[kepler-dev] Fwd: 1st CFP Int'l workshop on Workflow systems in e-Science (WSES 2007)
Ilkay Altintas
altintas at sdsc.edu
Thu Oct 19 14:43:34 PDT 2006
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Zhiming Zhao" <zhiming at science.uva.nl>
> Date: October 19, 2006 12:50:59 AM PDT
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;;undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: 1st CFP Int'l workshop on Workflow systems in e-Science
> (WSES 2007)
> (Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this CFP.)
> Dear colleagues:
> First announcement
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 2nd International Workshop on
> Workflow systems in e-Science
> (WSES 07)
> in conjunction with
> International Conference on Computational Science 2007
> (http://www.iccs-meeting.org/)
> May 27-30, 2007, Beijing, China
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> =================
> Grid environments enable collaborations involving large numbers of
> people
> and large
> scale resources, and promote the emergence of a new paradigm for
> scientific
> research: e-Science. Different layers of middleware, e.g., for
> managing Grid
> resources, computing tasks, data, and information, form the basic
> framework for
> realising an e-Science environment. By automating the management of
> experiment
> routines, a scientific workflow management system hides the underlying
> integration
> details of the e-Science resources and allows a scientist to focus
> on the
> high level
> domain specific aspects of the experiments. The support for scientific
> workflows is
> being recognised as a crucial feature for introducing an e-Science
> environment to
> application scientists from different domains.
> The WSES workshop focuses on practical aspects of scientific workflow
> management
> systems: design, implementation, applications in all fields of
> computational science,
> interoperability among workflows and the e-Science infrastructure,
> e.g.,
> knowledge
> framework, for workflow management. The workshop aims to provide a
> forum for
> researchers and developers in the field of e-Science to exchange
> the latest
> experience and research ideas on scientific workflow management and
> e-Science. Live
> demos of workflow systems and workflow application are welcome.
> The WSES 06 was successfully held in the context of International
> Conference of
> Computational Science 2006 in Reading University in May 29 2006.
> The workshop
> attracted 29 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by at least three
> referees, and 17
> papers, including 9 regular ones and 8 short ones, were accepted. The
> presentations
> were organized as three sessions: scientific workflows
> applications, system
> architecture and middleware, and development issues. One discussion
> session was
> organized at the end of the workshop. Selected papers are to be
> appeared
> in a special
> issue of Scientific Programming Journal.
> ===========
> Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts that demonstrate
> current research
> in all areas of scientific workflow management in e-Science. The
> workshop
> solicits
> novel papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
> * Workflow infrastructure and e-Science middleware
> * Workflow API and graphical user interface
> * Workflow modelling techniques
> * Workflow specification language
> * Workflow execution engine
> * Dynamic workflow control
> * Workflow verification and validation
> * Workflow system performance analysis
> * Support tools for managing workflows
> * AI techniques in workflow management, e.g., planning, runtime
> control
> and user
> support;
> * Security control in managing workflow
> * Real-world applications of scientific workflow
> * Different levels of interoperability among workflow systems;
> * Automatic composition of scientific workflow;
> * Knowledge infrastructure in workflow management;
> ===========
> Authors should submit electronically a full (8-page) paper to the
> workshop
> via the
> ICCS 2007 paper submission system. The papers will be carefully
> evaluated
> based on
> originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
> expression.
> Accepted
> papers should be presented at the workshop. All accepted papers
> will be
> published
> in the conference proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
> (LNCS)
> series by
> Springer-Verlag. Selected best papers, after extension, will be
> published
> in a
> suitable international journal as a special issue.
> * December 1, 2006 Full paper due
> * February 3, 2007 Notification
> * February 19, 2007 Camera-ready paper due
> ===========
> * Pieter Adriaans (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
> * Ilkay Altintas (University of California, USA)
> * Marian Bubak (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow,
> Poland).
> * Ewa Deelman (University of Southern California, USA).
> * Bob Hertzberger(University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
> * Andreas Hoheisel (Frauhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and
> Software Technology, Germany)
> * Peter Kacsuk (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian)
> * Cees de Laat (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
> * Minglu Li (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China).
> * Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA).
> * Syed Naqvi (CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)
> * Peter Rice (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK).
> * Ian Taylor (Cardiff University, UK).
> * Zhiwei Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China).
> ============
> Dr. Zhiming Zhao
> email: zhiming at science.uva.nl
> Tel: +31 20 5257530
> Fax: +31 20 5257490
> www: staff.science.uva.nl/~zhiming
> Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
> 1098SJ, Amsterdam, the Netherlands?
> Dr. Adam Belloum
> email: adam at science.uva.nl
> www: staff.science.uva.nl/~adam
> Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
> 1098SJ, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Assistant Director, National Laboratory for Advanced Data Research
Manager, Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Lab
San Diego Supercomputer Center(SDSC), UCSD
9500 Gilman Drive, MC: 0505 La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
phone: (858) 822-5453 fax: (858) 822-3693
web: http://users.sdsc.edu/~altintas
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