[kepler-dev] [Bug 2809] New: - Browser Display actor fails for Mac/Linux
Glen Jarvis
glen at glenjarvis.com
Wed Apr 4 16:10:22 PDT 2007
I saw your email yesterday for Efrat regarding this bug fix. I
decided to do a quick test (not very thorough) on the same platform
where I saw the original problem. All other versions of Kepler were
removed. I downloaded the nightly build from last night and tested.
The problem still occurs and now the ImageJ browser also does not
work. [Unless there was a testing/install problem on this machine; as
mentioned, the test was done quickly.]
The platform is the same as before (but details could be included
again if necessary).
When loading the Image Display (3 example), deleting the ImageJ actor,
and adding the "Browser Display" actor, the following is seen:
> Reading from the browser - val = false
> 488 ms. Memory: 84596K Free: 21709K (26%)2007-04-04 17:52:51.941
> java[446] LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -43 for application (null)
> path //Users/gjarvis/kepler20070404/demos/getting-started/demos/
> getting-started/species-distribution.PNG.
When reverting to ImageJ (also tested with ImageJ upon fresh load of
Kepler), the following is seen:
> Error evaluating expression: .//demos/getting-started/
> species-distribution.PNG in .03-ImageDisplay.ImageJ.fileOrURL
> Because:
> problem creating otput file (in attributeChanged method)
Stack Trace follows:
> ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: Error evaluating expression:
> .//demos/getting-started/species-distribution.PNG
> in .03-ImageDisplay.ImageJ.fileOrURL
> Because:
> problem creating output file (in attributeChanged method)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable._evaluate(Variable.java:1606)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.getToken(Variable.java:602)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.StringParameter.stringValue(StringParameter.java:94)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter.asURL(FileParameter.java:209)
> at util.ImageJActor.fire(ImageJActor.java:184)
> at ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor.iterate(AtomicActor.java:337)
> at
> ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector.fire(StaticSchedulingDirector.
> java:170)
> at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.fire(CompositeActor.java:354)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager.iterate(Manager.java:681)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:331)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:1057)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1098)
> Caused by: ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: problem creating
> output file (in attributeChanged method)
> at util.ImageJActor.attributeChanged(ImageJActor.java:123)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable._setTokenAndNotify(Variable.java:1924)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable._evaluate(Variable.java:1603)
> ... 11 more
> Caused by: ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: problem
> creating output file (in attributeChanged method)
> at util.ImageJActor.attributeChanged(ImageJActor.java:123)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable._setTokenAndNotify(Variable.java:1924)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable._evaluate(Variable.java:1603)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.Variable.getToken(Variable.java:602)
> at
> ptolemy.data.expr.StringParameter.stringValue(StringParameter.java:94)
> at ptolemy.data.expr.FileParameter.asURL(FileParameter.java:209)
> at util.ImageJActor.fire(ImageJActor.java:184)
> at ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor.iterate(AtomicActor.java:337)
> at ptolemy.actor.sched.StaticSchedulingDirector.fire(
> StaticSchedulingDirector.java:170)
> at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.fire(CompositeActor.java:354)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager.iterate(Manager.java:681)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:331)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:1057)
> at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1098)
Warmest Regards,
Glen Jarvis
glen at glenjarvis.com
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi
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