[kepler-dev] question about logging and monitoring

Norbert Podhorszki pnorbert at cs.ucdavis.edu
Tue Sep 11 08:01:33 PDT 2007

Hi Ian,

org.kepler.actor.Logger is a sink to files. One can log into one file from 
several places in the workflow but also can use more than one file using 
this actor. Each instance can have a header string to distinguish among 
the different places.

You can start from that to create a log4j like actor.

Note: The Logger actors (instances) close the files in the wrapup() method 
but it seems that wrapup() may be called for actors in a composite before 
the whole workflow finishes.


      Norbert Podhorszki
      University of California, Davis
      Department of Computer Science
      1 Shields Ave, 2236 Kemper Hall
      Davis, CA 95616
      (530) 754-8188
      pnorbert at cs.ucdavis.edu

On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, ian.brown at hsbcib.com wrote:

> Hi, I have quite a large model that runs in real time using the Discrete
> Event Director and which buys / sells currency on various foreign
> exchanges. At the moment, I monitor this by means of a number of Timed
> Scopes, monitors and displays attached as sinks at various 'interesting'
> parts of the model. This is okay for a small scale implementation but will
> not scale - eventually we may be running up to 100 models simulataneously!
> What I think is required is for the individual models to log relevant
> information as they run. A separate (and probably remote) application can
> then selectively monitor those log signals. My thought at the moment is to
> use log4j (because that's what Kepler seems to use). I'm thinking that I
> can develop an actor that is a log4j sink (i.e. it is a sink that just
> writes the input data to a specified log4j destination). Then, we can
> develop something to watch the log output in real time on another machine.
> My question is whether this is a good idea. Does anyone have any experience
> in doing anything like this and in such case is there any experience that
> you can offer?
> Thanks,
> Ian
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