[kepler-dev] command line kepler , server side
Efrat Frank
efrat at sdsc.edu
Wed Sep 27 15:56:10 PDT 2006
Hi Lance,
Under src/org/geon there is a class called WorkflowExecute. You can
deploy it as a web service (or just call it from a jsp page). The
execute method accepts a workflow URL and a java.util.Map of inputs.
For the deployment you'd need to have the kepler.jar and
kepler-config.jar and all other required jars on the remote machine.
You'd also need to make the remote site java.awt headless, in order to
allow execution of swing components on the server side.
I was using this class from a web form therefore all of the inputs are
strings, but the setInputs method can easily be modified to accept other
types (there are translations in the code for various formats). For the
same reason, this class returns only a single output (that is redirected
back to a web page), but you can modify this as well. The output token
can be of any type, and I translate it and return its string representation.
The required changes in the workflow to be able to execute on the server
side are as follows:
- For each required input, you'd need to create a workflow parameter
(String parameter, in case of using web forms). In the inputs map, you'd
be setting these parameter values, where the key names are the same as
the workflow parameters.
- For the output, You'd need to create a workflow parameter called
'output' and use the SetVariable actor to set its value.
In the attached images you can see the workflow input parameters (which
are used within the actors, by configuring them, i.e. double clicking).
This workflow originally displays its output on a browser window, thus
the BrowserDisplay actor is replaced with a setVariable which sets the
output variable to the URL to be displayed.
Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any questions,
Lance De Vine wrote:
>Dear Kepler users/developers,
>Was wondering if anyone could direct me to some information about
>executing Kepler workflows via the commandline without the GUI.
>I would also be interested in getting Kepler to run server-side.
>Any help would be appreciated.
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