[kepler-dev] adding new job manager
Norbert Podhorszki
pnorbert at ornl.gov
Wed Apr 30 05:06:15 PDT 2008
Hi Ufuk,
The JobManager.java: preloadSupporterClasses() loads the JobSupportXXXX
classes, so add your class there.
In the workflows (JobManager actor), you have to use the XXXX for naming
your support class.
Finally, workflows/test/job contains workflow examples for job controls.
Best regards
Norbert Podhorszki
Scientific Computing Group
National Center for Computational Sciences
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phone: (865) 574-7159
On 4/29/08 8:01 PM, "Ufuk Utku Turunçoğlu" <turuncu at be.itu.edu.tr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to implement Platform LSF (Load Sharing Facility) support to KEPLER Job
> Manager actor. I found that types of job managers is controlled by
> src/org/kepler/job/JobSupportXXXX.java and src/org/kepler/job/JobManager.java
> files. What steps is necessary to adding new job manager? Is there any other
> file that control it.
> best regards,
> --ufuk
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