[kepler-dev] Kepler Web UI?
Matthew Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Oct 19 08:34:17 PDT 2007
Paul --
There are some efforts that I know of working on this.
1) GEON: created a system for selecting, paramaterizing, and running
Kepler workflows or LIDAR data processing inside a portlet. As far as I
know the code is not checked into the Kepler cvs. The developer on
this, Efrat Frank, has moved on, but her colleague Ilkay Altintas
(altintas at sdsc.edu) at SDSC may be able to help locate the work.
2) SanParks: this project at NCEAS is focused on making workflows that
scientists create available to managers who need to run the workflows
and inspect the results. The project has not yet begun development on
this task, but we intend to build a general framework that can be
deployed with kepler and that is broadly usable by many projects for
browsing and executing workflows and inspecting the results via the web.
We will likely build upon the work already done in archiving workflows
and searching for them on the web in the Kepler Component Library.
Contact me for more information.
3) Chip-chip: this project at UC Davis is creating a web-based
environment for scientists to use to run experiments using Kepler
workflows. They have described their architecture as one in which
developers and domain programmers create workflows and workflow
components that can be used by scientists to compose and execute
workflows on the web. I am unsure of the status of this project.
Contact Shawn Bowers (bowers at ucdavis.edu) for more details.
4) Trivial cgi: Attached, I wrote a trivial CGI script in perl that
demonstrates the ability to run a workflow (in this case, one that
generates html output) and display the results on the web. Proof of
concept only -- we're not intending for this development to go anywhere
(it was a 4 hour project). I believe Josh Madin extended this to make
the script a bit more general.
5) Others: this is a common question, so I'm sure there are other
efforts along these lines.
Hope this helps,
Paul Allen wrote:
> I've heard that there have been a couple of projects that have made
> progress toward porting the Kepler UI into a web environment (i.e. a
> browser based UI). Can anybody tell me where those projects are and how far
> along they are? Are they still active?
> Thanks loads,
> -Paul
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Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu Ph: 1-907-523-1960
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