[kepler-dev] Problem fix when building Kepler via both Eclipse Ant + Eclipse Project

Derik Barseghian barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Jun 6 17:14:18 PDT 2007

Hi Tony,

I'm also using Eclipse to build and work on Kepler, though am new to
both. I agree, the build time for Kepler is long! I've just tried
building before and then after following your instructions below, but
Eclipse took the same amount of time each time--a little over 14 minutes
(dual 3ghz machine). How much time did you save when excluding "build/"?
I have noticed that right after a build, any consecutive builds without
changes will occur nearly instantly...I suspect Eclipse isn't really
doing anything when it sees nothing has changed. Was this maybe what you


On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 15:11 +1000, Tony O'Hagan wrote:
> I found that when building Kepler+Ptolemy using Eclipse Project and Eclipse
> Ant that you can get into what I suspect is an infinite build loop or at
> least a very long and slow build (I ran out of patience and aborted Eclipse
> several times).
> To avoid this you need to exclude the "build/" subdirectory from the
> kepler/ptII build path.  I'd recommend that .classpath.default be updated to
> reflect this change (I don't have CVS write access).
> Step by Step:
> 1. Select Eclipse 'kepler' project 
> 2. View project properties via the context menu.
> 3. Select 'Java build path' 
> 4. Select the 'Source' tab
> 5. Under the 'kepler/ptII' source tree select the 'Excluded' tree node
> 6. Click the 'Edit' button
> 7. Click the lower 'Add' button beside the Exclusion patterns.
> 8. Enter 'build/' in the pop up window.
> 9. Save & Close all dialogs.
> Cheers,
> Tony O'Hagan
> http://itee.uq.edu.au/~tohagan
> http://tony.ohagan.name
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