[kepler-dev] Can I use Ptolemy actors in Kepler?
Chad Berkley
berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Jun 21 15:31:18 PDT 2007
Everyone seems to want *all* actors to be fully searchable and fully
documented in the tree, but no one wants a startup time >.0001 seconds.
You can't really have it both ways. Either you have more
functionality in the tree or you have less startup time. I know there
are ways that we can optimize the current system to make it a bit
faster, but IMHO, it's not going to startup as fast as wordpad anytime soon.
right now, most of the ptII actors are in the tree. If there are ones
you want in there that aren't, it's easy to add them. catch me on irc
or write me an email if you want a tutorial. You can also create your
own ontology for your own customized views of the tree for you or your
project. That is a bit more complicated, but there are several examples
of how to do it and I'm sure shawn would be willing to field any questions.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that anyone is free to dig into the
startup time problem and hack on it. Dan has sent out several good
emails on the subject in the last couple weeks.
Efrat Frank wrote:
> It would be great if there was a way to show actors in the tree
> without loading them, and when the user drag&drops an actor it would
> use the same method as in 'instantiate component'.
> Efrat
> On Jun 21, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Norbert Podhorszki wrote:
>> Good idea, but first, please, implement a faster start-up for Kepler.
>> With the current Kepler I would vote for throwing out actors from the
>> tree ;-)
>> Norbert
>> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Daniel Crawl wrote:
>>> Why not put all of the Ptolemy actors in the actor tree? This would
>>> allow searching as well as browsing. If it's a matter of creating
>>> momls,
>>> couldn't that be automated? The Ptolemy actors currently not in
>>> the tree
>>> go in a new "unofficial" or "unsupported" category.
>>> --dan
>>> Dan Higgins wrote:
>>>> If you really want a 'browse' mode, why not add the actor to
>>>> Kepler's
>>>> 'official' list of supported and documented actors and just
>>>> include it
>>>> in the actor tree?
>>>> It could be done under the menu item, but it would require the
>>>> system to examine all java classes and determine whether they are
>>>> entities or attributes (or we put all the entity/attribute
>>>> classes in a
>>>> single location).
>>>> Dan
>>>> Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:12:00 -0700 (PDT)
>>>>>>>> Norbert Podhorszki <npodhorszki at ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> Hi Tony,
>>>>> NP> If you find a Ptolemy actor useful, just remember its class
>>>>> name (e.g.
>>>>> NP> ptolemy.actor.lib.Ramp). In Kepler, "Tools/Instantiate
>>>>> Component" menu
>>>>> NP> allows you to type in the class name, which will put an
>>>>> actor instance on
>>>>> NP> your canvas just as dragging one from the actor tree.
>>>>> hmm... I guess from a user's POV, it would be nice to not have to
>>>>> remember but to be able to enter a "browse mode" and look through
>>>>> what's there...
>>>>> maybe yet another possible "todo" .. comments anybody?
>>>>> Bertram
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> The ptolemy jar is stored in the kepler.jar, so you have
>>>>> access to any
>>>>> NP> Ptolemy actors and directors.
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> If you want to use a director not in Kepler tree, you have
>>>>> to use the
>>>>> NP> "Tools/Instantiate Attribute" menu. I use it to get a DDF
>>>>> director
>>>>> NP> frequently (class ptolemy.domains.ddf.kernel.DDFDirector).
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> I suppose, you can create a kar file for any ptolemy actor
>>>>> just as for
>>>>> NP> kepler actors, if you want to add some of them into the
>>>>> Kepler actor tree.
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> Best regards
>>>>> NP> Norbert
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> On Wed, 20 Jun 2007, Tony O'Hagan wrote:
>>>>> NP>
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I've had a few attempts to build a more complex workflow
>>>>>>> involving
>>>>>>> processing sequences of arrays and found some needed actors
>>>>>>> not available in
>>>>>>> Kepler but present in the Ptolemy actor libraries.
>>>>>>> So ... I'd like to use many of the Ptolemy actors in Kepler.
>>>>>>> Is this possible? Are there are any known risks combining them?
>>>>>>> What steps do I need to follow to import or compile them?
>>>>>>> Are there any plans to support the Ptolemy actors preloaded
>>>>>>> inside Kepler?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Tony.
>>>>>>> I tried to catch people on IRC again today but got no response.
>>>>>>> I have a list of several more questions which I can probably
>>>>>>> sort out
>>>>>>> quicker via an interactive discussion.
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>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP>
>>>>> NP> Norbert Podhorszki
>>>>> NP> ------------------------------------
>>>>> NP> University of California, Davis
>>>>> NP> Department of Computer Science
>>>>> NP> 1 Shields Ave, 2236 Kemper Hall
>>>>> NP> Davis, CA 95616
>>>>> NP> (530) 752-5076
>>>>> NP> pnorbert at cs.ucdavis.edu
>>>>> NP> ----------------------------------
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>>>>> NP> Kepler-dev mailing list
>>>>> NP> Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
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>>>>> listinfo/kepler-dev
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>> Norbert Podhorszki
>> ------------------------------------
>> University of California, Davis
>> Department of Computer Science
>> 1 Shields Ave, 2236 Kemper Hall
>> Davis, CA 95616
>> (530) 752-5076
>> pnorbert at cs.ucdavis.edu
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