1.4.2
>>>> Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0
>>>> Created-By: 1.5.0_10-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
>>>> KAR-Version: 1.0
>>>> lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:kar:154:1
>>>> Name: ImageJ.xml
>>>> lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:actor:251:1
>>>> type: actorMetadata
>>>> Name: ImageJ.jar
>>>> lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:jar:251:1
>>>> type: jar
>>>> Name: ij.jar
>>>> lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:jar:252:1
>>>> type: jar
>>>> Could you explain me what are these LSIDS ? There are others counters
>>>> for kars, jars and actors ??? How do I know what values should I choose
>>>> while implementing the actor?
>>>> What will happen if I set some LSID values in my custom actor/s and put
>>>> them in the repository. Later someone will import them to the local
>>>> kepler installation and such LSIDs numbers aren't free.
>>>> The imported actor will replace some other with the same LSID?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dawid
>>>> Dan Higgins wrote:
>>>>> Hi dejw (and others)
>>>>> It is possible to include jar files used by an actor in the kar
>>>>> package. An example can be seen in $KEPLER/src/actors/ImageJ (This is
>>>>> an example of the ImageJ.kar file.) The key is information in the
>>>>> MANIFEST.MF file which includes references to the jars.
>>>>> Unfortunately, I think you still need to create this package by hand.
>>>>> See http://www.kepler-project.org/Wiki.jsp?page=AddingJarsToKarFiles
>>>>> for a brief discussion.
>>>>> Dan Higgins
>>>>> Sean Riddle wrote:
>>>>>> Putting your Jar files into kepler/lib/jar (or any level below that)
>>>>>> will cause them to be put on the runtime classpath, I believe.
>>>>>> Ideally, you would use KAR files to bundle up actors with stuff they
>>>>>> need, and then you could import that in another Kepler installation;
>>>>>> I've never actually tried it myself, though, so someone else could
>>>>>> probably speak on that better.
>>>>>> - Sean
>>>>>> On Aug 7, 2008, at 4:39 AM, dejw wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I want to build a custom actor for Kepler, I saw the HelloWorld
>>>>>>> example and it is clear for me, that's fine but...
>>>>>>> I want to create quite "big" actor with many jars included which are
>>>>>>> not a part of kepler right now - the question how to do it, where
>>>>>>> should I put my custom jars?
>>>>>>> How can I later exchange this actor with other kepler instances? KSW
>>>>>>> files? If yes is out there any tutorial how to prepare KSW file with
>>>>>>> right stuff inside?
>>>>>>> Can I later upload such actor (ksw?) to repository and download over
>>>>>>> the wire in another kepler instance and use?
>>>>>>> My actor with the jars included may have from about 30 MB even up to
>>>>>>> 100 MB ;)
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Dawid Szejnfeld
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