[kepler-dev] Best practice for custom actor development
Dan Higgins
higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Aug 15 15:05:07 PDT 2007
The same process described by Edward will work in Kepler except that the
menu item for adding an actor is 'Tools/Instantiate Component'. Note
that in the beta3 release of Kepler, all the Ptolemy classes are
included in the $KEPLER/build/kepler.jar file.
Dan Higgins
Edward A. Lee wrote:
> I'm not sure how to set up the actor for use in Kepler,
> but in Ptolemy, you don't need to recompile everything.
> You can create a subclass of ptolemy.actor.TypedAtomicActor,
> (to compile this, you need to specify to the compiler
> to reference a Ptolemy jar file or classpath root).
> Then when you start vergil (the UI), you can load this
> actor as long as it is in the classpath... (you can specify
> the classpath on the command line, if you want to put the
> actor in some arbitrary place). To load it,
> go to the Graph menu, and select Instantiate Entity.
> Then just specify the full class name, relative to the
> classpath.
> Edward
> At 09:38 AM 8/15/2007, ian.brown at hsbcib.com wrote:
>> Hi Ilkay,
>> I had seen that link in my browsing but I was hoping there would be a
>> way to create an actor without having to compile the entire system from
>> scratch. The link implies that I need to set up a development environment
>> for both ptolemy and kepler and compile both from cvs. That's quite a lot
>> of work to add a block.
>> At the moment I am trying to understand the differences between kepler and
>> ptolemy and from that hoping to decide which is better suited. I am
>> favouring kepler at the moment because it seems better integrated with R
>> and MATLAB and that's what our analysts use. Looking at the integration of
>> these though, it would be reasonably trivial to achieve the same
>> integration in ptolemy.
>> Is Kepler an extension to Ptolemy or is it a variant. In other words, if I
>> chose Kepler do I sacrifice some options or functionality that are present
>> in Ptolemy and if so, what are thet?
>> Would the best route for me be to first generate the Actor for Ptolemy and
>> then migrate it to Kepler - I think I read somewhere that I could use
>> Ptolemy actors in Kepler.
>> Thanks for you time,
>> Ian
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> ------------
> Edward A. Lee
> Chair of EECS and Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor
> 231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
> phone: 510-642-0253, fax: 510-642-2845
> eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal
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Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Ph: 805-893-5127
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