[kepler-dev] Documentation: ptolemy.domains.ct.lib.integrator

Christopher Brooks cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 27 20:11:16 PDT 2007

Hi Glen,

w.r.t is not so bad, but I changed it anyway, since I would probably
change w.r.t if it was in the Ptolemy docs.

One possibility would be save up these sorts of typos and send
kepler-dev a chunk of them every day or so.

I feel that syntactically correct documentation is critical to the
success of the Ptolemy project.



        How do you feel about the change suggested below in the  
    ptolemy.domains.ct.lib.integrator (spelling out w.r.t.). Is this too  
    picky? Personally, I think it's more clear to spell out and not assume:
    //// Integrator
      An integrator in the continuous time (CT) domain.
      This actor has one input port and one output port. Conceptually,
      the input is the derivative of the output w.r.t. time. So an ordinary
      differential equation dx/dt = f(x, t) can be built by:
    //// Integrator
      An integrator in the continuous time (CT) domain.
      This actor has one input port and one output port. Conceptually,
      the input is the derivative of the output with respect to time.
      So an ordinary differential equation dx/dt = f(x, t) can be built
    glen at glenjarvis.com
    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi

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