[kepler-dev] problem using Web Service widget with certain wsdl return type
Ilkay Altintas
altintas at sdsc.edu
Mon Nov 6 12:28:14 PST 2006
What is an example input to this service for testing it?
On Nov 6, 2006, at 8:03 AM, Zhen Qian wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use the wsdl from EBI(http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/
> webservices/wsdl/WSDbfetch.wsdl) with the method "fetchData", which
returns value of type "ArrayOf_xsd_string".
> I couldn't get the text display widget to show the return result. If I
run the workflow in the XP, I got "invalid string error", means some
chars inside the return result is not parsable; If I run the workflow
in Mac OSX, I simply got empty screen.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> - Zhen
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