[kepler-dev] [kepler-users] Personal actor's icon...
jimshsu at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 19:27:54 PDT 2008
I share my experience for you, I used its period of time.
1.I developed a custom actor, and checked README(locate:kepler\src\actors\)
Follow README, Give my custom actor a LSID :537
2.I used "\kepler\configs\ptolemy\configs\kepler\uiSVGIconMappingsByLSID.properties,"
to locate my actor's ICON
add info to "uiSVGIconMappingsByLSID.properties"
find this comment..
### ATOMIC ACTOR ICONS ##############################
add below text
(gap_grid is my custom name for my project)
3.Create Your SVG ICON
I use Inkscape open a blank svg icon(Directory:\kepler\lib\images\svg)
Modify it and Save as "gap_grid.svg"
(svg file neme should mapping to uiSVGIconMappingsByLSID.properties)
4.Create actorthumbs GIF
Use Inkscape export your SVG ICON to BMP
and you should transfer BMP to GIF(modify size 16*16 pix)
This actorthumbs FILE NAME should be "gap_grid-sm.svg"
and locate it "kepler\lib\images\actorthumbs"
(you could copying an existing one actorthumbs .GIF but should change
filename to gap_grid-sm.svg or your custom XXX-sm.gif)
5.Start your kepler..
I hope this info could help..
> I believe the icons all have to be in the same location. Did you try
> putting the svg file in the same directory where all the others are?
> chad
> Quentin BEY wrote:
>> Hi Chad,
>> In fact I face another problem, when I use the mapping by class with
>> an already existing icon it works, but if I use a new one it doesn't
>> find it: it uses a blank rectangle. I tried copying an existing one
>> and change its name for both the svg and the raster icon, it doesn't
>> work either.
>> Do I need to declare the new icon somewhere ?
>> Thanks again,
>> Quentin BEY -ONERA- France
>> Hi Chad,
>> Thanks for answering so fast. I tried those mechanisms you proposed to
>> me. The one using class works easily, I tried it with an already
>> existing icon. The other one seems to be more complex: when I add my
>> actor to the library, it gives me the LSID:
>> urn:lsid:localhost:onto:2:1#GeneralPurpose
>> then I add the lines in the file:
>> # Node
>> urn\:lsid\:localhost\:onto\:2\:1\#GeneralPurpose=control
>> But nothing changes. Actually it doesn't really matter for the first one
>> works well.
>> By the way, I wonder if it's possible to easily add a category of actor
>> in the library such as General Purpose, for instance.
>> One other thing is I haven't find the file named
>> kepler/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/svgIconDefaults.properties
>> neither in the final version 1.0 of Kepler nor on the Nightly Build
>> version I use.
>> Thanks,
>> Quentin BEY -ONERA- France
>> Le mardi 19 ao?t 2008 ? 09:18 -0700, Chad Berkley a ?crit :
>>> Hi Quentin,
>>> In kepler, there is a different mechanism for assigning icons. Look at
>>> the files
>>> kepler/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/uiSVGIconMappingsByClass.properties
>>> and
>>> kepler/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/uiSVGIconMappingsByLSID.properties
>>> You can assign the icon by either class or LSID. Let me know if you
>>> have any problems getting it to work.
>>> thanks,
>>> chad
>>> Quentin BEY wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm facing a problem I can't solve. For all actors I create, I can't
>>>> change the default icon they have (the green rectangular icon). I
>>>> inserted the lines:
>>>> //----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> // Icon is a stop sign.
>>>> _attachText("_iconDescription", "<svg>\n"
>>>> + "<polygon points=\"-8,-19 8,-19 19,-8 19,8 8,19 "
>>>> + "-8,19 -19,8 -19,-8\" "
>>>> + "style=\"fill:red\"/>\n"
>>>> + "<text x=\"-15\" y=\"4\""
>>>> + "style=\"font-size:11; fill:white;
>>>> font-family:SansSerif\">"
>>>> + "STOP</text>\n"
>>>> + "</svg>\n");
>>>> //------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> as told in the tutorial concerning the creation of a Stop actor, but
>>>> when I instantiate it with the Tools-Instantiate Component menu I only
>>>> got the green rectangle. The actor works properly.
>>>> I also tried copying the code of an existing actor and compile then
>>>> instantiate, it's the same.
>>>> Has anybody an idea?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Quentin BEY -ONERA- France
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